Remy kicked a vampire in the chest with her little foot, pinning him against the wall.

Before he could react, Remy's spear was already pointed at his neck.

"Who are you!" The vampire turned pale with fright. Are all lolis so fierce now?He didn't agree with each other, killed his four companions, and even killed their enemies.

"Young Moon of Eternal Scarlet, the great Patriarch of the Scarlet House, Remilia Scarlet! I spare your life today, go back and tell your Patriarch that this continent is not for lowly bastard vampires like you. Wanton harm." Remi's eyes flashed a gleam of coldness, as if she had regained her long-lost majesty...

"Are you... a vampire? Why have I never seen you?" A drop of cold sweat dripped from the vampire's head.

For the mission, they have always sacrificed their lives, after all, not completing the mission is more terrifying than death.

But, the girl in front of her turned out to be a vampire?It seems that he is still a vampire at the level of the Maharaja!

"How can a group of bastards be entitled to hear Master Remy's name? Your wanton killing will only make human beings firmly eradicate vampires and bring harm to the innocent!" Remy showed her small canine teeth and sneered, "Tell your Patriarch , His end is coming soon! The great Scarlet Young Moon will soon kill him and take his place! Get lost!"


The vampire was sent flying by Remy.

If the opponent is replaced by another creature, he will step forward and fight desperately no matter what!

But Remy is different, she is a vampire, and a powerful vampire!

At most, the sky is about to change!Those few unlucky ghosts are just a means of establishing their prestige.

It's a big deal to change the boss!It has nothing to do with him...

All this, as long as he told Ha Kong exactly.

Being provoked by Remy is at best a vampire civil war.

The scarlet eyes of Ye Kai and Flan glared at him, and he fled even faster...

Well, there are two vampire subordinates, and one of them is similar to that little girl, and should be a sister.

The energy of the vampires on them is very strong, I'm afraid...even without the daughter of Cold Harbor and the ancient scrolls, they can cover the sky with their strength alone.

He guessed it right, Remy can really use the red mist to cover the entire Skyrim Province, making Skyrim Province a world without sunlight!

However, what he didn't know was that Remy was just passing by, just to despise Ha Kong on the way.

In her heart, there is no plan to seize power...

Simply put, she just wanted to have some fun...

Chapter 281 The True Miss

Ye Kai and the others continued to explore inside, and Lei Mikai was more than twice as fast as Ye Kai?If you see a door, you kick it, if you see a mechanism, you break it down, if you see a vampire, you... If there are too many, kill one and let him take the lead. If there is only one, Remi kills him directly.

Not to mention that Remy looks like a primary school student, I have never seen her be soft-handed.

It is estimated that Ha Kong will know in two days, there will be a vampire who will challenge him in Skyrim Province!When the time comes, he will be ready for battle, right?

At the end of the fight, several people pushed open a wooden door and found a weird hall.

In front is a small stone platform with a magic scroll on it.

The buildings here are obviously more rigorous than the ones I have seen before, and the gargoyles are made as if they were real.

The environment inside is also very elegant, it should be written by a master.

"I won't tell you anything, vampire, I swear allegiance to Standa, so torture me!"

"Oath Sworn, I trust you. I don't think you know what you've found. Go, meet your favorite Stendar."

"Are you sure that's wise, Lokiel? He might tell us something else."

After the three of them arrived in this hall, the sound of conversation came from below.

Since the hall is very empty, the sound travels far.

Ye Kai took a few steps forward, and found that there is another universe here, at least bigger than imagined.

The bottom is tens of meters away from Ye Kai's position. The whole interior is an irregular circle, and there is a circular building in the middle, like a slow platform, surrounded by water.

The sun shone down from above, making it look foggy inside.

Coupled with this weird building, it makes people feel unreal.

It was only after seeing the sunshine that leaves opened that it turned out that it was already daytime, no wonder Remy and Fran were a little sleepy.

"We've never been anywhere..."

"He doesn't know anything. He brought us here for his own purpose. Now it's up to us to decide whether we want to share Hakon's share."

"We won't return empty-handed, and Wen Jiamo and Ossejov will lead the way for me."

"Yes, don't forget who gave you the news about the Oathsworn's discovery."

"Of course I know who is friend and who is foe."

Ye Kai frowned slightly. It seems that the vampire camp is not very united. There are many people who want to replace Ha Kong.

When he heard this, the conversation was over. Ye Kai led Remy and Fran down the steps, and found a male body. This should be the so-called vower, right?

There was also a book on the ground, which introduced this place. Ye Kai glanced at it casually and threw it away. It was completely useless!

If you read the content of every book in Tianji, it is estimated that this volume is enough for 200 million words.

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