The peerless beauty held his blood jade sword in one hand, put his head down with the other hand, put his index finger to his mouth, and made a shh gesture.

Ye Kai blinked instinctively.

She chuckled, and returned to the gap, and the gap disappeared at the same time as her.

"Fuck! She's a thief!"

Ye Kai sat up all of a sudden, covering his head with his hands, showing a frantic expression.

He quickly looked at the bedside table, fortunately those copper plates were still there.

As for the blood jade sword?She can take it if she likes it, anyway, she can't throw it away, and she will come back by herself after a while.

If Yakumo Zi knows that what he cares about is those copper coins that she doesn't like, will she go crazy?

In the lost home.

Yakumo Zi quietly looked at the blood jade sword, and found that her realm power was impenetrable.

In other words, she couldn't even destroy it.

The power of a world is still one of the most advanced crystal magic civilizations, it would be strange if she could destroy it...

This thing is related to the law of the great way, and it is not something she can compete with at all.


A red light flashed, and the blood jade sword just disappeared under her nose.

Yakumo Zi was stunned, what's going on?

Yakumo Lan was also stunned beside her for a moment, and spread her hands, expressing that she didn't understand it either.

Yakumo Zi quickly opened the gap, and saw the blood jade sword reappeared on the rare chest, hanging well.

And that boy didn't seem to have done it intentionally, what he was holding tightly was... a money bag?

Only then did Yakumo Zi realize that the pile of copper plates on his bedside table was missing, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

He really thought of himself as a thief.

Yakumo Zi closed the gap, returned to the Lost House, and said helplessly: "We can't use that thing, it seems to be bound to him, it should be related to his left arm."

Yakumo Lan nodded, frowned and said, "There seems to be a strange power in it. I have a feeling that even if that hand is cut off, it will be reborn, and his recovery ability is amazing. I'm afraid it will become a fantasy in the future." One of the toughest people in the village."

Naturally, she didn't try to cut the leaves twice, but found out by observing the cell activity in his body.

Even if he drained all his blood and burned all his internal organs, he could still grow slowly, but the time would be slower, not as good as the immortal Penglai people.

But Ye Kai is indeed very weak now, what if in the future?I'm afraid it's the same as those two Penglai people.

Yakumo Zi stretched her waist, and said helplessly: "Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, just know it's a good thing, and I will notify the Great Heavenly Demon tomorrow, Four Seasons, Yuyuko, and the rest don't need to say hello. Recently, a group of vampires want to Coming to Gensokyo, there are still many things to be busy."

Yakumo Lan suddenly burst into tears, and handed everything over to her, and then Yakumo Zi went to have fun with her good friend Jiyou...

Yakumo Zi suddenly thought of something, smiled and said, "Tell me, too, that this kid has to report to the Hakurei Shrine, after all, he is no longer human..."

Chapter 30

Early the next morning.

Ye Kai stretched himself and sat up, looking at the money bag in his arms, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't lose it.

As expected, the little blood jade sword on his chest had returned, and he couldn't even drive him away.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Open the door for me!"

A somewhat neutral voice sounded outside, accompanied by a violent knock on the door, it could be seen how irritable the people outside were.

Ye Kai yawned and opened the door, only to see a somewhat neutral girl standing at the door.

The girl has white hair and red eyes, with many small bows tied in her hair and a big bow behind her head.The upper body is a white formal shirt, and the lower body is work-like trousers with suspenders, and amulets are pasted here and there.

Her height is about [-] meters, and her bust... It doesn't matter.

She is Ye Kai's boss, Fujiwara Meihong.

Although she looks a bit like a bad girl, she is actually a very easy to get along with.

She sometimes lives in the Lost Bamboo Forest in the south, and sometimes lives in the People's House, which means she has no fixed place.

Although she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old on the outside, she is actually more than thirteen hundred years old...

Although he was just an ordinary human being, he has eternal life due to the effect of Penglai's forbidden medicine. Even if he is burned to ashes or only has a single hair left, he can completely restore his original appearance.

In the millennium, he has been fighting monsters continuously, and obtained a variety of sorcery from it, and the charms on clothing and hair also have immeasurable power.

If you get angry, you will be burned to ashes together with yourself and your opponent, and then you will fully recover, and you will be an immortal phoenix.

Although she is immortal, she will feel hungry if she does not eat, and she will feel pain when she is injured. This may be the reason why Meihong still regards her frail self as a human being.

In fact, although it is "immortality and immortality", strictly speaking it should be "even if you die, you can be resurrected immediately", just like goblins or some believers of Brother Chun.

Ye Kai rubbed his eyes, and said to Meihong: "Boss Meihong, what can I do for you? I finished eating the meat last night."

Ye Kai still respects Mei Hong very much, and has a special feeling for her.

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