As a true weapon master: Soderos's special weapon, it was also an artifact used by Soul Blade players.After the 70s, it is still an artifact, and it is still strong.

The reason why he didn't choose the Light Flame Sword-Scorching Sun Judgment is that this weapon is only suitable for PK field, and Ye Kai doesn't know how powerful the light flame from normal attack is, after all, it's only a level 45 weapon.

This sword is a legend, anyway, Ye Kai has never seen it before.

In fact, Ye Kai also wants to choose the Moonlight or the Blood Dance Rotating Moon Knife. The Moonlight is one of the weapons he chased back then. Its shape is similar to the streamer, but the blade is silvery white, the color of moonlight, which is very compelling.

As for the Xuewu Xuanyue Knife, this is a weapon with a short lifespan, and it was deleted not long after it came out.

It's a pity that Ye Kai is not very rich, and Tai Dao already has the Meteor Star Meteor Sword, otherwise he would keep one for everything!

Now, let's get down to business.

The short sword has the shadowless sword, the lightsaber has the black light, the Taisword has the meteor knife, and he doesn't like blunt weapons.Yilong Sword - The choice becomes the choice of the giant sword!

For this sword, he specially made a sword pouch similar to Soderos.

Back: Double Dragon Phantom Sword, Kaluya's Teachings - Disappearance, Shadowless Sword - Eleanor.

Waist: At present, there are only Meteorite Knife and Crack Chuang.

In an instant, the weapon in Ye Kai's hand increased its attack power by [-]%!

"Hey, big brother has so many swords." Fran said in surprise.

"Where is that..." Ye Kai was about to reply, but felt a pain in his head.

Plop, plop, Ye Kai's heart was beating violently.

The power in him is boiling!

Harkon's power and understanding in the castle were absorbed and transformed by the Infinite Wisdom Code, and entered Ye Kai's brain and body.

An ordinary man is performing a set of sword skills.

I am very ordinary, and my qualifications as a swordsman are not even as high as those of my peers.

Among the brilliant geniuses, how ordinary I am, jealousy, self-loathing, despair... The ghosts and gods eating my wrists are eating away at my soul day and night, and I realize that I am only equal to them. Just like all human beings "desire to survive".

Moreover, it didn't take a long time for me to understand that it was not my consciousness. Even so, I believed that I was born to be useful, and I would be discovered one day.

Even if it ends in despair, I will wield my sword with determination.

So, at the end of my life, I realized that the talent bestowed on me is "ordinary"!Looking back on my life, this is the answer I got.

Experiencing hardships in cultivation is the proof of being born with faith.

I dreamed that I was flying in the sky with all the weapons!

Now, I have no regrets!

It is not a sin to have mediocre qualifications but have extraordinary dreams!

Thank you for letting me dance the sword and fly freely in the sky.

What a perfect life!

Juggernaut, rest here forever.

This skill is the most magnificent skill of the Juggernaut. After releasing it, 24 swords are thrown into the air, and at the same time, 12 of them float in the air and 12 stick into the ground to form a sword formation.After that, give the enemy multiple high-speed combos of high stiffness.

When the caster uses these 24 swords to attack the enemies in the sword formation, the enemies will be gradually sucked into the center of the sword formation by an invisible force.

Ye Kai's body moved involuntarily...

And outside his mind, a tall figure in golden armor landed on the ground, holding a two-meter-long giant sword in his hand, but it was the same as an ordinary weapon to him.

The sense of oppression brought by him is almost tearing people apart!

The vampires who just went out and wanted to show their loyalty suddenly knelt on the ground one by one, unable to move!

This is the clone of the King of the Holy Spirit, Auriel, the God of Snow Elves!

"You guys, how dare you cover the sky?" He looked at Ye Kai's "six" people, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.


Suddenly, he felt his body tense, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

"Be careful that Fran spoils you!" Four Frans surrounded him in four directions, each of which was holding a small hand.

Auriel's clone suddenly froze, and he suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to come to the clone!

Could it be that his true self wanted to kill him?

How did these four identical guys do it?Why does it feel like she will shatter herself if she exerts more force?

What kind of weapon is that sword, and why is it stronger than the magic artifact in his hand?

"Hmph, I thought it would be a big guy, but it turned out to be a trash fish." Remy held Gungnir in his hand and laughed mockingly.

The oppressive feeling from the sky just now should be the opponent's body.

But what came down now was only his avatar, which had half the power of his main body.

Even if the main body came, it might not be enough for Remy and Fran, let alone this waste clone.

Fran hadn't used all his strength yet, and he couldn't even move!

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