Ye Kai and Lei Mi's explanation was that he was fulfilling his servant's duty, feeding the young lady to dinner, which could show the majesty of the young lady even more.

But it doesn't take much to show the majesty of the eldest lady, just a few times a week.

Lei Mi's IQ has never been online, so she naturally accepts it, and there is a scene where Ye Kai feeds the play.

"Excuse me." Islaen walked towards Ye Kai and the others, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help sobbing.

These two peerless powerhouses are actually just two children, one with an IQ of about five years old and the other about ten years old.

Now he has begun to feel at ease with Ye Kai and the others. These two cute creatures don't look like they are a threat to humans.

And they lived here for a week, nothing happened, only one chicken was missing, which was still eaten by his subordinates.

Time can indeed prove everything, now Israel can hand over a person who came yesterday to Ye Kai.

It's just that she didn't say anything to Yislan, she insisted on seeing Ye Kai.

Ye Kai finished feeding the pudding to the two Lolitas, wiped their mouths, and said without looking back, "What's wrong?"

"This vampire wants to see you." Islahn said indifferently.

Ye Kai just turned around, glanced at Serana who was following Yislan, and said casually: "Didn't you come here yesterday? It seems that you are not in a hurry to find me."

Yislan lifted his heart from letting go, and Ye Kaike told him not to hold back.

But seeing Ye Kai not caring at all, he was also relieved.

"You don't seem surprised to see me at all." Serana said curiously.

"Why the surprise?" Ye Kai asked in confusion.

Serana didn't know how to answer, should it be said that Ye Kai was flattered or humiliated, or was he big-hearted?Before decisively letting her go home, she felt that there was something wrong with Ye Kai, who was very mysterious.

It was as if everything was under his control.

"There is one thing I want you to help me with. This matter is related to me and the ancient scroll on my body. Remember the reason I told you?" Serana said softly.

"Why are you looking for me?" Ye Kai asked.

He is not a dragonborn, and he is not the protagonist.

"Because you are very strong, and I can help you meet your needs. There is one thing we can't get around, the ancient scrolls." Serana said indifferently.

"Okay, I'll help." Ye Kai nodded.

"My father wants to destroy the sun, which is tantamount to going to war with the entire continent. Even if you have you, you will not stop his plan. The easiest way to stop my father is for you to defeat him, but now you don't seem to be doing much. I want to do it." Serana said.

"It's not too early to be profitable, what I want is the artifact recorded in the scroll." Ye Kai said.

"Fate told me that I must get the artifact." Remi said with a look of magic.

What she didn't know was that what fate told her was actually to help Ye Kai complete the task.

Although she can grasp the fate line, it is very vague. She still doesn't know that if Ye Kai doesn't complete the task, they won't be able to go back... So what fate told her is actually the way to go back.

And the dawn task I did at the beginning was to obtain the approval of a demon god, so that it would be easier to do things.

You know, there is also a Demon God standing behind Ha Kong. The reason why the protagonist does not move in the game is purely because he is a dragonborn and is also the chosen one.

Without the support of any Demon God, they would have a hard time doing the task.

It can be said that Ye Kai cheated her in some aspects.

Ye Kai definitely has no bad intentions, he has never experienced mission failure before, and he just forgot about it.

He is also very familiar with the world of Lao Gun 5, and the missions come and go on the main lines!As long as it's all done, don't be afraid to go back.

Now with the Remi brand navigator, it is more convenient.

As for the current fate reminder, it is just Ye Kai's obsession. Ye Kai wants to get the artifact too much, so he doesn't want to kill Ha Kong quickly if he doesn't get the artifact, which affects his fate to a certain extent.

The result is now that Remy thinks that the artifact is the most important thing, but Hakon is not.

If Serana doesn't come, all they can do is wait.

Wait for the artifact to be found, or at a certain time, fate will directly guide Remy to crack everything violently.

"So that's how it is." Serana didn't take Remy's magic stick seriously.

It's just two little girls. If they didn't have such powerful power, they would have been cheated to death long ago, right?

No wonder Ye Kai stayed with them every step of the way, he knew too well the IQ of his young lady, he would be fooled as long as he fooled around.

Remy and Fran are not truly invincible in this world.When it comes to the situation where they are enemies of the world, the gray beards and even the demon gods will take action against them, and there is no reason to be cheated to death.

"So now, what should we do?" Ye Kai asked with a smile.

Chapter 286 Breaking the Formation

"If what you said is true, then there should be clues to artifacts in the ancient scrolls, but we can't read them." Serena said indifferently.

"Let's go, let's find someone who can read." Ye Kai stood up and said.

"We need to find Priest Moth, but the province of Skyrim is so big, I don't know where he is." Serana said indifferently.

Israel frowned slightly, he found that he couldn't get in the conversation at all!But he also knew that this should be good news.

As long as you read the ancient scrolls, there is a way to find the artifact.

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