Just like Lumia, her history with Yuwentuo was eaten up by Huiyin.

"Well, what are you thinking about so much, I'm not going back to Gensokyo to be a detective, come on, let's drink and drink!" Cuixiang raised the wine bowl again.

goo go go go...

Several people drank the wine in the bowl.

Tonight, it seems that I can't be kind, I knew I would not show up in front of Cuixiang.

Chapter 268 Showdown

"I'm so dizzy..." Ye Kai opened his eyes in a daze.

Sure enough, drinking capacity has to be practiced!It turned out to be three bowls down, what a shame...

Hey, why are your hands so soft?

Ye Kai lowered his head and saw the familiar scene, Youyouzi climbed onto his bed again.

Ye Kai gently removed the hand holding Youyouzi's chest, and put it on her head.

In other words, is this the rhythm of throwing arms and throwing arms?This kind of thing happened twice, okay!Creatures like ghosts can marry?

Ye Kai pressed his temples and didn't think much about it.

The feeling of dizziness came again, and he knew it was because he hadn't sobered up quickly, so he changed a comfortable position, turned Yuyuko over, and continued to sleep with her in his arms.

Such a comfortable pillow is not in vain.

The two of them were dressed so neatly, so nothing should have happened.

However, let's talk to Yuyuko today, how can he also have a girlfriend.

Hmm... If you have a girlfriend, hugs are fine, right?This is friendship!


"Ye Kai, come drink! Alcohol can sober you up!"

Cuixiang pushed open the door of Ye Kai's room, was stunned when she saw Ye Kai and Youyouzi, closed the door casually, and muttered: "Young people nowadays are really open."

Immediately, she went outside and looked at the scenery with a satisfied expression on her face.

Last night, Yakumo Zijian escaped, and Xiandai and Reimu were also taken away by her.

Although Youyouzi is a ghost, the strange thing is that she gets drunk when she drinks too much!Really, is there no one to drink?

"Are you awake?" The figure of Xiandai appeared in Gensokyo Playground and walked towards Cuixiang.

"Why are you here?" Cuixiang asked curiously.

"I'm here to look for a job." Xiandai said indifferently, without any sense of disobedience in her words.

Where humans are, she will harm humans if she stays for a long time.

She doesn't like to go to many monster places.

The power of monsters on the ground is more obvious in Scarlet Devil Mansion and Monster Mountain, and it is impossible for her to work in such places.

I have been eating Yakumo Zi's relief all these years, which is a bit enough.

Thinking of this, she came here decisively.

"Ye Kai hasn't woken up yet, let's wait together, do you want some wine." Cuixiang handed the wine gourd to Xiandai.

Xiandai shook his head and rubbed his head: "Forget it, I didn't change the mask when I got up. It's time to buy a new mask recently."

"Okay." Cuixiang didn't force herself, and drank alone.

After waiting for another morning, Ye Kai and Youyouzi woke up leisurely.

"Ye Kaisang, you are taking advantage of Master Youyouzi again." Youyouzi looked at the hands on his waist and said cutely.

"No, it's like this when I wake up." Ye Kai said shamelessly.

Touching the waist is better than touching the chest, right?

After finishing speaking, the two sat up at the same time, as if nothing had happened, Ye Kai washed up, took the towel handed over by Youyouzi, and wiped his face.

Ye Kai suddenly had an illusion, why he and Youyouzi are more like boyfriend and girlfriend, and Youyouzi is so natural.

Shaking my head, don't think about it, it's unrealistic.

Youyouzi is the master of the underworld, how could she live with herself if she had to manage so many undead.

"By the way, Youyouzi, why are you so nice to me?" Ye Kai asked Youyouzi with a puzzled expression.

If you don't show your cards, you will make a mistake.

"Ah, I don't know, I just like the smell of Ye Kaisang, it feels so familiar and comfortable." Youyouzi thought for a while.

"Uh... the meaning is unclear." Ye Kai spread his arms, expressing his incomprehension.

"Ala, you will understand in the future." Youyouzi said with a smile.

"But I have a girlfriend." Ye Kai looked at Youyouzi strangely.

Although it's a bit bad to say that, especially since he just finished taking advantage of others.But if everything happens later, it will be too late.

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