Going back this time, I don't know if it is good or bad.

Although her mother, Berelica, locked her in a sarcophagus in the crypt of the Grotto to protect her, she was still dissatisfied and angry at being locked in this small space for thousands of years, thinking that she Her mother never considered her feelings.

As a child she was closer to her mother, but when her parents began to disagree, she was torn.

Berelica kept pouring negative information about Hakon into her, almost making her believe it.

Her relationship with her father was never close, and after the family became vampires and followers of Molag Bal, the relationship between the parents became obsessed with greater power, and the relationship deteriorated.

His father didn't even hide his desire for greater power even at the expense of her.Still, she acknowledged the father's existence.

She gradually found that in the conflict between her parents about pursuing greater power, she had become a tool for the two to confront each other.

Deep down in her heart, she hoped that the two could get back together, but she also knew that was impossible.

She herself is not disgusted with the power of purebred vampires, and regards it as her earned talent.She just regrets that this power has torn her family apart.

Now, facing a more powerful vampire, she really wanted to go back to her father and see how to deal with it.

Fortunately, Ye Kai and Lei Mi didn't have the idea of ​​killing her.

"Ha, the Second Miss is better than the Eldest Miss in some respects. I am the weakest of the three of us, and I am their family's guard." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Although he theoretically no longer belongs to the camp of the Red Devils, but has formed a new camp with the ancestors.

However, he felt that he was still a member of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and had a good relationship with Yuyuko and other monsters.

Compared with the camp, his place is more like a meeting place that can be accepted by both humans and monsters...

Chapter 283 Harkon

After going out, the two sides resolutely parted ways. Ye Kai said that he wanted to find a place for the two lolis to sleep well. They had been flying last night, and Remy was still fighting in the cave.

Hmm...or a unilateral massacre, but it's also quite tiring.

Children, how can you grow taller if you don't sleep more?Although they will not grow taller in the future.

And Serana went straight back to her home.

Harcon's Castle, is an authentic medieval castle.

It is located on a small island, and there are no other buildings on it except this castle, and only some vampires live in it.

When Serana went back, the vampires who were watching the night were startled, after all, Serana hadn't gone back for a long, long time.

Fortunately, he has a good memory and still remembers this young lady.

Serana opened the door and went in, on the second floor.

Digging down one floor, this is the hall here.The hall looks magnificent, with candles and ornaments everywhere, it can be seen that vampires don't like the real darkness, and they know how to enjoy it.

There are many arches below, which lead to different rooms. It can be said that this castle extends in all directions.

There are three rows of tables in the center of the hall, all of which are for vampires to eat.

And Harkon?He is very anxious now, seven vampires have come back, and what they told him is still very bad news.

Except for them, all the vampires sent to find Serana were probably killed.And the person who killed them was not the hateful Dawn Guard, but the same vampire!

The vampire was in the shape of a child, with two attendants, one of whom was very similar to her, and should be her sister or something.

She has a red spear in her hand, which is astonishingly powerful, even surpassing the magic weapon in the records!How could this make Hakon not anxious?

Judging from what the other party means, there is no possibility of negotiation at all. There can only be one vampire family in this province of Skyrim!

The world of The Elder Scrolls 5 is naturally not just a province of Skyrim. Hakon suspects that the other party is a vampire from other places, who can't get along outside, and came to grab his territory.

Since there is such a strong enemy, it is very important to preserve the combat power. He tortured one of the weakest subordinates who came back to deliver the letter, and listened to Remy's words.

Remy is obviously not a vampire transformed by a demon god, otherwise he wouldn't be said to be a bastard.

This amounts to, a question of vampire orthodoxy, a bit of a civil war.

The previous ambition, now I have to change it, I must get the artifact that can kill vampires, and then kill Remy!

Of the Remy and Fran he knew, they were the only ones who had wings and could fly, and their eyes were red, unlike their red with gold.

So... what should we do?

At this moment, he saw an unexpected person.

"My long-lost daughter, you are finally back. I believe you brought my Elder Scrolls?"

Hakon said with a look of surprise.

"After so many years, you asked me this right from the beginning? Yes, I have a scroll." Serana said coldly.

"Of course I'm happy to see you, daughter, do I have to say it out loud?" Ha Kong said indifferently.

The clue to Auriel's Bow is in the Elder Scrolls, he must get it, and can't fight an uncertain battle!

It was ironic to think that one vampire had to rely on the power of the sun to fight another vampire.

It's not that he didn't think that his subordinates exaggerated Remy's strength, but he didn't dare to bet!His ambition is to keep Skyrim from the sun, but only if he lives!

"Aha, if your traitor mother is here, I will show her this reunion scene, and then nail her head to the wall." Ha Kong said coldly.

Before, he looked desperate, but now he has become murderous, which shows how deep his resentment towards Serana's mother is.

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