This is one of the most mysterious places in Gensokyo. There lives a girl who is always seventeen years old. She has a shikigami, and another shikigami of hers, protecting the great barrier of Gensokyo.

The owner here has long blond hair, wearing a western dress, a purple Taoist robe on the outside, a zun hat on his head, and an umbrella in his hand. He is about [-] meters tall.

She is the ghost sage of Gensokyo: Yakumo Zi.

Her ability is the ability of the gap and the ability of the realm. The gap is the gap between spaces. She can travel anywhere in Gensokyo at will, and is also used for peeping and attacking...

But the state is a bit more complicated. As we all know, the existence of things is based on the existence of the state. Without the water surface, the lake cannot exist.Without ridges, the mountains and the sky would not exist.Without the Great Barrier, Gensokyo would not exist.

If the realm of all things does not exist, it becomes chaos.

That is to say, the ability to manipulate the realm is simultaneously the ability to create and destroy.In theory, new existence can be created, and existing existence can also be destroyed.Among monsters, this ability can fight against gods, and it is one of the most dangerous abilities.

Yakumo Zi sat on a stone table in a beautiful courtyard, holding a glass of sake in her hand, frowning slightly, and said calmly: "Lan, there is a change in the Great Barrier."

Originally, she should be sleeping at this time, but five minutes ago, a person suddenly disappeared out of thin air from the Great Barrier, it was a real disappearance, and she also felt the fluctuation of space.

It was a very ordinary house, in which lived two sentinels, one old and one young, guarding the magic forest to the people's land, so as not to catch the residents of the land by surprise when a monster suddenly appeared and ran away.

The old man has passed away, leaving behind a boy, a strange boy who shouldn't be in Gensokyo.

When she opened the gap to look there, she found that there was only one monster, and it was her former friend, the dark monster Rumia. Since she was sealed by the previous generation of Hakurei Miko, she has forgotten the past.

She thought that Rumia had eaten that person, but she found that there was no blood there, and Rumia was crying and crying all the time, so she ignored it.

Originally, I wanted to deal with it as a supernatural event, but I didn't expect that just five minutes later, the boy came back, followed by the boy, and there was a sea with a radius of about a hundred miles, which was docked at the edge of Gensokyo.

This is not just sea water, there are actually some living organisms in it, all of which are marine creatures such as fish and shrimp, and even a sea monster, but it is very weak.

At this moment, her demon power, which hadn't improved in a hundred years, actually improved!

Standing beside Yakumo Zi is her shikigami: Yakumo Blue.

The same blonde hair as Yakumo Zi, but much shorter.There are a pair of fox ears on the head, and there are nine huge tails, mainly golden, and the tip of the tail is white. Usually, the hands are always inserted into the sleeves. The blue costume contains elements of Taoist clothing.She is a little shorter than Yakumo Zi, about [-] to [-] meters.

Yakumo Lan burst into tears when she heard Yakumo Zi's words. Master Zi must have asked her to work as a coolie again, and then fell asleep by herself, like this every time she should be patrolling the Great Barrier...

Yakumo Zi's brows stretched out, and she had an extra fan in her hand. While fanning herself, she said: "Ah, ah, ah, it's more stable, and there is an extra piece. There is no sea in Gensokyo. , but suddenly about [-] square kilometers of sea water appeared in the south, extending from the location of the Great Barrier."

Although Yakumo Lan has good strength, she is not yet at the top, and she has not encountered her bottleneck. It is normal to feel that she has not improved.

Yakumo Lanqi said: "How could this be? The Great Barrier has always been round."

There was a weird smile on the corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth, and he said calmly: "It seems that it's because of a young man. When he was reincarnated, I felt something was wrong, as if he carried a whole world with him. But he has been fine. , the Great Barrier has been stable, and I don't care, now, I'm afraid he is a key person."

"Orange, run slowly."

Seeing a little girl running, Yakumo couldn't help reminding her aloud.

The little girl has dark brown eyes, brown hair, a green hat, a pair of brown and black cat ears, and a gold earring on the left ear.

There are two tails, mainly brown and black, with white tip.Wearing a red dress jacket with gold trim and white hem.

This is Yakumo Blue's Shikigami: Orange.

But looking at the relationship between the two, it's more like a mother and daughter...


A tic-tac-toe appeared on Yakumo Zi's head. It was rare for her to be serious, but Lan still didn't listen to the teachings honestly?Oh hehehe, as expected, her workload is too small.

Yakumo Lan seemed to have sensed the blackness on Yakumo Zi's body, and hurriedly said, "Master Zi, you continue."

Yakumo Zi fanned the wind, and said strangely: "He seems to be carrying a legendary plane seed. In time, I am afraid that Gensokyo will become an independent world, and even the monsters will no longer depend on the seeds produced in the human world. Fear. Now, I feel that Gensokyo has received fears from other worlds and some materials, and the sea that suddenly appeared is the best proof."

"Then, will there be no problem?" Yakumo Lan asked nervously.

"It's developing in a good direction." Yakumo Zi shook her head lightly and said.

"Master Zi, do you want to capture that boy, or take away his plane seed?" Yakumo Lan asked with a smile.

Yakumo Zi gave her a strange look and said, "How can you do that? I will quietly borrow it to take a look at it at night, and if we can't use it, I will return it to him."

When I heard the first sentence, Yakumo Lan thought that Yakumo Zi had changed her sex, and she really overestimated her integrity...

As for the boy who was captured, neither of them mentioned it again. Who knows what secrets the seed holds.

While there is light, there is also darkness.

There are too many things in Gensokyo that Yakumo Zi can't do anything about, such as the Hakurei Miko who manages the balance between monsters and humans, and their lifespan will not be very long.

Yakumo Zi used to be a very free person, but now Gensokyo is like a cage, locking her tightly.

If Gensokyo can really become an independent world, and then can be connected to other worlds, then no one can lock Yakumo Zi.

Seeing that Yakumo Lan's eyes were still on Orange, Yakumo Zi's head slowly appeared black, and smiled and said: "Lan, your workload will increase in the future, and the new sea area will be please."

Eight Cloud Blue: "..."

The pressure is so great that people really want to run away!

Chapter 28

Half asleep and half awake, Ye Kai returned to the starting point of everything, Gensokyo.

When he opened his eyes again, it was still where he left.

What has changed is that he has stood up and become stronger!

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