In the small woods behind, Huiyin has already laid an ambush, and if Meihong gets drunk, she will be carried back...

"Although I don't know why you like it so much, but I like drinking too much, come!" Ye Kai picked up the sea bowl and poured it in one gulp.

clap clap clap...

Cuixiang applauded Ye Kai and said with a smile: "Good job, we will definitely become good friends in the future, where is your home? I just came back and I don't have a place to live. Can I live in your place in the future?"

" home is in the ghost...ghost playground. There are plenty of...dormitories, you can live in whatever you want! It's free!" Ye Kai blushed, waved his hand, and proudly said.

The two bowls of wine were both from the ghost clan, weighing nearly two catties. Although he was much stronger than Lingmeng, he was not much stronger.

Even Meihong is a little drunk now.

"Come on, drink some wine and make friends." Cuixiang persuaded him to drink again.

bang, bang...

Ye Kai, sister Hong, rushing to the street...


A white shadow flashed by, and Meihong was carried away by Huiyin in an instant.

At that speed, even Wenwen might not be able to fight hard.

The only person sitting on the field was Yuyuko.

"Hey, I'm drinking, Cuixiang." The figure of Yakumozi came out from the gap, and looked at Cuixiang with a smile.

"Hi, why did you come here? Has there been any change in Gensokyo over the years?" Cuixiang said with a flushed face.

She will always look like this drunk, but when she is really drunk, she doesn't seem to be really drunk.

"It's changed a lot, at least the place is much bigger. And, you've found out, Gensokyo is about to leave this world." Yakumo Zi said deeply.

"I found out, otherwise I wouldn't be in such a hurry to come back." Cuixiang said a little depressed.

The ghosts and gods outside are basically invisible. If you want to live in groups, you still need Gensokyo.

"This child is the future of Gensokyo." Yakumo Zi put her hand on Ye Kai's head and stroked it lightly.

"I think his smell is so familiar, a bit like that guy Yuwentuo." Cuixiang said dizzily.

"It's not him, Yuwentuo's soul is different from his, and Yuwentuo's eyes are one red and one blue, and his strength is much stronger than his. It feels like the two of them are a race, using the ability of a system. Besides , Yu Wentuo is much more ruthless than him, and it's hard to deal with when he goes berserk." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Is that so? That may be my illusion, they both have the same ghost hand. That's right, Yu Wentuo's weapon is also much stronger than the one hanging on his waist. It can still be cut. It's really strange that a meteorite flew out of nowhere." Cuixiang shook her head and said softly.

"An old man said that that guy is coming back soon. I think Yuxiang is the one who misses him the most, right? Youxiang said that fighting Yuwentuo was the happiest." Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

"Well, that guy's fighting style is really wild." Cuixiang responded.

"Ah, but why, I think it's him?" Youyouzi put Ye Kai's head on his lap, and said while stroking Ye Kai's head.

"The darkness in his body is not the same concept as Yuwentuo. The darkness in Yuwentuo's body is dozens of times stronger than mine."

The voice of the ancestors sounded.

Seeing that she was wearing a Monkey King mask, Shi Shiran walked over.

"It's really lively today." Yakumo Zi narrowed her eyes and said.

"My lovely daughter is drunk, of course I have to come and see."


Xiandai sat on the chair, picked up the wine bowl without looking outside, and stretched it towards Cuixiang.

Cuixiang's eyes lit up, she poured wine for the ancestors, and said with a smile: "Well, you are human, you can't drink much."


Xiandai drank the wine in the bowl in one breath, and said boldly, "Heh, do you think I'm a little girl like Lingmeng?"

The previous generation did not have the blessing of a large enchantment, although it was not as good as many big monsters, it was not weaker than Hong Meiling at all.

"Let's not mention that guy for now, Yuyuko, why do you feel this way?" Yakumo Zi said softly.

"Ala, I don't know, it's just that when I ate with Ye Kaisang for the first time, I felt very close. Ye Kaisang can still meet me without my authorization, which should be the best An example?" Youyouzi said with a smile.

"Yu Wentuo was a character more than a thousand years ago, and Ye Kai was born nineteen years ago." Yakumo Zi shook his head.

"Could it be reincarnation?" Xian Dai thought of the most likely outcome.

"Very likely." Yakumo Zi put down her folding fan and said in a deep voice.

"That guy claimed to be the undead species, but he was eaten by Rumia at the beginning." Xian Dai pondered.

"That old guy, but he said he will come back, is reincarnation a kind of return?" Yakumo Zi asked a little puzzled.

"Is there no ability to travel through time and space?" Cuixiang asked curiously.

"Yes, there is, but that little girl's power is too weak now, and we can't help any of us to go to the past to re-read, Yu Wentuo's history, but was eaten by Huiyin. Only us, it is not too affected." Yakumo Zi frowned.

Even they couldn't fully remember the history of being eaten by Huiyin.

No way, if that guy hadn't been eaten by history, Reimu and Marisa wouldn't be able to stand it.

The two of them, in a sense, have a good relationship with that guy, childhood playmates!

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