"Do you think Master Yuyuko will win?" Yaomeng asked Ye Kai.

"Well, it doesn't matter, winning or losing is not important, happiness is important! Didn't you see that Yuyuko doesn't care much about winning or losing?" Ye Kai smiled, glanced at Youyuzi in the air, and his eyes straightened instantly.

Chapter 263

Standing proudly in the air, Youyouzi no longer looks like the cute creature before.

There are cherry blossoms everywhere behind her, and there are bullet screens around her, which makes people feel bright.

Coupled with her innocent expression, Ye Chuan felt for the first time that Yuyuko could be so beautiful.

"Ala, ala!" Youyouzi's eyes lit up when he saw the replacement.

She stretched out her right hand upwards, opened the folding fan in her hand, and her wide skirt fluttered in the wind.

The slender waist, plump breasts, and a face that can charm all living beings, coupled with the huge westbound demon behind her, are like an independent goddess.

It can be said that this is the first time that Youyouzi has shown herself perfectly in front of Ye Kai.


A pink magic circle, accompanied by the pink projection of her fan, appeared behind her.

Fully Inked Cherry Blossoms - Blooming!

Referred to as ink dyed cherry, one of Yuyuko's hole cards.

Countless purple and pink barrages rushed towards Reimu.

Accompanied by the barrage of horizontal movement.

It's hard for Ye Kai to imagine whether this kind of barrage has any dead ends!

It was difficult for Yuyuko to answer this question, but Reimu could.

There are still blind spots in this level of barrage, at least Reimu shuttled through countless barrages without being scratched!

Sure enough, playing close combat with Lingmeng took advantage of a lot of skills.

If you really play danmaku, it seems that there is no one who has been able to play Reimu.

Ye Kai couldn't help but get nervous for Youyouzi, she won't get hurt, right?

"Brother Ye Kai, what's wrong with you?" Marisa couldn't help asking seeing Ye Kai's expression was wrong.

"You may not believe it, but I feel like I'm in love." Ye Kai said softly.

Such a Youyuko is so beautiful, he can't imagine it at all!

Especially Yuyuko who is usually so stupid and cute that he can't help but want to bully her.

Compared with the current goddess fan, this is the contrast and cuteness, right?

The current Yuyuko is really a perfect princess!No, I really want to be like a Yuyuko, but his property... Forget it, just think about it.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

More barrages rushed towards Reimu, and it was not so easy for Reimu to dodge now.

She always wanted to get close to Yuyuko, but Yuyuko kept attacking, and the two became a stalemate.

"What little brother Ye Kai said is really profound da☆za." Marisa said inexplicably.

"Ye Kai-jun fell in love with Lord Youyouzi?" Zuo Wei asked from the side.

"I don't know either, I just feel... I don't know how to say it." Ye Kai was also confused now.

Logically speaking, he is not that kind of person.

During the months when she was separated from Tifa, she still missed Tifa all the time.

Could it be that he is a face control?Or a scumbag?

No, no, it's impossible.

I didn't feel this way before, and there are many beauties in Gensokyo.

The question is, why is my heart beating so fast now?It was as if something was about to jump out.


After calming down, Ye Kai recovered.

Sure enough, I am not a scumbag or something!

"Brother Ye Kai, da☆za?" Marisa asked in confusion.

This... my lord is so strange!

Zuo Wei glanced at Ye Kai helplessly, everyone has a love of beauty, so there is no need to be so shy, right?But what's so good about women is that Go is the best!

If you like it, marry it!Anyway, the system of Gensokyo is still the system of the old society, so it is no big deal to marry a few more.

Zuo Wei can think this way, but Ye Kai can't, don't forget that Tifa is a modern girl, and Ye Kai doesn't dare to think about the harem.

He didn't know that Zacks was opening the harem openly.

"If you dare to play against Yuyuko-sama, I will kill you." Youmu threatened.

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