Yuyuko was also very curious about who it was.

Her memory is only after she became an undead, not before she became an undead.

If the mutation can really succeed, she doesn't mind much.

"Haven't the flowers grown yet? Need more spring." Youyuko showed a pure smile on her face.

"Just because of this shit..."


A barrage almost hit Marisa.

Youyouzi's barrage, as long as you touch it once, you will be out of the game!After all, Marisa is completely on her instant kill line.

"Unfortunately, it's over." Youyuzi said softly.

Countless white butterflies with turquoise edges flew towards Marisa.

Although the speed is very slow, it is so beautiful that people cannot move their eyes away.

This is one of Yuyuko's tricks: the principle that the living must perish!

Unlike when Ye Kai was in the final fantasy world, the speed was at full speed, even so, Marisa found that he couldn't dodge at all.

"Damn it, it's so beautiful." Marisa stared blankly at the group of butterflies.

Sure enough, this is not a scene that can be seen in the human world, and it will only appear in the hands of Yuyuko, right?


A huge pink light suddenly hit Marisa!

Unborn Light!


A small hand pulled Marisa away, and it was Reimu who arrived.

"Marisa go down first, you're already out!" Reimu said in a deep voice.

"Hey, Reimu, you're here too late!" Marisa immediately regained her vitality.

"Do you think Ye Kai is easy to deal with? Step back, if we don't abide by the spell card rules and she fires at full strength, you will die." Lingmeng lived up to her unscrupulous appearance in the past, and said solemnly.

For a friend like Marisa, I said no, but I still cared about it in my heart.

"All right!"

Marisa also knew that if it wasn't for Reimu just now, she would have been thrown out, not only the magic shield would have been broken, but she would have been seriously injured!

Although it is common for Gensokyo to be injured, she doesn't want to experience it.


Yaomeng and Ye Kai supported each other, Zuowei followed beside him, and said softly, "Mr. Ye Kai, don't you need my help?"

"Go and find your Xiao Guang, I don't want to mess with you." Ye Kai glanced at Zuo Wei with contempt.

He is now in disgrace, the strength in his body has been sealed by Lingmeng, and he was beaten badly, if he can't stand up by himself.

Fortunately, there is also Youmu next to him.

The two had no choice but to help each other over.

Ye Kai is standing on Baiyulou's side, Yaomeng can see it naturally.

Unfortunately, Ye Kai is not Lingmeng's opponent at all.

Even so, Ye Kai is quite satisfied, how long has he grown up?It's on the same level as Meihong.

There is no limit to his growth!

As long as dnf is still being updated, who knows if there will be three kinds of sleep.

With the pissing nature of game companies, they will not stop unless they swindle players' money to the point where they can no longer be siphoned off.

"Hmph, what time is it still trying to be brave." Yaomeng said angrily.

"Hey, it's not right to say that, we are also comrades-in-arms." Ye Kai said indifferently.

Originally he wanted Wenwen to help, but Ye Kai had scared her enough before, and she was not willing to come here behind Ye Kai's back.

As a result, Wenwen pretended not to hear Ye Kai's plea for help, and just took pictures and wrote news on his own, all in his distressed appearance.

As soon as Yaomeng helped Ye Kai up, Wenwen took the last picture and rushed to the front battlefield.

A report of a big change!As long as this is won, she will still be the news anchor for the next season.

As for Ji Haitang pole?Just look up at your own back and stagger forward!

"Yo, little brother Ye Kai, you are so embarrassed da☆za!" Marisa didn't care about winning or losing at all, and landed beside Ye Kai and the two.

"Cut, beating you is still like playing." Ye Kai said contemptuously.

"Use barrage if you have the ability!" Marisa said energetically.

"You wait, wait for me to wake up, I will teach you how to behave like a barrage!" Ye Kai snorted and ignored her.

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