"Reimu? Like this, I can't think of anything, let's go to Renzhili together!" Ye Kai stood up and said decisively.

At night, among people, in the grass.

"Hey, is this reliable?" Lingmeng looked at Ye Kai in the grass with disdain.

"Of course it's reliable. The grass is the forever home. It's definitely right to squat into the grass." Ye Kai said while looking at the villagers who were drinking heavily.

Youyouzi looked at it for a while, then decisively fell into Ye Kai's bad mood, and said weakly: "Master Youyouzi is hungry."

"How do you feel, this is so troublesome." Mei Hong frowned and said.

"Hmph, you haven't seen that when I was collecting materials, I encountered all kinds of harsh environments." Wenwen said contemptuously.

Naturally, Kazami Yuka would not be like this group of teasers, but sat at the banquet, drinking tea gracefully.

Around her is an ingenious vacuum zone, no one dares to approach within ten meters.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Ye Kai frowned.

"It seems that... it's coming!" Wen Wen immediately regained his energy.

"Ala, it's this mist!" Youyuko said softly.

"At this time, just go out and get rid of her, right?" Lingmeng tightened her grip on the Yin-Yang Jade in her hand.

The previous [-] yuan has been used up in the past two months, and she really needs a large-scale mutation to enrich her wallet.

"I will never let this guy go." Mei Hong said in a deep voice.

You Xiang put down the teacup, raised her head, a murderous smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and said calmly to a place in the mist, "Since you're here, don't leave."

After all, the umbrella pointed to the sky!

Chapter 266 A Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts Alone

The group of human beings seemed to be bewildered, and they didn't move at this terrible time!


The magic cannon that pierces the sky!

In the middle of the mist, a huge hole was blasted out!

This is the first time Ye Kai saw Kazami Yuka make a move!Although still obeying the barrage rules, Youxiang has no friends with her monster power!


All the mist began to condense and turned into a little loli, stepping on the ground with one foot.She clutched her stomach, with a painful expression on her face, it seemed that the injury just now was not serious.

She has long, straight, light brown hair tied in a bunch near the ends, and dark red pupils.

There are a pair of long and curved horns on the left and right sides of the head that are not commensurate with the height, and a purple ribbon is tied on the left horn.

Has the body and appearance of a child, and is short in height.The clothes she wore were white sleeveless tops and purple long skirts, and her hair was tied with a large bow with a red ribbon.

A big wine stick, always holding a purple gourd in his hand, named "Ibuki ladle".

Three metal geometric bodies like weights, a triangular cone, a ball, and a cube, hang from the waist with a chain.This is a prop for her to display her abilities.

"This, is it really a ghost clan?" Wen Wen asked in surprise.

Tengu was ruled by the ghost clan before, so it's not surprising that she recognized it at first sight.Don't look at Wen Wen as a young girl, she is not too young.

"No wonder, the ghost clan likes banquets and drinking." Meihong said clearly.

"Can you tell me?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

Immediately afterwards, Wenwen gave Ye Kai a popular science.

She is Ibuki Suika from the Ghost Clan.

Ibuki Suika is a ghost that appeared in Gensokyo for some reason. Since no ghosts have appeared in Gensokyo for quite a long time, the method of exorcising ghosts has been lost for a long time. Only ghosts can settle down.

Although she looks like a little girl, she doesn't look scary, but she is a ghost that has lived for hundreds of years. She has the ability to gather and disperse things to a certain extent, and has a terrifying strange power.She once boasted that as long as she wanted to, she could push down the mountain of monsters by herself.

Cuixiang likes drinking very much, and often brings a wine gourd and gets drunk. Its original shape comes from the "Jiu Tun Boy" among the ghost leaders.

He has a bold personality, likes wine and banquets, is innocent and simple, likes to compete with others, like a child's personality.

"Hey, Feng Jian You Xiang, long time no see, hi... want a drink?" Cui Xiang said to Feng Jian You Xiang, holding a wine gourd.

The ghost clan is the only one whose whole clan is not afraid of the wind and the wind. After all, they are very warlike and like the strong.

Judging by her appearance, it was as if she hadn't been injured just now, and it seemed that it had become a common occurrence.

"Is it the mutation you initiated?" Lingmeng jumped out at this time, pointing at Cuixiang.

Ye Kai and the others had no choice but to follow.

"Hmph." You Xiang didn't continue talking, even she was unwilling to fight against the strong of the ghost clan.

It's not that they can't beat them, and it's not that they are afraid, but that the masters of the ghost clan all have the same virtues. Xingxiong Yongyi is always holding a wine bowl in his hand, and most of Cuixiang looks like this drunk.

If you win, you won't win by force; if you lose, you will lose face.Well, she can't lose, that's right.

So they became the type that Youxiang did not welcome.

"That's right, spring is too short, and it's over before it's over. Of course, we have to hold more banquets." Cuixiang said with a smile on her face, pouring down her wine.

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