"Traveling? Actively?" Xiandai asked doubtfully.

"No, it should be related to this strange moon!" Ye Kai looked at the strange moon in the sky and said in a deep voice.

"The real moon has been swapped, this one is a fake! I was just about to check with Sakuya, and it just appeared here." Remi said indifferently.

Anyway, there are countless talented people in Gensokyo, I believe someone will check whether she will go or not, she just wants to play.

"Big brother, can Flan play again this time?" Fulan asked cutely.

"Uh...Of course, you can play however you want, remember to listen to my sister and me." Ye Kai touched Fulan's small head and smiled.

"Fran is the most obedient." Fran showed an expression of enjoyment.


A golden light flashed, and the three of them disappeared immediately.

Before Ye Kai left, he saw a gap, Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko's heads were exposed from it, and the three of them only had time to look at each other.

Ye Kai's weird demon pupils, the mirror on his chest.

"Yu Wentuo!" Yakumo Zi rushed out from the gap, trying to grab Ye Kai's hand, but failed!It's a pity that Ye Kai didn't hear what she said, and didn't even have time to say hello.

How did his soul change?

Isn't that little mirror that Yu Wentuo carries with him?

By the way, his hair is not white, that's because his hair was black now before meeting Xixingyao!

Thinking about it now, the two of them look very similar, and Yu Wentuo is like an older Ye Kai!

"Ala, Zi, I'm not wrong, Ye Kaisang is Yu Wentuo, my intuition is the most accurate as expected!" Youyouzi said proudly.

Panic appeared in Yakumo Zi's eyes for the first time, through the past and the present, has he traveled through time and space?

Taigong said that he could bring people from the future here, and wanted to test whether he could really go back to the past?

So the question is, which came first, the egg or the chicken?

[Time stops in Fantasy Township, time stops in the worlds you have been to, and starts to connect the past and the present]

ps: It’s time to bid farewell to normal Gensokyo for a while, and then it’s time to fill in the pits!Maybe soon, maybe slowly, let's see if I can move my liver next month... How could I not write about the past of Gensokyo?

Chapter 271 Arrival

Ye Kai didn't know what happened, he didn't see the news that the time in Gensokyo stopped, and he didn't know that he would not be able to return to the real Gensokyo for a long time.

All he knew was that he and two lovely lolis came to the world of The Elder Scrolls 5.

There are 10 major races here, Argonians, Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs, Redguards and Wood Elves.

There are four basic career settings of Warrior, Assassin, Archer and Mage.

It can be said that this is the magic continent, medieval style.

Also, Hakon, the vampire lord who has lived in seclusion for a long time, accidentally heard an incomplete prophecy——vampires will end the tyranny of the sun and become no longer afraid of the sun...

In order to make this prophecy come true and realize his plot to enslave human beings, Maharaja Hakon brought his gang of vampire brothers back to the sky to move around and do harm to the common people.

In order to fight against the powerful vampire organization, Israeln, who hated vampires deeply, rebuilt the once declining Dawn Guard organization, and the competition between the two camps in the sky began.

This is roughly the Dawnguard.

As for the original background and main quests of this game, Ye Kai really didn't pay attention to it. He thought of the ancient scrolls, which were ry, ry, and the like.

Every time he diy those mods, he will be tortured to death, either crash or another crash.

The background here is the Middle Ages, and the people are all European faces. I'm afraid I can't find the self-made entourage that I particularly like.

If he does it, as long as he enters Fengzhai or Longxiao Palace, he will be full of followers, and he will follow you if he says a word, and he will not be killed no matter how he fights, and he can also make some interesting mods and some interesting actions.

"This world is so old." Lei Mi sighed while riding on Ye Kai's shoulder.

Fran and Remy were both vampires, but that wasn't a problem. They didn't grow up like Hakon anyway, and they didn't drink other people's blood, and they weren't afraid of being discovered.

The wings on Fran and Remy's body are more like a show of cuteness, no matter how you look at it, they don't come out to fight.

"It has the same taste as Gensokyo." Fulan said cutely in Ye Kai's arms.

The ghost hand on Ye Kai's hand looks more like a disease, which is completely acceptable in this world.

Now he is riding a Remy around his neck, holding a Fran in his arms, with a scar around his waist, and holding a huge black umbrella in his hand. He looks like a brother taking his sister to relax.

"Miss, don't call yourself a vampire when the time comes, this world is quite repulsive to vampires." Ye Kai reminded.

"Hmph! So what if you admit it? Master Remy is invincible in this world!" Remy said proudly.

"Eh... there are demon gods in this world, and they are also at the level of big monsters. If they are too powerful..." Ye Kai did not continue.

"Since it's a servant's request, it's not impossible for Master Remy to consider it, lest you, a nasty servant, not bring Master Remy out to play in the future... No, it's to conquer the world!" Remy pinched her waist with both hands.

"Okay, lord Remy is mighty, and lord Remy is domineering! Speaking of which, the mission here needs to be triggered by myself, so I can only make a name for myself." Ye Kai said thoughtfully.

In the world of the ancient scrolls, he didn't know whether the people here were strong or weak.

If it's reasonable, it doesn't feel strong at all when playing!But the strength of the world cannot be calculated in this way. In history, the Taishang Laojun was just an old man, but in the prehistoric background, it was completely different. He was a saint-level powerhouse.

Ye Kai now has to find a few more powerful monsters to fight, in order to know what is going on in this world.

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