"Hey, brother Ye Kai, what are you doing here?" Marisa asked suspiciously.

"The direction you are going, if I remember correctly, is the Baiyu Tower in the underworld, right? I just happened to go to see Youyouzi." Ye Kai said as a matter of course.

If so, he already figured it out.

It must be Yakumo Zi's moving plan that started, that's why Yuyuko launched the mutation.

The one who can absorb spring is definitely a big monster, no matter how you think about it, Yuyuko didn't run away!Who made Yakumo Zi most familiar with her?

It just so happened that he only knew where Baiyulou was, and he had never been there. After all, he couldn't fly, so he couldn't get there.

If you want Yuyuko to take him, either he sits in a basket and Yuyuko lifts him up; either he hugs Yuyuko, or Yuyuko hugs him, it doesn't look right no matter what.

Forget it, let's go up like this!Marisa's broom is no worse than mine anyway.

"Okay, then you sit still, if you help the enemy later, I will repel you." Marisa said vigilantly.

"Cut, I'll tell if I can beat him!" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

On the way, Lingmeng smoothly took care of the Sao Ling Orchestra that was blocking the road.

A huge black hole appeared in the sky, countless cherry blossoms scattered towards the bottom, and countless breaths of spring were absorbed into it.

Ye Kai secretly said: Sure enough, this is a fantasy set, can the breath of spring also be absorbed?


When Ye Kai reacted, his head hit the ground.

Only then did I discover that the underworld is upside down.

He goes up, in the underworld is down!

It wasn't until entering the underworld that the laws of physics returned to normal.

Looking at the long stairs, combined with what Youyouzi told him before, Ye Kai knew that the underworld had arrived.

"You guys just wait here. See if I get Haru back, so I can go and get the money... Bah, bah, I'll restore peace in Gensokyo." Reimu rushed forward first!

Not to be outdone, Marisa rushed forward.

Ye Kai just wanted to leave.


A head came to an intimate release with his forehead.

"Ah, I'm sorry, little brother Ye Kai, but for the god of news, it's worth it for you to be my meat shield! The god of news will definitely remember your kindness!"

"So who is the god of news?"

Chapter 261 Ye Kai vs Reimu

The stairs in the underworld are very long, and you have to go through the stairs that are thousands of meters long to reach the Baiyu Tower.

Just as Wenwen wanted to take off, Ye Kai grabbed his ankle.

"Hey, what are you doing, pervert!" Wen Wen shouted at Ye Kai.

This guy, isn't going to take advantage of the fact that there's no one around here, and fuck himself, right?

His feet were still caught in his hands, and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

It's over, I should have taken precautions against this guy if I knew it earlier.

Seeing so many beauties in his contact, he didn't touch any of them. He thought it was a herbivore, but it turned out to be a carnivore!

Sure enough, I, Wenwen, are recognized as the number one beauty in Gensokyo, what a beauty!

"You are not allowed to fly alone! Either fly with me, or run with me." Ye Kai sneered.

"That's it?" Wen Wen was stunned.

"Of course, it's boring to run alone at such a tall height." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.



Wenwen flew as soon as he said, without any warning at all.

Although she was wearing a skirt, the safety pants inside ruined all the beauty, making Ye Kai a little bit unlovable.

Facts have proved that Wen Wenfei is very fast.

When the two first arrived, Youmu was just lying on the ground.

Reimu pointed at Youmu and said, "It really was the mutation initiated by Yuyuko, right?"

"I'm... I won't say it..." Youmu said with difficulty.

"Hmph, there are no other monsters in Baiyulou, I'm going to meet Youyouzi right now." Lingmeng was about to leave, but saw Ye Kai standing in front of her.

"I didn't finish playing in the Scarlet Devil Mansion last time, let's continue this time." Ye Kai had a playful smile on his lips.

If you don't fight, how will you know the gap with the city management?

"Are you going to stop me? Hmph, let's see what happens!" Lingmeng took out the coins and said coldly to Ye Kai.

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