Unexpectedly, he was judged as a fool by a fool, which made him a little annoyed.

Rumia nodded repeatedly, like a kitten being bullied.

But she seems to have heard good news, that is, the big brother in front of her seems willing to feed herself?

In fact, Rumia hasn't eaten many people since she became a child, and most of the time she still eats leaves, grass roots, fruits and the like.

If you meet one of her night sparrow friends, you can eat a hagfish.

Other humans go out in groups, and Rumia is stupid. She doesn't know that those humans can't beat her. Even if she can win, she is afraid that the time will be too long to attract the sisters of the People's Village Guard. It was time for her to be beaten unilaterally.

Moreover, if she activates her ability darkness, she herself will not be able to see the way.

Later, she found that the single ones were easier to take down, so she specifically attacked the single ones, and Ye Kai was the third victim.

But she is too stupid, she can't see the way in the dark, except for Ye Kai who hasn't successfully attacked yet.

But Ye Kai was also unlucky, Rumia ran into him the first time she came here, and he was too close to Rumia.

For the rest of the knowledgeable ones, as long as they stay away as soon as possible and find places with many trees to run, usually Rumia will not be able to catch people, and she will also bump into trees...

Lumia took the food in front of Ye Kai and ate it bit by bit, looking at Ye Kai while eating, for fear that Ye Kai would hit her.

After realizing that Ye Kai couldn't beat herself, Lumia's speed increased, and after a while, she ate the food for three people by herself.

She patted her stomach, and said cutely: "Thank you big brother, if Rumia is hungry, she will definitely come to see big brother."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and left bouncing away.

Ye Kai also heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't expect this little monster to be so easy to deal with.

But it was also because he was so much better than before, as before, he didn't even have time to get food to feed Rumia.

Where he couldn't see, a shallow gap appeared.

He didn't know that his behavior just now had caught the eyes of an unscrupulous monster.

Yakumo Zi fanned her fan in the gap, and said with a smile, "He is a good person, but not a bad person, not bad."

Chapter 29 The thief...

Ye Kai spent the whole afternoon logging.

He is also a bold man with a high level of art now, and he cuts wood directly on the periphery of the magic forest by himself, and then accumulates it.

In other words, it is easy to use an artifact to cut trees. Basically, a tree will fall with three swords. Now his strength is not small, and it doesn't take much effort to drag a few trees back.

This Gensokyo is very strange, the food production is amazing, and the animal's ability to reproduce is also the same. I have never heard of a famine in Gensokyo.

The same is true for the trees in the magic forest. Even if the forest is completely cut down today, it will be restored in ten days.

It is even more so in places where big monsters often fight. If you make a few big holes in a place, or even destroy a hill, it will grow by itself after a while. I don't know how the soil and stones grow naturally.

The uncommon knowledge of the outside world is the common sense of Gensokyo. Ye Kai has learned it a long time ago, so he doesn't worry about destroying vegetation at all.

He planned to go to the police force tomorrow to exchange gold coins for some money, and then find someone to build a larger wooden house for himself, and expand the yard and defense system along the way.

At least the outer guardrail should be raised, made of stone, and a better gate should be made.

The stone buildings here are very expensive, and most people can't afford to build them. Only those big families are able to live in stone houses.

Ye Kai has no land among people, and outsiders can get help, but inside Gensokyo, he has to work hard to earn money, so he can only live outside, and he is not willing to leave here.

Gold coins are very valuable here, ten gold coins are more than enough to build a yard and a house, and you can also buy some better furniture.

As for how the gold coins come from, the people in the people will not be entangled. Everything is possible in this Gensokyo. Even if it is said that it fell from the sky, people will believe it. After all, some sloppy crows and tengus were attacked when they were flying in the sky. It's not once or twice to knock down the money bag.

Before I knew it, it was night.

What Lumia ate was food bought with gold coins, but he was reluctant to part with it. It happened that there were still some iron sticks at home, so he made a barbecue for himself, and there was nothing left of the three catties of meat.

Now is the time to grow his body, and with his inhuman physique, he will be [-]% full after eating these.

I believe it will get better and better in the future.

After washing casually, Ye Kai lay on the bed and fell asleep.

A few hours later, the night was silent.

Ye Kai was lying on the bed and was used to lying flat, when a gap suddenly appeared directly above him.

There are countless scarlet eyes in the gap, and there are two huge bows on both sides, which seem to show the owner's bad taste.

A face that is all over the country and city emerges from it, it is Yakumo Zi.

She put her hand on Ye Kai's chest, picked up the blood jade sword, and looked at it for a while, but she didn't seem to find anything special.

She gently supported Ye Kai's head with her other hand, and then took the little blood jade sword off his neck.

Ye Kai felt in a daze that someone was moving him, so he couldn't help opening his eyes.

After seeing the person coming, he froze for a moment, it was so beautiful!Just like those monsters who often go shopping in Renzhili, the beauty is breathtaking.

As for the gap, Ye Kai also saw it, the countless scarlet eyes were obviously terrifying, but the wicked bows on both sides, and the girl's appearance, all made this scary thing a little funny.

But what is she doing now?Could it be that he is dreaming?

If it was an ordinary person or someone weaker, Ye Kai would have spotted the opponent long ago, but the opponent's ability to conceal his breath is too strong, if he hadn't lifted his head up, he wouldn't have been able to spot the opponent at all.

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