[Kunlun Mirror: Possesses the power to freely travel through time and space. 】

In Ye Kai's eyes, from red to blue, from blue back to red, repeating itself.

And the blood jade sword on his chest suddenly turned into a small mirror, it was the Kunlun Mirror!

Ye Kai himself didn't feel these things, he just felt like he was sick.

But after he became a ghost sword, he never felt like this!what is the problem?

[Almighty Ghost Sword System Opened]

[Integrating the power of time and space, it can complement the full-fledged ghost sword system after completion]

[There may be problems during the period, please solve it by the host]

[Compensation Weapon: Meteorite Knife]

[Awakening mission starts! 】

【Select World: The Elder Scrolls 5】

[Return Mission: Please trigger it yourself]

[Main task: Awakening]

【Support Soldier System: Full Version (Trial)】

[The number of people that can be carried: 2]

[Note: You cannot join support troops in the middle]

"What's wrong with me, why do I need to time travel?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

Could it be that the power of ghosts and gods went berserk?Bloody runaway?Or, Xiaojian had a convulsion.Well, it's not the first time I've passively traversed, I should get used to it.

The Elder Scrolls 5, this is one of the most profound stand-alone games he has played!

Wait, it looks like he already knows the mission of the Dawnguard, and has done half of the main mission.

For a stand-alone game, the most impressive thing is not the main story, but the boss, which is quite strange.But in the world of the ancient scrolls, it is not surprising at all.

It seems that he has basically never done the main task, and he is doing various DIY mods.

I believe that many old roll five players are the same, and rarely go to really play the main line.

What he remembers most clearly are skins, rye, DIY servants, DIY rooms, and the like.

As for what happened inside, who remembers?

If you have that skill, why not go fishing!There are many kinds of fish in the world of the ancient scrolls, which can be DIYed, although there are salmon in the backpack.

If there is a better mod, it may not be possible for a rookie like Ye Kai to do it.

The map of The Elder Scrolls V is very large, there are many NPCs, and the degree of freedom is very high. It can be said that Skyrim Province is a real world.Every book you pick up in it has a story.Even a dead body on the side of the road can lead to complicated tasks.

If Ye Kai goes, I'm afraid the dialogue, missions, and plot will undergo huge changes.

The biggest reason is that Ye Kai is not a dragonborn!

"Choose... Remilia, Flandre!" Ye Kai said decisively.

He used to play in the Dawnguard camp, but in that world, camps don't distinguish between good and evil, only positions.

Remembering a vampire, he joined the Dawnguard camp.

The vampires in that world treat humans like livestock, and the boss even wants to shoot the sun.Unlike Remy and Fran, they are capable, kind-hearted, and like to be cute, so they should be different from those vampires.

Seeing that Remi didn't show mercy in killing Dracula's clansmen, I'm afraid she really doesn't care about her clansmen.

Originally, he wanted to choose Youyouzi, but during this time, Youyouzi always ran to him and gave benefits from time to time, which made him a little guilty.

Besides, I promised Remy that I would take her to play in other worlds.

"Ye Kai, what's wrong with you?" Standing behind Ye Kai, Xian Dai felt that Ye Kai's aura had changed!

Lingmeng didn't come here for the past two months, but he didn't find the ancestors.

"It's okay, I feel something is wrong." Ye Kai replied.

Not only his blood jade sword, but even his soul is absorbing the power of the Kunlun mirror.

"Hey, what's the matter with us?" Remi and Fulan suddenly teleported to Ye Kai's side, somewhat inexplicable.

But there is a playground for ghosts and gods around, so they are not worried.

Yakumo Zi has the ability to pull people.

Although Remi and Fran are unreliable, when the two encounter problems, they are flattered or humiliated.

Well, except for Kazami Yuka.

Ye Kai said to Remy: "Miss, don't you always want to play in other worlds? I'll take you there right away, okay?"

"So suddenly? Well, it's nothing. Admin, send a letter to Paqi, saying that Fran and Ye Kai and I are going to conquer other worlds, so they shouldn't worry about it." Remy regained her composure. Appearance, full of majesty.

"Okay, although I don't understand what happened, but Ye Kai, are you really okay?" Xiandai asked with some concern.

"I'm fine, I just need to travel through time." Ye Kai said.

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