Ye Kai glanced around, there were broken rocks everywhere.On the high platform that turns left in front, there is also a huge statue with some cracks left by the years. It seems that this statue has existed for a long time

The real body of the statue is a woman, and I can't tell what she looks like.

Around the statue, there was nothing but snow.

The current location is halfway up a big mountain. Below the altar is a gate, which should be a place like a ruin.Near the statue, there is also a semicircular depression, which is a flat stone wall, engraved with ancient characters.

Ye Kai can understand it, but what is the use of this thing?This is obviously a dragon roar!He's not a dragonborn, and he can't learn this stuff.

Wait, if there is such a thing...


A loud dragon chant sounded from behind Ye Kai, and Ye Kai hurriedly turned his head, only to see a huge dragon hovering in the air!

[Note: The system upgrade has not been completed, and the Dragonborn mode cannot be enabled for the host]

So, can you do it in the future?

"Miss, I can't fly. I'll leave this to you." Ye Kai looked up and didn't bother to answer. From the fluctuation point of view, his level is not as high as his own, and he is probably a young dragon around the [-]th level. .

For Remy, it's a piece of cake.

However, if there are no plot characters, the dragon will come out, is it really okay?

"Hmph, Lord Remy will show you how to slay a dragon! I don't want to help you!" As soon as Remy finished speaking, Gungnir suddenly appeared in his hand.

The dragon turned around and ran away as if it had encountered a natural enemy!

How could Remy watch this thing and run away?

It's so hard to meet such a weak dragon, is it worthy of the majesty of her lord Remy?


Remi threw away her hand without moving, and Gungnir flew away.

Ye Kai's pupils shrank slightly, finally seeing Remi's true strength and Gungnir's arrogance!


The giant dragon in the sky was obviously far away from the gun, but the magic gun somehow turned a corner and galloped towards the dragon!


A shot through the heart!

Ye Kai seemed to be able to see the data, and felt that the life of the dragon was rapidly decreasing.

Gungnir, the sure shot!It is indeed the weapon of the eldest lady!


The giant dragon let out a mournful cry and fell down.


Just in time, it landed in front of Ye Kai and the others.

A dragon, one of the creatures that can be called the top of the food chain in this world, was instantly killed by the young moon of eternal red!

Ye Kai is still in a dazed state, isn't this too fast?I still want to read two chapters of water.

Chapter 274 Breaking Dawn

[Kill the dragon, you can't get the dragon soul, get compensation, the experience is 1000%, the shooter is the support soldier, the experience is weakened, the experience gained is 200%]

[Name: Ye Kai.Race: ghosts and gods.Occupation: All Ghost Swordsman, Level: 42.Experience: 30%. 】

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, so much experience in a dragon?I'm afraid there is something wrong with the system.

But, where can I steal so many dragons to kill myself?Dragons in this world will not find a hotel to sleep for two days and then appear.


Just when Ye Kai thought so, the dragon's body turned into white light and slowly disappeared, just like a fantasy novel.

[Unable to obtain the dragon soul, the dragon is temporarily revived, and it will appear again when it comes next time]

"Hey, why did the dragon disappear? There are many good things about the dragon!" Remy asked curiously.

"Miss, have you ever seen a real dragon?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

He had never seen a creature like a dragon before, and he was sure that there were no dragons of this type in Gensokyo.

"I haven't seen it, but it's in the records!" Remy replied.

The eyes that looked at the scumbag deeply hurt Ye Kai, and Ye Kai planned to ignore her.

"Dragon doesn't taste good." Fran said.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to soak in dragon's blood, but now it seems impossible.

Dragon bones, dragon scales, these are really good things!Even if you can't use it yourself, you can still use it to disassemble it to see if you can separate out some powerful small crystal blocks.

Forget it, it's gone, it's gone, it's useless to think about it.

Ye Kai took the two Lolitas up to the altar, and the other party's voice rang again.

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