And the Winterhold School of Magic is really not entangled at all, important historical documents are not lost, magic props are not lost, weapons are not lost, money is not lost, just a lot of books with n copies, they are fine It's so distressing. At most, I will go to the Brotherhood of Thieves to settle the score.As long as the real strategic magic is not lost, the Academy of Winterhold will not go crazy.

Well, anyway, it has nothing to do with Ye Kai.

The ones that Ye Kai took away were basically at the apprentice level, veteran level, and expert level.I didn't find a copy of the master class, and those are all taboos.

The magic books here are not easy to rub, they require a lot of research, and the precious master-level magic will not be placed in a conspicuous position, but hidden deep.

Ye Kai wanted to take away some gems, but Remi told him that there are restrictions everywhere, unlike the pile of books, there are no restrictions at all.

To avoid getting into trouble, Ye Kai can only wrong his wallet.

After all, he has to return to Skyrim in the future. If he leaves too many bad impressions when doing the mission, even if he changes his job to become a dragonborn, he will definitely not be spared.

This is not a game, you can read the file when you die.Even if it's the protagonist, if those people find the thief, they should hit him!

But the next book made him discover that those previous skill books were all floating clouds. This book is called "The Code of Infinite Wisdom", which he got in exchange for a small task on the way to obtain the ancient scrolls.

There will also be a demon god in the game, but those demon gods seem to have discovered the danger of Remy and Fran, except for the few lawful camps, they are all observing in secret.

If a demon god dares to use his real body to descend into the realm, Remy and Fran will definitely not lie!And the other demon gods would not join forces to avenge him or anything, they would only watch jokes.

This book contains the knowledge of several ages, it has been isolated from the world, and now it is in the hands of Ye Kai, which can witness the miraculous moment.

It not only contains the knowledge, but also the job change clue that Ye Kai wants most!

[Obtain "Infinite Wisdom Code"]

[The host reaches level 50]

[Professional transfer task starts: kill Ha Kong]

[Note: The system has not been upgraded yet, and there may be defects in the job transfer task]

[Note: Sacrifice a million gold coins to complete the system upgrade in advance]

[The host does not have a million gold coins]

[The task has been confirmed and cannot be changed]

【The host please mourn】

When Ye Kai first received the task, his heart was broken. This cheating system requires money!

Really, I don't know what to say.

You just rely on me, you screw me?you can...

What can I do if there is a defect?Can I change jobs?

The poor holy moth priest was blinded by the magic of the scroll when he read the scroll last time.Ye Kai knew about this in the game, and this time Ye Kai didn't use him to interpret the ancient scrolls, but the system directly gave a branch line.

[Optional task: Sacrifice the Bow of Orivier]

[Reward: Ring of Oath]

[Explanation: Go to the Black Waterfall!Anyway, with Remy guiding the way, you don’t need to read the Elder Scrolls anymore]

What Ye Kai didn't know was that fate only told Remy to collect three ancient scrolls, because that was the opportunity to wake up the mission.

"The Code of Infinite Wisdom" just happened to be obtained ahead of time. If he didn't get it, the task would not be to kill Ha Kong in the end, but to find "The Code of Infinite Wisdom" first.

The knowledge inside can wake up Ye Kai's sleeping power, which is the skill of awakening.

And the energy gained from killing Ha Kong will become Ye Kai's nutrient just like Andariel.

Hmm... Anyway, this is Ye Kai's wonderful task process of awakening.

"The Code of Infinite Wisdom" took on the role of gsd, because they all have amazing knowledge, but the knowledge in "The Code of Infinite Wisdom" has been systematically transformed.

And Ha Kong took on the role of the boss to be killed. Ha Kong happens to be a big monster who can support Ye Kai's job change!

"Now, let's go over there!" Remy said energetically.

In the other world, she had a lot of fun. Although the journey was very boring, she enjoyed a different kind of happiness than before.

At least, you don't need to stay at home, practice exercises, read books, or coax Fran every day.

In her five hundred years of life, even if she hadn't been imprisoned, she didn't have many entertainment activities.

Compared with the cookie-cutter life on Earth, plus some boring Gensokyo.It feels great to be able to kill the Quartet in this foreign world!Anyway, no one will be held accountable for how many people have killed, and there are still many people singing her praises.

Killing is not enough, but killing monsters is killing harm for the people, and Remy often kills harm for the people...

These miraculous creatures, creatures that were only seen in records and novels, appeared in front of her alive and were gorgeously killed by her.

Really, so happy!

"Miss, there are two choices now, one is to kill Ha Kong directly, the other is to get the artifact..." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

He originally thought that the artifact here could be exchanged for something good, but he didn't expect it to be the ring of oath!

[Oath Ring: Celia's 56-carat Diamond Ring]

[Attributes: strength +55, intelligence +55, release speed +5%]

[Enjoy system privileges: weak mode, longevity mode]

[Note: The other party can use the full value of the host's favorability]

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