As a result, Ye Kai received Sanae's adoring gaze, and she actually believed it...

This made Ye Kai feel guilty...

Chapter 265 The Weird Banquet

Time, just two months passed.During the period, Meili and Lianzi came to visit Ye Kai once, but they were locked up by Paqiuli to practice in seclusion.

Ye Kai's ghost playground opened successfully, and he lived a life of practicing sword-selling tickets-eating-selling tickets-practicing sword-sleeping every day.

Although it looks boring, Ye Kai doesn't think it's boring at all, especially when he's working part-time as a lifeguard.

His opening ceremony and Yuyuko's banquet were separate, otherwise it would be easy to cause problems, who made Yuyuko have all the monsters at the banquet?Even Yaoji and Komachi came, but it's a pity that Sephiroth was not seen.

As for humans, they can only participate in what Ye Kai does alone.Although people and monsters get along very harmoniously now, humans are still more afraid of monsters.

The past half month is very strange. The human beings in the people seem to have no motivation at all. They will hold a banquet every three days and have nothing to do with production. If this continues, there may be problems.

Ye Kai thought about it as a mutation, but is there such a wonderful mutation?

"Does it look good?" You Xiang sat on the beach chair, wearing sunglasses on her face, covering her evil eyes.

"Um... not bad." Ye Kai twitched the corner of his mouth.

Lianlian, Cheng, Fulan, Cirno, the big goblin, Rumia, and some natives of Gensokyo, playing in the sea is really eye-catching!

The Sao Ling Band is still here to sing for Ye Kai for free, not to mention how comfortable it is.

It's a pity that none of the characters with amazing milk volume showed up. It's a bit boring to watch today!

"Why isn't the favorability level enough to pass through?" You Xiang asked curiously.

After spring came, she came to talk to Ye Kai and Cha every day, but there was no progress in their relationship.

"I don't know either, this is your favorability for me, not mine for you." Ye Kai said dumbfounded.

"What a strange way." You Xiang said indifferently.

Ye Kai also found out that Youxiang is quite easy to talk to, as long as she doesn't harm the flowers, plants and trees, she won't be aggressive.

Of course, the premise is that no messy people go to the Sun Flower Field.

I remember that a few days ago, an ignorant villager accidentally went in, and now he has become a flower fertilizer.

"Maybe it's also to ensure my safety?" Ye Kai said softly.

You Xiang nodded, didn't say much, seemed to be thinking about how to increase her favorability towards Ye Kai.

But feelings are simple and easy to say, but difficult to say.

For single-celled organisms like Remy and Fran, it is relatively easy to increase their favorability, but it is more troublesome for Kazami Yuka.

"Ala, Ye Kaisang, let's go to Renzhili to attend the banquet."

The figure of Yuyuko suddenly floated in from outside the playground.

"Banquet? Renzhili is still holding a banquet?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

Normally, once spring comes, it is enough to hold it once, but this time it has come six times!

"I have investigated it before, and I seem to have found something." Youyouzi said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's go and see what's going on. Although my business has improved a lot due to human laziness, I can't just leave it alone." Ye Kai frowned.

"Banquet? I'll go to Renzhili to have a look too, I haven't been there for a long time." There was a smile on the corner of Youxiang's mouth.

Her smile, as long as it doesn't match her eyes, is still quite beautiful!

"I only manage the huge amusement park by myself. It's really troublesome. It's not easy to go out." Ye Kai said angrily.

"Ala, Youmu was brought here by me, it's just a time for a banquet, so there won't be any delay." Yuyuko said with a smile.

"It's just right, I also want to know about the problems among people. People in the security team also ask for leave every day, including Jiuzhi Laiqi, which is very annoying!" Meihong's head really burst into flames. .

She has been investigating recently, but she can't find out why. She just feels that strange fog will appear at night, and then humans will become lazy.

Ye Kai frowned and thought, but found that he still couldn't figure out anything.

"Have you asked in the group?" Ye Kai said.

"I've asked, I've visited several of them, but I didn't find anything unusual." Youyuko said helplessly.

"For those who like banquets, I know that the Sao Ling Band, Letty, and the remaining little monsters can't initiate mutations..." Ye Kai said.

"By the way, Youyouzi, shouldn't you like this very much? You can't be a thief calling for a thief, right? You launched a mutation a while ago." Meihong said suspiciously.

"Ah, if they keep having banquets and don't give birth, what will Master Youyouzi eat in the future?" Youyouzi pointed at Meihong with a folding fan and asked.

"What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless." Ye Kai covered his forehead.

These words came out of Youyouzi's mouth without the slightest sense of disobedience, unexpectedly she is quite sensible.

"Could it be people from the ghost clan? I remember they like banquets." Meihong thought.

"Aren't all the people of the ghost clan in the old hell?"

"Why are you everywhere, have you bought a ticket?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and glanced at Wen Wen in the sky.

"Just now when I was asking in the group, I felt something strange. This big news is from my upright and honest Shou Ming Wan Wen. Also, Reimu is coming this way too." Wen Wen said proudly.

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