"What's your name, why are you locked up here? You have to tell me about this." Ye Kai thought for a while.

He didn't delve too deeply into the background of the story in the game, but now it's worth his delving into it.

I don't know if he can understand the thing about the ancient scrolls, and if it is useful to him.

"This is very complicated..." The woman frowned.

"Then keep it simple." Ye Kai is not like in the game, there are only two options, and there are too many things he can do.

Her father, Harkon, was the head of the Valkihar clan of vampires, whose home was at Castle Valkihar.

By chance, he, who is keen on pursuing the ultimate power, heard the prophecy of the tyrant of the sun. If it can be realized, pure blood vampires will no longer be afraid of the weakening effect of the sun.

In order to understand the specifics of the prophecy, he needs to find the Elder Scrolls.Through the ancient scrolls, he learned that in order to fulfill this prophecy, he must obtain the Bow of Auriel, plus the ceremony of sacrificing a daughter of Cold Harbor.

After hearing the news, her mother, Berelica, hid it in a sarcophagus in the crypt of Hollow.

This is what Serana told him directly, and it is much more honest than in the game, at least there is no need to ask a little bit.

Ye Kai knew where her mother was, but Serana didn't know, she didn't bother to tell Ye Kai without asking.

"Well, well, since the task is completed, then what should you do, I'm going home too." Ye Kai said.

He really doesn't care much about the follow-up, anyway, since the ancient scrolls came out, then he just needs to find the artifact and kill Harkon.

The remaining tasks can be done or not.

Running errands like in the game?Simply overthinking.

What Ye Kai can do is to send her out.Seeing Ha Kong or something, if Remi gets upset and kills Ha Kong directly, what about the artifact?

He also wants to exchange the artifact for a decent dress. How many years has he been wearing this?

Just when Ye Kai and others were about to leave.


The two gargoyles guarding the door suddenly came alive and roared!


Serana frowned slightly, she wasn't very afraid of such a creature, but it was just that this kind of creature was really uncomfortable.

She was about to use her magic to kill the vampire when Remy did it.

"Don't disturb my sleep!"


Gungnir, a must-hit gun, first appeared in Serana's eyes.

Bang, bang!

The two gargoyles were not a single enemy at all, they were all turned into pieces!

Serana can also deal with those two gargoyles, but definitely not as easily as Remy!

Who is this little girl?

The pure energy of the school group seems to be stronger than her father's!Her father is a vampire lord who has lived for thousands of years!

The vampires set in this world are completely different from Remy and the others. Although the older the vampires are, the more powerful they become, but the bloodline is also an aspect.

In the world of Gensokyo, there is something more important, and that is talent!

The younger the age, the stronger the awakening ability, and Fran awakened at the age of five, and Remi awakened at the age of ten. They can be said to be the top vampires in the pyramid!

Coupled with taking Ye Kai's blood for a long time, it can be said that the two little vampires no longer have any weaknesses except fear of running water.

The sun will only make them hate, but not make them afraid!

It will be uncomfortable to be exposed to too much sun, and it will not be wiped out like a weak vampire at all.

"Miss is mighty and domineering, let's go." Ye Kai complimented Remi carelessly, and walked forward while yawning.

"Of course, Lord Remy is invincible!" Remy pinched her waist and laughed.

Ye Kai rubbed Fulan's little head and said with a smile, "If Fulan is sleepy, go to bed first."

"Well, good night, big brother." Fran replied, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

"Hmph, Master Remy is going to bed too. If the jolt wakes Master Remy up, I'll stab you ten thousand times!" As soon as Remi finished speaking, her whole body lay on Ye Kai's head, her hands Hugging Ye Kai's forehead, he fell asleep.

Sure enough, he was still a child.

Ye Kai smiled and touched Remy's head, he didn't exercise vigorously, but walked out little by little.

"Their strength is indeed very strong, even if you go directly to Ha Kong, you have a chance of winning." Serana whispered.

"Stop making trouble, these two brats, when to go to Hakon depends on their mood, or the arrangement of fate. If they don't want to go, I can't force them. As you can see, their Much stronger than me." Ye Kai replied casually.

"I didn't see you and the girl in your arms fight, so I don't know how powerful you are, but the one on your neck is not weaker than Ha Kong." Serana said in a deep voice.

In her heart, she also began to make small calculations.

The premise is that she needs to know what happened to her father, whether he has come to his senses or not.

She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but the time must not be too short.

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