We agreed to wait for Tifa for a year, and if Tifa saw him and found someone to wait with him, he couldn't be killed...

"Huh? When did the monsters in Gensokyo become monogamous?" Yuyuko asked curiously.

Ye Kai was stunned immediately.

He just remembered that although human beings here are monogamous like modern times, this does not seem to exist in the monsters, and the monsters here do not marry.

Well, after all, most of them are girls!There are few male monsters that are powerful.

"...You won." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

Although he has lived here for so long, he has always regarded himself as a human being.

Meihong saw that Ye Kai was with Youyouzi, and also had boyfriend and girlfriend with Tifa, she didn't say anything.The main reason is that her father, who only had seven or eight wives, wanted to marry Hui Ye back then, and always regarded this as the norm.

Ye Kai wanted to talk to Youyouzi about marriage law and reason, but he found that he couldn't say it.

Reasoning in Gensokyo?No matter how you think about it, it's not reliable.

The monsters in Gensokyo are generally older, and their minds are still stuck in the era of the weak and the strong more than a thousand years ago.

Don't try to reason with monsters, because powerful monsters won't reason with you, Youxiang is the best example.

Although a weak monster is an idiot, she will lower your IQ and then defeat you with her rich experience. Cirno is the king of kings in this regard.

The mighty but dumb yokai are even scarier—huh?What is the reason?Can I eat it?Remy is such a typical example!

Finally, monsters who are not strong and not stupid... Most of them have a terrible backstage, and that should be the last existence to be messed with.Well, like Orange, like Lianlian, like Sanae, Sanae is not a monster, right?But the truth is the same.

"So, Ye Kaisang, do you want to raise Lord Youyouzi?" There was a beautiful smile on Youyouzi's face again.

Seeing Youyouzi's angelic face, Ye Kai seemed to be moved.

No, I'm still young now, only nineteen years old, Yakumo Zidu... isn't I in a hurry when I'm seventeen?

Besides, the fate of those male monsters, isn't it that they all died and couldn't die anymore?

"Don't act so cute, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the temptation." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

"Ala, doesn't it mean that Ye Kaisang doesn't like me? I've made it obvious." Youyouzi asked doubtfully.

"You said it too suddenly, isn't it supposed to be said by a man? You are a girl, you have to be reserved, you know!" Ye Kai patted Youyouzi's head and smiled.

"Ye Kaisang, don't forget that you can't beat Lord Youyouzi, and if you refuse to believe it or not, Lord Youyouzi will tie you up to the White Jade Building." Youyouzi pointed at Ye Kai and said.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment.

Damn, forgot, I'm not the top of the food chain in Gensokyo!

What's the situation, obviously I want to remind you in a disguised form, why did you become Youyuzi and confessed domineeringly?

Chapter 269 New Employee

"Well, Youyouzi, are you joking or serious? I can't tell from your expression at all." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Yuyuko still has the look of wandering in the sky, which makes it difficult to tell whether it is true or false.

"Ah, I don't know about this, it's really distressing..." Yuyuko said in distress while touching his forehead.

Ye Kai suddenly had black lines all over his head, as expected this guy is a cute thing.

"Forget it, let's leave this alone, let's go out to eat first." Ye Kai opened the door and went out.

Youyouzi also entered the mode of wandering in the sky, but there was a little more joy on his face.

Ye Kai has a feeling that this guy doesn't know what liking is and what love is.

Maybe it's just mere possessiveness and affection?

Knocked on the head, don't think about it anymore, it's important to eat.

"Hey, why are you here? You didn't come to ask me for a drink, did you? I won't drink today!" Ye Kai looked at Cuixiang vigilantly and said.

"Well, didn't you say you want me to live here? I've already found a dormitory, please take care of me, hiccup..."

Cui Xiang said with a smile on her face.

"Who is this?" Ye Kai pointed to Xiandai.

"This is an employee who came to apply for the job." Cuixiang took a sip of wine and smiled.

"Employee?" There were a lot of question marks on Ye Kai's head.

"Ye Kaisang, have you forgotten? You sent out a recruitment notice before, recruiting an amusement park administrator." Youyouzi asked suspiciously.

"Um... I really forgot." Ye Kai patted his forehead.

Now the amusement park is on the right track, and it can bring him about [-] yuan in income every month after deducting expenses and taxes.

Although the money seems to be a lot, this is a playground!An amusement park earns [-] yuan a month, which is a heartbreaking figure!

Of course, Ye Kai's own expenses are enough.

The population of Gensokyo is still too small, and basically those who are rich come to visit VIP hot springs to make money.

For the income of the beach, it would be nice to be able to maintain a balance of payments.

On the contrary, the amusement park made a lot of money, but Ye Kai didn't have many shares there, and it was the Scarlet Devil's Mansion that was making money.

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