
Rumia lay on the ground, crying and saying, "Rumia is so hungry..."

Immediately, as if she had discovered something, she raised her head and saw Ye Kai reappearing, she couldn't help but said happily, "Big brother? You came back to feed Lumia?"

Ye Kai's head is full of black lines, what do you mean I'll come back and feed you?Haven't you been walking for a long time?

He looked at this loli vigilantly, and the Roland guardian in his hand never let go.

"Who will feed you, I haven't lived enough!"

Ye Kai gritted his teeth.

"Lumia, you're welcome!" Lumia rushed towards Ye Kai as if she didn't hear Ye Kai's words.

This time, she no longer had any demon power, and couldn't release that black mist.

Even if Ye Kai could be released, he wouldn't be afraid, at worst, he would jump back and add a wave of splitting.

Now Ye Kai is doing the same.

Seeing Ye Kai's sword pick up lightly, Rumia felt like she was out of control, and was picked up by Ye Kai's sword.

Ye Kai's sword slapped down and completely fell to the ground, but Lumia did not fall, but stopped in the air. After a white light passed, a pink halo surrounded Lumia's body, and Ye Kai's magic power was on the ground. Her body raged.

Forcibly controlling the skill Split Wave Slash can interrupt the super body, forcibly interrupt the opponent's attack, and then control it in midair.

Of course, in reality, if the strength exceeds Ye Kai too much, this trick will not work.

Fortunately, Rumia is definitely one of the weakest youkai.


After the skill was over, Rumia sat down on the ground.

Ye Kai finally heaved a sigh of relief, that just now had consumed more than half of his magic power, this loli was definitely five or more levels higher than him, but she was less than ten levels.

Now I just hope that the other party will retreat in the face of difficulties, otherwise they will have to run away in Yuexiang.

"Wow, human beings are so scary, big brother is a bad silver! Woooooo..."

Something unexpected happened to Ye Kai, Rumia sat on the ground like this, wiped her eyes with her hands, and started to cry.

What about your dignity as a strong man?What about your monster pride?Fuck it, don't cry, okay?

Ye Kai was a little at a loss for a while, and couldn't help leaning over cautiously, and asked tentatively: "By the way, don't you run away? Why do you insist on eating me?"

"Woo, Rumia is very hungry, of course she wants to eat, big brother, good or bad, won't let Rumia eat..." Rumia sat on the ground and continued to cry.

Ye Kai had black lines all over his head, he finally knew where the problem was.

This guy is a bear boy!Her parents should be gone, so there is no concept of right and wrong, good and evil.

It is true that you should eat when you are hungry.

But she is so stupid, how can anyone be eaten by her!Even if it was him, it was because he was too careless, mainly because of the problems with his education.

Although she is much stronger than Ye Kai, but Ye Kai should be able to kill her, who made her an idiot.

If he did this, Ye Kai himself would not be able to pass the test.

Activating the system made Ye Kai no longer ordinary. After all, he was also indebted to him.

Besides, who knows how many relatives and friends she has, if she wants to seek revenge on herself... Ye Kai can't guarantee that she can stop it.

What he didn't know was that luckily he didn't do that, Rumia wasn't weak, she just had her strength sealed.

Moreover, the ghosts in Gensokyo, just like Ye Kai thought, all have backgrounds.

In front of Ye Kai, there was a golden sacrament, a plate of wild strawberries, a coral jelly, a piece of Kanina's handmade bread, and a piece of Kanina's Hutton Maar milk.

It happened to be Ye Kai who had all the change.

Lumia glanced greedily at the food in front of her, and then glanced at Ye Kai timidly, as if she was afraid that Ye Kai would hit her.

Ye Kai suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, this monster is obviously stronger than him, physically better, and stronger than him, but the fearful look in his eyes...

It really is just a child.

Ye Kai pointed to the food in front of him and said, "Eat it, the golden sacrament tastes whatever you think of, and the rest tastes good."

Rumia sniffled, and said with some fear, "Big brother won't hit Rumia, right?"

Where did you want to eat me just now?Wait, it seems that there is no momentum, just very hungry.

Ye Kai shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't beat Rumia, as long as you don't eat people in the future."

Rumia wondered: "Can't people other than big brother eat it? Rumia has never eaten people, they are too bad, and they won't let Rumia eat them. Rumia can't catch them, so big brother Be stupid, I was caught by Rumia."


A hand knife.

Ye Kai's hand hurts, Rumia's head hurts, she looks at Ye Kai tearfully, not knowing what she said wrong.

Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head: "If you are hungry in the future, you can come to me, but you are absolutely not allowed to eat people, not anyone, otherwise I will dismiss you, understand?"

He was slightly relieved to hear that Rumia had never eaten successfully.

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