Remy's IQ didn't even react to this.

However, it's just cute, and Ye Kai is not broken.

"Huh, I'm so sleepy, big brother, big sister, Fran is going to sleep." Fran narrowed her eyes, then ran to the bed, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Remi made a helpless gesture, went to bed without taking off her shoes, and fell asleep with Fran in her arms.

In the past, their pajamas were all changed by Sakuya, but Ye Kai was not as quick as Sakuya, he changed them for them unknowingly, so he had to change them little by little.

Well, this is the figure of a young girl, the evil one has to face the wall!

After finishing everything, Ye Kai left Saya of Frost, Rakshasa of Plague, and Primon of Corrosion, went to bed, hugged two loli, and fell asleep.

Today is the first day in the world of The Elder Scrolls.

Chapter 273 Dragon Slaying

In the evening, Ye Kai changed the clothes of the two Lolitas, took out "breakfast", and woke them up by the way.

He doesn't have a serious relationship yet, but this father is the first to do so.

When Remy first came in, she gave him a space bag, which was made by Paqi, and it contained her change of clothes.

Anyway, they all look the same, but the details are slightly different, and Fran's is the same.

Remi only thought that changing her clothes was the job of a servant, and she didn't realize that there was anything wrong with Ye Kai changing her clothes.

Moreover, Ye Kai looked at the bodies of Remi and Fulan without any lustful eyes, as if he was changing clothes for a doll.

No way, although Remy and Fulan are old, Ye Kai just treats them as little girls.

If he was in a shipgirl world, I'm afraid he would be taken away by the gendarmerie.

Changing clothes for a little girl is definitely a gentleman's behavior!

"Well, although it is much worse than Sakuya, but the hands and feet are still nimble, not bad."

Lei Mi hasn't consciously praised Ye Kai yet, which makes Ye Kai a little embarrassed. Although he has no evil intentions, the two lolita are legal lolita after all...

Speaking of which, she was beaten to death just seeing Remy's black lace before, why didn't she get entangled in changing her clothes?


In the same way, there are swimsuits. Obviously some swimsuits are more revealing than underwear, but it doesn't matter if you see swimsuits, and it's very shameful to see underwear.

Ye Kai has been wondering, what kind of logic is this?

Many people like to see spring scenery under their skirts, and if they want to go to Hainan, Dalian, and Beidaihe, if they take a stroll around, they will have everything?

Inability to vomit.

Even for bathing, Fulan and Remy can only bathe in the lake, they can't even go to the river. Ye Kai even digs a hole and drains the water, and then uses the Earth Fissure Wave Sword and Lichuang to boil water for them.

Putting this ability on Ye Kai, I really wronged them.

The only good news is that as long as the jet lag is fixed, he doesn't need an umbrella.

Today's goal, I still don't know where it is, but I just need to go.Anyway, it was Remi who showed the way, so even if they were cheated, it was her fault, and it was just to accompany them on an outing.

Sigh... The Elder Scrolls world doesn't have fast travel, bad review!

On the road, it took another two days before the three reached their destination.One of them was a tent where he lived, and he didn't meet any unscrupulous robbers, which made Ye Kai secretly think that it was a pity that if he met a robber, he could still make a fortune.

Suddenly, several people felt a strong sense of oppression, and a solemn voice slowly sounded in the sky.

Meredia: Behold my temple, standing in ruins.Is the perseverance, devotion and skill of mortals only up to this point?

"Who's talking?" Remi shook her head alertly, ready to call Gungnir anytime.

Now she also knows that although the other world is fun, it is also full of dangers.

Of course, why would Lady Remy be afraid of such a crisis?

She had only experienced this kind of life nearly [-] years ago, and after that, she was in exile. If she didn't enjoy it now, she would have to watch TV on the Internet all day long.

"Demon God?" Ye Kai frowned slightly.

He has experienced this kind of thing when he was playing games before, when there is no one around, but someone is talking, only a demon god can do it.

Generally, when this happens, the task is triggered.

"This... the line of fate is..." Remi couldn't help but cast her eyes on the sky, her expression solemn.

Meredia, Lord of Life, Lady of Infinite Energy.The sentient beings know little about her, and hate the undead extremely.Happy to reward those who clean up the walking dead and the necromancers who usurped her life energy.

Remi could feel her presence, she was out of this world, in another aspect.

She had to join hands with Fran to defeat a creature of this level!

Moreover, the other party's real body had to come, otherwise he would not be able to find him.

It was only then that Lei Mi realized how correct it was for Ye Kai to let Fulan hide her strength.

Fran also raised her small head, as if she wanted to answer, but she didn't know what to say.The owner of that voice is too rude, right?He couldn't speak.

Meredia: If they don't love me, how can my love affect them?

Meridia seemed to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be directing Ye Kai and others, hoping that they would listen to her voice and accept her mission.

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