"Ha, those two people deserved what they deserved, their arrogance is simply unacceptable."

"These words just make me thirsty, maybe another vigilante is coming."

"I hope Lokiel can hurry up, I kind of want to go back to the castle, and then tell Hakon what kind of fool he gave the task to."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Kai's mouth, it seems that this is the real task point, that guy didn't cheat himself too hard.

Well, I wanted to give him some more deterrence, but now it seems that I don't need it.

"I kind of want to tell Lokiel about your infidelity."

"You never dare. Shut up and keep watching."

Although it is underground, there is still water and air flowing down from above.

The most indispensable thing in Skyrim Province is the cave, and it is not known who made it.

If they are all careerists, then there are too many careerists. It is a miracle that Skyrim hasn't been ruined yet.

"Hey, there's a dog there that smells the same as this group of bastard vampires." Remy suddenly pointed to the front.

Ye Kai was taken aback, it was really a dog, it was raised by a vampire, and it also carried the vampire virus.

In addition to a dog, there are two vampires, one male and one female, which should be the two who spoke just now.

Ye Kai casually took out the concealment, in this kind of dark scene, it is more dazzling to use a lightsaber!


Ye Kai took advantage of the fact that they hadn't reacted, and immediately ran to the middle of them.

When they reacted, a sword glow flashed.


They looked at Ye Kai in disbelief, as if they didn't know where Ye Kai came from.

They wanted to attack Ye Kai, but found that they couldn't attack at all now!

That half of the body looks familiar?It turns out that this is me...


Two vampires, turned to ashes after death.

Ye Kai put away his sword and stood up, sneering: "Miscellaneous fish."


Remy's Iron Fist...

"Hurry up, Master Remy is a little sleepy. If you can't do it in an hour, I will stab you ten thousand times! This time, Master Remy will do it yourself and tell those fakes what a real vampire is!"

Well, the eldest lady is mighty.

Ye Kai took the two lolis and walked towards the ground. There was a closed door without a keyhole, which was kicked open by Ye Kai.

He didn't bother to go to the sentry tower to open the mechanism.

This cave is not much different from the previous one, but it is darker, and it smells of vampires and bones everywhere.

Remi flew ahead with Gungnir in her hands, and Ye Kai walked behind holding Fran.

Anyway, Remy led the way, and he was happy to be at leisure.

At first, several skeletons emerge from the ground, and a vampire is also nearby.

Remi didn't even bother to talk to them, and with a sweep of the spear, they were all reduced to ashes!

Remy may feel that this vampire is too weak, not even qualified to send her a message.

Several people slowly explored inside, and found that this is not a base of vampires, but a relic!

Vampires, like Ye Kai and others, are intruders.

In front, is a death hound, fighting with ghouls.

Creatures like ghouls seem to have been born specifically to protect the relics. The strongest ghoul overlord, even level 40, is almost the same as Ye Kai.


Remy snorted softly and rushed forward.

Brush, brush, brush...

A little cold light came first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

Although Remy is just a little lolita, her marksmanship is definitely not weak!No matter who it is, a long spear that has been refined for nearly five hundred years will not be too watery, even if it is often fishing.

Remy is not using an ordinary gun, but a sure-fire gun!

The ghoul, the death hound, and the four purebred vampires are not even Remy's all-in-one enemy. Remy just rushed in and played a few games casually, and wiped them all out!

Compared to Kazami Yuka, she is indeed just a cute creature, but that doesn't mean she is weak!

Even if Ye Kai wakes up, he is not sure that he can beat Remi.


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