Ghost cut!

Double kill with one sword!

Although Ye Kai can only move with one hand now, he still needs to maintain his body balance so that the two lolis can stay more comfortably.

However, these miscellaneous fish can't stop his way forward.

There is no experience in killing them, it should be cumulative.

After killing the two shadows, Ye Kai entered a hall, which was also a beacon, and the light shone upward from where it came.

There are two rows of horizontal chairs in the center of this hall. Could it be for missionary use?

He didn't answer, lit up the ball, Ye Kai searched, took a soul stone, and walked towards the only way to go.

"Hurry up, Master Remy feels very uncomfortable here." Remy directed while patting Ye Kai's head.

"Miss, be patient, you asked me to come here." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.



Ye Kai cracked, and a dart was chopped off by his sword.

He looked at his feet, and he accidentally stepped on a raised stone just now, which should be the legendary mechanism.

This is normal!With these dark shadows alone, this place is too weak.

Ye Kai was not trapped in this cave for too long, and after harvesting a total of more than [-] gold coins, Ye Kai went out.

The outside scenery is similar to the previous place, covered with heavy snow and surrounded by some rough statues.

If you go forward, it is a cliff, and there is only a stone bridge on the left, leading to a high platform.

Building these statues, platforms, and even steps at such a high place has to be said to be a bit uncanny.

"Ye Kai, do you still want to go to the cave?" Remi asked innocently.

After crossing the bridge and up the steps, another gate appeared, as if telling Ye Kai to go in.

"I can't help it, it's all here, how can I finish this task?" Ye Kai's prehistoric power was boiling.

Adventure or something is a man's romance!

It's a little exciting to go to these caves that have been swept in the game before in person!

Although it was dark and damp inside, the smell was rotten.

Well, that's the adventure, isn't it?

"Big brother is excited." Fran said quietly.

She could also feel that Ye Kai seemed to have awakened something extraordinary.

Looking at Ye Kai's shining eyes, Lei Mi couldn't help shivering.

Aren't previous adventurers very taboo about entering caves casually?Looking at Ye Kai's current state, even if there is a nuclear bomb in the treasure chest, he will open it for you to see!

It's really strange, what's so good about such a dark and humid place?Could it be that men are perverted creatures?

While Remi was thinking, Ye Kai opened the door again.

Chapter 276 Poor Remy...

This cave is much more high-end than the previous one, with wooden suspension bridges everywhere, and some iron cage passages.

Ye Kai doesn't have to run around like in the game, and worry about whether he will fall to the ground. Now he just needs to fly.

"Miss, go there." Ye Kai grabbed Remy's ankle with one hand.

"Hmph, you lowly servant who doesn't have wings and can't fly, let Master Remy take you to fly!" Remy said proudly.

Flying is a basic skill in Gensokyo, but Ye Kai can't learn it no matter what...

Remi's legs were pinched, and Ye Kai's neck was clamped by two thighs that were as thick as Ye Kai's arms, and Ye Kai's face turned red instantly.

This is not shame, this is about to be cut off by her...

"Ahem..." Ye Kai was placed on the stone platform, turned on the mechanism, and said to Remy with a speechless face: "Miss, remember to be gentle next time, my old arms and legs can't stand you toss."

Remi's pretty face flushed, and she knew that she was nervous just now, so it was the first time to fly with someone, and now her thighs were still a little itchy.

"Nah... Long-winded, Master Remy took you to fly, you should be grateful, you know?" Remy showed her small canine teeth, and opened her teeth and claws to grind them.

Ye Kai touched his nose and sighed helplessly.

Remy, this guy, I'm afraid it's impossible to be reliable, right?Forget it, who let himself be this young lady?

"Sister is so arrogant." Fulan glanced up and said casually.

Remy was speechless...

Why does my own sister always turn towards Ye Kai?

Regardless of the young lady who continues to act cute, Ye Kai said that it is better to rely on Yuexiang to be more reliable.The rest of the institutions are all handled in this way, open the box if you have it, take it if you have money, and never let go of a book, even if you don’t read it yourself, Paqiuli will read it, and it’s okay to publish it in Gensokyo and sell it for money.

The stories in these books can all be read as novels!

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