In that case, Ye Kai, the evil god, can complete the task earlier and leave earlier.

Now I can only look forward to his character, alas...

Weakness is really a sin.

"Miss?" Ye Kai turned to look at Remy.

"Hmph, now you know how powerful Master Remy is? Although I don't know where he is, as long as you follow me, you can find that guy." Remy jumped onto the table, pinched her waist with her hands, and said proudly.

"It's not too late, we're leaving now." Ye Kai picked up Remi and put it on his neck, then hugged Fulan in his arms, and set off!

His horse, who had gone nowhere, was able to break free from the rope by itself, which made Ye Kai a little depressed.

Fortunately, there are also many horses on the way to Dawnguard Castle, at least they don't have to go on foot.

It's okay to let Remy take her to fly, but she doesn't like to let her take the bastard vampire she despises.

After two days, everyone finally found their destination.

The world of The Elder Scrolls 5 is full of caves, and this one is no exception.

This cave is very empty, there is an ancient ruin inside, there are no other passages, it is simple and rude.

Now that Hakon has sent someone to capture the Holy Moth Priest, it feels like it should be very useful to him. Unfortunately, the only vampires he can mobilize now are vampire servants and ordinary newborn vampires.

The purebred vampires and the master vampires are all thinking about their own calculations, and they don't care about his orders at all, and they might even turn their backs on others.

A few newborn vampires were taken care of by Ye Kai in two or three strokes.

In Remy's words, she had already had a good time playing it before, and this kind of small role obviously couldn't arouse her desire to make a move.

The holy moth priest was locked in a magic circle, which should be the magic circle of the building here.

Holy Moth Priest is a bald old man, wearing a shabby gray robe, with red eyes, and an ominous red mist wafting from his body.

"There should be a mechanism here, let's look for it." Serana said indifferently.

"No need. Fulan, get it done." Ye Kai touched Fulan's small head, and put Fulan down by the way.

"Hmph, without Lady Remy and Fran, you really can't do anything." Remy said proudly.

"Tch, next time I will travel by myself." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.


Remy knocked Ye Kai on the head, and said viciously: "Master Remy is afraid that you will be bored, and you don't know how to be grateful? I will bring Master Remy out next time!"

Ye Kai scratched his head and smiled.

Remy's pitiful expression, as if she would cry if Ye Kai didn't take her out, was completely different from what she said.

"Ann, I will, I will, until Missy doesn't want to come out." Ye Kai patted Remi's calf.

Only then did Remy show a happy expression, but said in her mouth: "Hmph, Master Remy is just taking care of the servants, don't think too much about it."

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and ignored her.


At this moment, a long sword with flames suddenly appeared in Fran's hands.

Such a long sword is very unsuitable even for an adult to wield it, let alone a small Fran.

Fran wielding the sword didn't seem to have any lethality at all, but was unexpectedly cute.

However, Serana obviously didn't think so.

When she saw Lewadin, it was like seeing a natural enemy!As long as she is injured by this sword, she will definitely die, she has this feeling!

The violent and destructive power hidden inside made her dare not look directly at it.

What kind of weapon is this?It is stronger than the recorded artifacts!

I should have thought of it a long time ago, my sister is so good, how bad can my sister be?


A huge flame burst out, and Fran waved it casually.

The magic circle that could not be rushed through in the game, along with the stones that made up the magic circle, were all reduced to ashes!It's like it never existed.

Ye Kai has long been accustomed to Fulan's ability, and has no surprises at all.


The holy moth priest inside was obviously enslaved, and his mind was no longer his own. He roared and rushed towards the crowd.

But... the sword in his hand, coupled with his body shape and movements, no one felt nervous at all.

That beast-like growl, in Ye Kai's view, was just a husky's howl when it was having fun.


Ye Kai just kicked up.

The holy moth priest flew out, visible to the naked eye, the red mist on his body disappeared, and his eyes became clear again.

"Are you okay?" Ye Kai put his feet back and said with a funny face.

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