The reason why she uses barrage to attack the dragon now is not because it is more useful, but because... she wants to fight for a while!

Well, in this way, she is similar to Queen Youxiang.

"Look up, look at Fulan, attack!"

bang, bang, bang...

Those barrages not only made the dragon unable to lift his head, but also destroyed the buildings here.

"Miss, where is the ancient scroll, let's find it first!" Ye Kai raised his head and said to Remy.

"It's over there!" Remy pointed in one direction.

Ye Kai quietly bypassed the scene where Fulan abused small animals, then ran there, violently opened the box, and took away the ancient scroll.

【The Elder Scrolls: Blood】

[Together three ancient scrolls can be exchanged for epic weapons below level 60, or inheritance suits below level 60, or three pieces of optional jewelry at level 60, note: including level 60]

[Note: The system has not been upgraded yet, so it is impossible to take away the ancient scrolls or complete the transformation in this plot]

【Currently collected 2/3】

Later, seeing Valerica and Serana came out, Ye Kai went back again, and of course he didn't let go of the things around the ancient scrolls.

"Okay, I got the scroll, when shall we go back?" Ye Kai said to Serana.

"Oh my god, it's amazing. I never thought that a vampire could beat a dragon like this." Valerica looked at Fran who was laughing wildly in the air, and then at the one who couldn't stand up after being beaten. Long, completely dumbfounded.

"I've said it all, Fulan is very strong." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Let's leave before she finishes beating me." Serana said.

Ye Kai didn't leave a part of his soul behind, nor was he a vampire, let alone a dragonborn, so naturally he couldn't trigger the mission.

"Well, by the way, do you want to go with us?" Ye Kai asked Valerica.

"Forget it, my appearance will only make Ha Kong more ambitious." Valerica frowned.

"You still think that Ha Kong has a chance to come back?" Ye Kai felt that Valerica's idea was a bit ridiculous.

Even if Hakon gets the artifact, can he beat Fran or Remy?I'm afraid I can't even beat myself.

"You don't understand the horror of the magic weapon." Valerica said deeply.

"It's because you don't understand the power of Gensokyo!" Ye Kai smiled mockingly.

Speaking of normal time, Yakumo Zi should be here!Maybe a Youyouzi or something will come down, even if two demon gods come, Ye Kai will be worth it, let alone a demon artifact.

That guy Ha Kong is obviously higher than Remy and Fran, but the two sides are obviously not the same level of fighters!

"Selana, what do you say, do you want your mother to go with us or stay here? Don't worry, you have been a leader for so long, I still have to help with this little favor." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Serana was slightly taken aback, pondered for a moment, shook her head and said, "Forget it, I respect my mother's opinion, anyway, it won't be long before Li Ha Kong dies, and the sky will return to peace, won't it?"

"That's true, but after everything is over, you have to come back by yourself. As you can see, I still have two young ladies in my family who need to be taken care of." Ye Kai said, patting Remi's calf.

"Hmph, my servant, of course I have to serve Lord Remy!" Remy said proudly.

Serana nodded, she was once tortured to become the daughter of Cold Harbor, so naturally she would not expect happiness or anything.

Seeing the interaction between Ye Kai and Remy Fran, I couldn't help feeling a little envious.

If it weren't for the fact that father and mother have been pursuing power that doesn't belong to them, would it have reached this point?

And these two loli vampires really can't do without adults, which makes people worry too much.

"Idiot, big idiot! Such a stupid dragon, Fran is going to play you badly!" Seeing that the dragon had no resistance, Fran immediately became angry, picked up Levadin and rushed towards it!

Anyway, it is only a dragon of about forty-five levels. In Fran's eyes, it is just a toy that cannot resist her.

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai hurt even looking at it.

The dragon slowly turned into purple light and disappeared.

Chapter 292 Choice

It has been a month since the last ancient scroll was obtained, Ye Kai got the ancient scroll: dragon, and interpreted those ancient scrolls.

Ye Kai is smarter after school now, with the eldest lady here, why follow the task?If you can skip it, skip it directly.

Like the last Elder Scrolls: Dragons.If it was in the game, he remembered that he would have to go to Winterhold, and after going through many obstacles, he got the ancient scroll.

Now, there is no faster way to ask Remi to guide the way directly.

And Serana?Ye Kai threw her in the Dawnguard Castle, so she is not needed for the time being, especially some things cannot be done in front of her.

This is not a game, you have to take her to gain favorability or something.

In the game, Ye Kai felt that this road was very far away, but he didn't expect it to be farther in reality!Skyrim Province is a strange place, the place here is not big, but the seasons are different.

It's not Shiji-sama in Gensokyo, but the weather changes here...

For example, Winter Castle is always winter. Ye Kai sneaked into Winter Castle a while ago and stole a lot of magic-related books. In Marisa’s words: Can magicians be called stealing?

Anyway, Ye Kai found a lot of books for Mu Q, if she likes it, go study it!

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