Wait, there seems to be a group of comrades-in-arms, which doesn't belong to any big force, but an independent fighter guild, how about going there?

There is also Winterhold, where it seems that you can learn magic, and there are tasks for magicians.

Then there are thieves, and there is also a large task line.

Quests can definitely be found in these places, but what exactly is the system asking for?

"Ye Kai, where are we going?" Remi asked with a puzzled expression.

A few people are now equivalent to pressing the road, and there is nothing on the ground except for some small animals and flowers and plants.

However, the scenery is pretty good, at least much better than the picture in the game.

"I don't know either. Although I know a little about this world, there were clear things to do when I traveled in the past, but this time I didn't at all." Ye Kai said angrily.

It was getting late, it was the time when Remy and Fulan were in high spirits, the children were full of energy, they hated being bored, Ye Kai couldn't help it.

"Ha! Then follow Master Remy's instructions, let's go over there!" Remy pointed in one direction.

"Hey, why?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.


Ye Kai's head was knocked by Remy's little hand, and Remy proudly said: "Master Remy has the ability to control fate, and fate tells me that good things will happen if I go there."

"Eh..." Ye Kai finally realized that Remy is a compass!

Ye Kai always thought that her destiny ability was for cuteness, but who would have thought it could be useful?

"Towards that side, let's go!"

Remy pointed to the northwest and shouted.

And Ye Kai also turned around and walked over there.

The further you go there, the colder the weather gets, but Ye Kai and the others don't care at all.

Although Remi and Fran hate the cold, it doesn't mean that they are really afraid of the cold. After all, they are big monsters, so they are afraid of this thing?


Ye Kai glanced over there, and found several gloomy guys sitting by the fire, not knowing what they were doing.

This is the foot of a mountain. There were only animals around, but I didn't expect to meet living people.

"It smells like a vampire." Fran said softly.

Remy curled her lips and said, "They deserve to be called vampires? I don't feel any noble blood from them. They should be bitten by artificially transformed vampires. I'm more interested in the guy who can transform humans into vampires." interested in."

Hakon, written as Hakon, is read as father-in-law, a purebred vampire, a lord in the first era, estimated to be thousands of years old, transformed by the demon god Molag Bal himself, and also transformed by the mother-in-law Berelica and the eldest lady Serana.

What Remy was interested in was the so-called Demon God.

As for Hakon, Remi was not interested, and even if Hakon was better than her, she would not be interested.

Vampires value bloodlines the most, and they are a very strange race.

Hakon is indeed a purebred vampire in this world, but in Remy's eyes, anyone who is not descended from her Scarlet family ancestors is a hybrid...

Well, this one is kind of like a golden idea.

"What about their strength?"

Ye Kai was really interested.

"In terms of feeling, it's similar to a black and white mouse without equipment?" Remy thought for a while.

Chapter 272 The First Day

"Marisa without equipment is not weak..." Ye Kai pondered for a while.

Marisa is about level [-], and she is also level [-] without equipment.

This level does not pose any threat to him now, the problem is that those guys are just ordinary vampires!

What needs to be determined now is the level of giants, trolls, ghouls, and dragons.

Logically speaking, the highest level of a monster is 51, and it will not continue to improve.

The highest level of ghouls in the game is the ghoul overlord at level 40, which is comparable to his own strength.

He didn't think about it, in this real world, the system arranged for him to take care of himself were all monsters of the previous level in the game.

However, there is still some experience with the game.

It can be said that the level of dragons varies from high to low, and the strongest dragon should be the same level as the vampire lord, both of which are big monsters.

Then I brought Fulan and Remy, didn't I want to scan the picture?

No, Fran can't kill the big monster in seconds, and the real strong should go together.

There is another question, the dragons and the vampire lords in this world are all great monsters, so what about the demon gods who have never shown themselves?What level will it be?

"Fulan, there is one thing you must remember. In this world, you must never fight with purpose." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"Why?" Fulan looked up at Ye Kai, Ye Kai seemed to be kissing her...

The eldest lady is on top, so you can't do this, or you will be stabbed to death.

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