Looking at the corpse and the skillful trap technique, Ye Kai knew that the trap probably didn't work on the monster she wanted to deal with.

After killing two more trolls on the way, Ye Kai and the others finally reached their destination.

This is a more advanced camp, and there is a person who seems to be praying, not the usual Nords and Imperials, but a bit like an elf.

The innermost one has a hemispherical building with a sun-like decoration on the top.

"Come here, you don't have to be afraid." The elf had already seen Ye Kai's existence, and said to Ye Kai.

In the ancient scrolls, the snow elves, also known as Varmer, are an underground creature that players are very familiar with, living in the underground ruins of the Dwemer tribe.

It sounds like the name Snow Elves is beautiful, but their skin is pale and sticky, they have no eyesight, they are ugly, and they have cruel personalities. They feed Charus and grow mushrooms for a living. They hate surface creatures extremely, and they go to the ground to capture humans or other elves. As a slave, he was also known as "Snow Blind".

Because of their ugly appearance and cruel personality, the Varmers are often disliked by players. According to the previous information, they seem to be slaves of the Dwemers, and they were not what they are now.

After the mysterious disappearance of the Dwemer tribe, only Vamer continued to be active in those great and magnificent ruins. Players slaughtered Vamer one after another, and they didn't bother to think about why they were so depraved. A statue representing the normal appearance of a Varmer.

And the cruelty of the Dwemer is just the words in the books, and it is not easy to connect the words with the living reality.

The snow elf in front of him is a normal descendant with a normal mind.

"I am Paladin Galeb, welcome to the great temple of Auriel." Galeb said indifferently.

"This temple is already so dilapidated... By the way, which god are you talking about?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

In the game, most of his dialogues are skipped, and he directly looks for tasks, and the plot is not so well understood.

"The king of the snow elves." Galeb said.

"You are actually a snow elf?" Ye Kai was taken aback for a moment, he thought it was another species.

It's all because I didn't take it seriously when I played the game before.

If he can live again in the previous world, he must play the game well, otherwise he will not remember the plot after time travel!

"I prefer the name Snow Elf. Falmo has a negative connotation in most travelers' populations. Those snow elves who are freaks are just deviant." Galeb said.

"Master Remy is not interested in this kind of thing, please tell Master Remy where the artifact is." Remy pointed to Galeber.

If it was in Gensokyo, she would still be very polite, after all, Sakuya would remind her from time to time.

But Ye Kai obviously wouldn't remind Remi, but felt that the arrogant Remi was unexpectedly cute.

"I can help you get it, but first I need your help." Galeb said.

"What help do you need?" Ye Kai asked playfully.

"You must help me kill Archbishop Vesur, my brother." Galeb said indifferently.

As if, what he said was asking Ye Kai to help him kill a stranger.

"What? Kill your brother? A property dispute?" Remy asked suspiciously.

With her IQ, this is all she can think of.

Chapter 294 Two Ways

"The two of us have no brotherhood, I don't understand what he has become, but I don't recognize what he has become. A traitor... what did they do to him, I just don't understand why Ori Al will allow this to happen," Gelleb said.

"No matter what happened, I will never allow you to take action against your brother! Tell me clearly what happened back then!" Remy gritted her teeth.

Fran looked at Galeb with an increasingly cold gaze.

Fran and Remi are the most typical examples. No matter how many mistakes Fran made, Remi never wanted to kill Fran.

Even Ye Kai frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't feel anything in the game.

But now that he heard it, it was impossible to forget it!

What kind of change can make an older brother kill his younger brother without even knowing what he has become?

Ye Kai couldn't understand, didn't want to understand.

"We will investigate the truth, but we will not kill people at will. Whether it is your duty or something wrong." Ye Kai shook his head.

"Then my brother will not hand over the bow to you. The artifact is with him. Moreover, he betrayed the entire race and made the entire snow elves disappear. Now we are the only ones left." Galeb shook his head.

"Stop talking, I don't want to kill you here." Remy said coldly.

Archbishop Vesur and Paladin Galeb, the last pair of descendant brothers of the snow elves, once loved literature and art like all snow elves, and lived in a beautiful secret place, all belonged to the supreme god of the snow elves, Auriel. servant.

After the Snow Prince was beheaded by the Nord bear children in front of the horse, the snow elves lost their commander and backbone, and were chased and killed by the ancient Nords. Some snow elves asked for help from the Dwemer tribe, but the cunning Dwemer asked They ate poisonous weeds that blinded them and weakened their intelligence.

When these snow-blind men entered the holy land of the Auriel Order, the entire order was betrayed by the archbishop, causing the last snow elves to perish. Avenged the whole family and the brothers of the Supreme God.

Just before the temple was besieged, a believer who turned into a vampire attacked the archbishop. After being infected, the archbishop, Auriel's loyal servant asked for help from his master, but was ruthlessly abandoned. This is his betrayal. The cause of the whole family.

Not only that, but he also fabricated the prophecy about the sun on the basis of the scroll, luring vampires to take bows and shoot the sun to end the tyranny of the sun and block Auriel's source of power in this world. Lord's final vengeance.

Bewitched by his ambition, Ha Kong believed his words, and even prepared to sacrifice his daughter. Of course, for the archbishop who sacrificed his entire family, adding another life is nothing at all, but unfortunately he is still not strong enough .

Auriel really abandoned the archbishop because he was infected and became a vampire, and even the entire snow elves no longer protected him?

Perhaps, Auriel couldn't tolerate being questioned by the believers. Perhaps, it might as well guess that Auriel himself was in big trouble at that time. Perhaps, this was a test for the snow elves, but it was a pity that the snow elves didn't pass the exam. s answer.

Ye Kai and the others don't know about these things, and even if they knew, they wouldn't understand Gaiabo's actions.

"In this case, I will fulfill my duty of leading you, and you will make your own choices." Gaiabel sighed.

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