[Current Contractor: Tifa Lockhart]

[Contractors: Haven't paid yet, can't check]

[Maximum number of contracts: 3]

Do you want to get one for Yuyuko?He's having a hard time choosing.

If Remy says to get an artifact, get one!If she said to kill Ha Kong directly, then persuade her to get the artifact, choose one of the two!

Such a happy decision!

Chapter 293 Snow Elf

"Go find the artifact!"

Fortunately, my eldest lady was so strong, she thought of the most suitable one for Ye Kai without saying a word, and saved Ye Kai from talking a lot.

Black Waterfall Cave...

"Ye Kai, hurry up, kill that thing!" Remi closed her eyes, not daring to look ahead.

Fulan turned her head away long ago, and turned to face Ye Kai, unable to see anything.

In front of Ye Kai was a huge spider, almost as tall as him!Here's a specialty of Skyrim: the Frost Spider!

This kind of thing is not strong, but it is very disgusting, let alone Remy, even Ye Kai feels uncomfortable when he sees it.

So many eyes, so many legs, and so furry, I can't imagine what it's like to be wrapped in something like that...

No matter it is Ye Kai, Lei Mi, or Fulan, they are not willing to be stained with this thing.

Ye Kai still has to study, how to kill it without getting dirty blood everywhere.

"Ice Blade Wave Sword!"

clack clack...

The Frost Spider was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Cut, this virtue is even better than the Frost Spider.

"Miss, it's all right." Ye Kai walked forward and patted Remy's little head.

Remy got up and saw that it was really gone, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She is powerful, but that doesn't mean she isn't afraid of spiders.

"Speaking of Miss, there is no way out." Ye Kai said confusedly.

This is a wooden bridge, with a dead end in front and groundwater below, and a hole leading to other places. It can be seen that there should be a source.

"Fate actually told us to jump into the river? No, we won't jump if we are killed!" Remy's head shook like a rattle.

"Fulan doesn't like water, big brother, come up with a solution." Fulan looked up at Ye Kai and said expectantly.

"Then, let's open a way to go there?" Ye Kai felt the fluctuation and confirmed the location.

"Good idea!" Remy nodded.

She and Fran were afraid of running water, and that was their only weakness.

In the game, you have to go rafting with the river, but now...

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai turned to crack, and Remi turned to Gungnir, and it didn't take long to open a road without getting into the water at all!

Ye Kai is reluctant to use the Meteor Star Meteor Knife for things like opening the way, which is a typical example of forgetting the old knife with a new one.

The road inside is very dark and there is no torch, so we have to use Gungnir to illuminate it. Fortunately, there are some glowing mushrooms on the road, so we can't see nothing.

Continue to go forward, and finally see the brazier, and traces of human life.

A woman's body lay quietly on the ground, seemingly dead for a few days.

This is a simple camp, only a lamp, a wooden box, and a bedding.

Ye Kai frowned slightly. How could these adventurers be seen everywhere?Sure enough, they are all a group of masters who want money but not life?

Ye Kai rummaged through the box, took away some medicines and gold coins stored here, dug a hole, and buried her.

Take that little money as a reward.

Such nameless adventurers are like crucian carp crossing the river, and Ye Kai has no way to deal with them one by one, he can only help the ones he sees on the road.

"There's a trap!" Remy pointed to a rope.

The rope was hidden on the ground so deep that Ye Kai almost didn't notice it.

He randomly picked up a stone, pop!broke the rope.

boom boom boom...

Countless stones suddenly fell out of the top, rushing towards the bottom.

It's been going down here all the time, and I don't know how deep it is.

Fortunately, Remy found out, otherwise the feeling of being stoned would be very unpleasant!

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