And Meridia didn't make a sound anymore. Seeing what she meant, she wanted Ye Kai to complete the task quickly so that she could release the reward.

"Miss, what does fate say?" Ye Kai casually asked Remi.

"It's in our interest to do what she says!" Remi said softly.

That Demon God obviously didn't notice that Remy and Fran were vampires and creatures of darkness...

Or, does she just hate the undead?

Chapter 275

Ye Kai took two lolis, opened the huge wooden door under the altar, and walked in.

This is a cave with an irregular circular passage, the ground is slightly blue, and the roof is covered with vines.

Blue is not the color of the ground, but is dyed by the blue corpses on the ground.

Undead magic is really miraculous, it can make people's corpses invisible to their original race, and there are blue crystals everywhere on them.

"It's really disgusting." Remy sniffled her little nose and frowned.

Ye Kai is also a little uncomfortable, the pervert who plays with the corpse, heaven punishes him!

Uh... It seems that it is a bit wrong to say that, but it seems that there is nothing wrong.

There are quite a few torches in the cave, so it's unlikely that you won't be able to see the way.It should be left by that Mo Keran, he regards this place as his base, right?

Walking down, I found a closed wooden door and a place sealed by an iron fence.

According to Ye Kai's game experience, there should be a mechanism behind the wooden door, which can open the iron fence.

Or, there is a treasure chest behind the wooden door, and the mechanism is in another location.

In the real world, the treasures of the labyrinth are naturally not placed casually, but are traps for adventurers.But now those traps have been in disrepair for a long time, and many of them have been scrapped.That's why, in some places near the treasure chest, there will be darts, big hammers, etc., and in some places there will be nothing.


Without even thinking about it, he stepped up and kicked the wooden door open.

unlock?Open your sister!How can I have that free time.This kick is really relieved!When there was no unlocking mod before, he used countless keys to test the past little by little!

The crunching sound of clicking, clicking, making people very uncomfortable!

Sure enough, the real Skyrim is the best.

Sure enough, there was a wrench-like mechanism inside, Ye Kai pulled it casually, and the iron fence opened in response.

squeak squeak...

The dilapidated iron fence has not been maintained for a long time, and the sound of rust being worn away can be heard everywhere.

Ye Kai went to that room, opened the treasure chest, took the gold coins and some arrows inside, and put them in his backpack.

"Hmph, greedy servant!" Remi gave Ye Kai a disdainful look.

"Miss, don't forget that we are in another world, the banknotes from Gensokyo are useless here..." Ye Kai looked up at his eldest lady helplessly.

"Huh? Why can't it be used?" Remi was stunned for a moment, obviously not responding.

"Big brother, sister is an idiot, ignore her." Fran said softly.

The current Fulan is the Sanwu version, and the words spoken from her in the air are extremely lethal!

Remy instantly felt an arrow in her chest...

"Despised by my sister, despised by my sister..."

Ye Kai ignored Remi and continued to explore.

Once inside, there are more things, at least there are a lot of haystacks and spider webs.

The corner of Ye Kai's mouth twitched. He hated creatures like spiders, or he didn't like creatures with many legs.

In this world, there are such characteristics as frost spiders, and they are all oversized.

After going down, I found that there were two forks in the road, and they all led to the same place, which was still very short.

Is this natural or artificial?If it's made artificially... the person who designed it must be sick.

This should be a very important place. There is a container on a slow platform, and a sphere emits light, shining towards the roof.

And directly in front of Ye Kai, there is another sphere that is the same as the one here, is it a mechanism?

Is this what Meredia said?

Ye Kai walked over and gently touched the pedestal.

The beacon-like thing inside slowly floated up and shot at the spherical beacon in front.

Ye Kai walked over there, and he didn't move the corpses of the adventurers on the ground, although he knew that they might have money on them.

He just gathered some shield weapons scattered on the ground to disassemble them.

After that, Ye Kai went down two more floors, and he didn't know how deep this broken place was.

Suddenly, two dark shadows rushed towards Ye Kai, their bodies were very illusory, like ghosts.

Ye Kai felt the fluctuation, it turned out to be some weak chickens.

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