Well, according to reliable sources, she is actually Ye Kai's wife, and her daughter is Qi Lunuo, and the two have been in an underground relationship for almost a hundred years.

Don't look at Ye Kai's appearance of only eighteen or nineteen years old, he is actually a ten thousand year old monster!

After the battle between the two, Reimu came to the scene and defeated the Sao Ling Orchestra and Soul Youmu.

Although Youmu's swordsmanship is superb, how many rounds can it last in the hands of my Gensokyo Oshiro administrator?

After that, Lingmenghang beat Ye Kai.

Although Ye Kai is the number one scum monster in Gensokyo, he did something that endangered the entire Gensokyo for the sake of his lover Yuyuko.

According to my personal experience, he also bought all the portraits of female monsters I had photographed from me, and they were later snatched away by the dictator.

However, I, Wenwen, will not shrink back. In order to write interesting news and take interesting photos, I am fearless!It's a pity, the photobook was stillborn before it was published, alas...

Well, let's continue to talk about the process of Ye Kai's battle with Reimu. The photos are like this: Ye Kai was sent flying by Reimu, Ye Kai was beaten to the ground by Reimu, and Ye Kai looked very embarrassed.

In the end, it was Reimu's battle with Yuyuko, what a barrage of ghosts and animals!

I used to think that Youyouzi focused on being cute, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!After that, I will upload the video to my penguin space, please remember to pay attention!

That battle was definitely worth the fare!

This is the whole process of Haruyuki's mutation, and it is the third large-scale mutation that can be recorded in the annals of history!

Finally, I attach a photo of Ye Kai having an affair with Yuyuko.

As for the banquet that everyone is looking forward to, Ye Kai said that it can be held at the Ghosts and Gods Playground, which will be exclusively sponsored by Baiyulou.

For the rest, please look forward to the evening news, Wenwen loves you all!

Ye Kai watched the report with black lines all over his head, his Raptor Slash, his Ghost Shadow Flash, he forced Reimu to use long-distance and dream-born, these are not recorded!

What's even worse is that in the last photo, it looks like Yuyuko is staring at him affectionately, with his arms around Yuyuko's waist, his eyes fixed on the bewildered Reimu.

Like... persecuted lovers.

"Ahhh! Why is there no me behind, I also fought with Yuyuko da☆za!" Marisa roared with a broken face.

Several people were sitting on the steps of the Baiyu Tower, admiring the cherry blossoms.

This is an antique Japanese-style garden, with a lot of rockery and flowing water, the sky is always dark at night, and countless ghosts are flying in the air, adding a touch of weird beauty to this place.

Ye Kai had just finished taking a shower and changed his clothes, and he didn't look embarrassed at all.

Youmu knelt down in front of Yuyuko with an apologetic face, and said to Yuyuko, "I'm sorry, Master Yuyuko, I didn't block the enemy."

"Ala, it's okay, that's over." Youyouzi said while eating the pastry with his little head resting on Ye Kai's shoulder.

"But, I didn't fulfill my duty as a court teacher." Yaomu blamed himself.

"It doesn't matter, even if Yaoji is here, he won't do better, didn't you see Master Yuyuko lost?" Yuyuko threw another piece of pastry into his mouth.

Whether she has food in her mouth or not is not the same as whether she can talk.

Even with her mouth full, she can still speak clearly.

"Master Yuyuko, then I'm going to prepare food for the banquet to apologize." Youmu stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Yuyuko didn't punish her, and she didn't intend to pursue it, so she didn't pretend anymore, and insisted on taking punishment or something. This is Gensokyo, not the army...

"Marisa, do you mean you won't go back? This is the world of the dead, won't you feel uncomfortable here?" Ye Kai turned to Marisa.

"Well, it's really uncomfortable, so I'll go back first, and see da☆za at the banquet!"

As she said that, Marisa rode a broom and flew towards the outside of Baiyokuro.

Ye Kai patted Youyouzi's head, smiled and said, "Hey, where's Sanae?"

"Ye Kaisang already knows?" Youyouzi smiled.

"Of course, you can guess with your heels." Ye Kai said proudly.

"Then your heels are very thoughtful."

At this moment, Yakumo Zi's gap appeared in front of Ye Kai.

With Sanae behind her, she came out with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Ye Kai, long time no see." Sanae gave Ye Kai a deep bow.

Seeing the swaying chest, Ye Kai's eyes became hot.

Suddenly, his face hurt, and when he looked back, he saw Youyouzi staring at him dissatisfiedly, with his little hands pulling back and forth on his face.

"Uh...haha! Long time no see, Sanae." Ye Kai said awkwardly.

"Well, we just moved and haven't visited our neighbors yet, can you show me the newspaper? I'm the Fuzhao of the shrine, and I may also work on exterminating monsters in the future." Sanae looked at Ye Kai hopefully and said.

"Don't read Wenwen's newspaper, let me explain it to you!" Ye Kai said with an inscrutable expression.

Afterwards, Sanae heard another version of Haruyuki's mutation.

Basically, Marisa and Reimu are all tricks, if Ye Kai hadn't given way to Reimu, she would have rubbed her on the ground long ago.

Youyouzi's gorgeous barrage is nothing compared to Ye Kai's.

Yuyuko has always been like that, and she didn't object.

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