"I'm going to find Yuyuko da☆za!" As soon as the words fell, Marisa flew over.

Ye Kai did not stop Marisa, Marisa's level is not like Yuyuko's opponent.

Ye Kai pulled out the crack casually, and looked at Lingmeng solemnly.

He can't fly, and he is inherently weak against Lingmeng.

That being the case, then preemptively strike her and catch her by surprise!

Do it when you think of it.


Ye Kairu rushed towards Lingmeng like a mad dragon. When passing by, he set up all the ghost formations, including all the buffs!

To deal with this guy, you don't need to pay attention to morals, it's just a time difference.

Lingmeng was not messed up at all, and she also wanted to know what kind of ability she got from Ye Kai.

She separated a lightsaber from Yubi and rushed towards Ye Kai.


The result was obvious, Reimu was knocked into the air.

She controlled her strength to be on the same level as Ye Kai, how could she be Ye Kai's opponent?

Li Gui's swordsmanship head-to-head against the Raptors is like a joke!

There was a sneer on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, opportunity!

What you want is that you underestimate the enemy!


Ye Kai sprinted again, and arrived right below Lingmeng.

Tombstone of death!

Boom boom boom...

Reimu is worthy of being the Danmaku King of Gensokyo, and the dense death tombstones did not hurt her at all.

Then it is the same as when dealing with Sephiroth, the killing intent fluctuates, and the evil light fluctuates!

"What the hell?" Lingmeng froze in the air for a moment, but was not affected.

Ye Kai was also stunned, and he just remembered that with this kind of control skills, the opponent's level cannot be much higher than his own, otherwise he will be too invincible.

If it's really like in the game, find a hundred ghost swordsmen and chop them up, and Sherlock will be rumored forever...

Even if Lingmeng suppressed her strength, her level was also blessed by the Great Barrier, so she obviously couldn't control it.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai resolutely gave up the plan to continue releasing.

In this case, Wushuangbo should have no effect.

Flow up!

Lingmeng stared helplessly at Ye Kai's sword, stabbing towards her.

"Damn rascal!" Lingmeng yelled loudly, moved the coin in his hand, and took Ye Kai's move extremely quickly.


Ye Kai was sent out by her.

Fuck, what about the suppressive strength that was agreed?The attack power of that attack just now is no less than that of Hong Meiling!

Bang, Zrazla.

It has to be said that the ground of the underworld is solid.

If it were the ground of Gensokyo, Ye Kai would have stepped on a hole when he braked so hard.

Here, not a single footprint was stepped on.

Lingmeng, on the other hand, had already chased after Ye Kai.

Ye Kaikai pointed to the ground and raised two swords in a row.

ping ping ping ping...


The Ice Blade Wave Sword and the Explosive Flame Wave Sword rushed towards Reimu without interfering with each other.

Boom, boom!

At this time, Reimu flew backwards against common sense, as if the inertia of flying before did not exist at all!

Ye Kai's tricks are empty!

However, Ye Kai has enough magic power now, and then he will use a Ghost Seal Bead and a Shura Evil Light Slash!

He is not in the mood to figure out how to fight the least effort, the most engraving, let Lingmeng be in a hurry first.

After eating his raptor, Reimu lost one-fifth of his magic shield. As long as he hits a few more times, he will win and become the first existence in Gensokyo to defeat the city management!

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