"I'm careless." Auriel didn't struggle at all, and didn't look annoyed.

There was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

He is different from all the demon gods, just because he only needs to leave a trace of his true spirit outside.

In other words, he can use at least [-]% of his strength!

Chapter 299 Awakening Technique

A strong sense of oppression suddenly came from Auriel's body again, and he descended with [-]% divine power!

Other demon gods can only be summoned at the altar, but he is not subject to this restriction at all. One reason is that it is the Holy Spirit who separated him, and he is favored by this world!

Remy and Fran's away game may not be able to take advantage of it!The most important thing is that the opponent is too hard!


At this moment, a loud dragon chant sounded!

Suddenly a huge black vortex appeared in the sky, it was a vortex composed of dark clouds!

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless lightning strikes in the air, and a black dragon flew out of the air!

"This, dragon?" A vampire said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

The dragons that Ye Kai encountered before basically stayed at home, and the people who encountered them were all dead.

So people in the world of the ancient scrolls don't know that the dragon has returned.

This one is still the strongest dragon!

"How is this possible? Hakon is dead, the demon god has descended, and the dragon has returned. This world is about to perish?" a vampire murmured.

"No, I must be dreaming, it's impossible!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Alduin: Eater of Worlds.

It is described as an evil force that destroys worlds in order to create them, and the Nords believe that its appearance heralds the end of time.

It claims to be the eldest son of Akatosh, the dragon god of time, and the brother of Patunax, the leader of the gray beard.

Alduin not only has the strongest wings and the most powerful dragon roar among the dragons, but also has the ability to freely enter Songgarde and devour the soul.

Alduin is the deity of the World Eater, but Alduin lost his divinity because of the Dragon Cult.

The Dragon Cult has a distorted and crazy desire to rule. They worshiped Alduin as a ruler, and at that time, the Dragon Worship held a very high position among the Nords, so most Nords believed in the teachings of the Dragon Worship .

This twisted belief influenced and bound Alduin to want to be a ruler, not a world-destroyer.

Alduin also lost his divinity because of this. He is no longer the god-Alduin who is the destroyer of the world, but a slightly stronger dragon, that is, the dragon-Alduin. The meaning of the existence of the dragon descendant is to correct Alduin The distortion on the body makes it return to divinity.

In the world view of the Elder Scrolls, the incarnation of gods is completely shaped by the beliefs of mortals, so it is normal for the collective will of mortals to affect the incarnation of gods. In fact, Alduin called himself the son of Akatosh because The reason why the popularization of the religion of the Nine Holy Spirits in the empire today has an impact on the beliefs of the Nords.

"Oh, here comes an unfriendly guy." Auriel looked up at Alduin and smiled.


Alduin obviously ignored Auriel, and his eyes were on Remi.

It has a feeling that as long as it kills Remy, it can control its destiny!

"Hmph, it's just a stronger reptile!" Remy held Gungnir, soared into the sky, and killed Alduin.

"Fran wants to play with this reptile, sister let it to Fran!" Fran did as soon as she thought of it, and rushed towards Alduin.

Remy's charging speed slowed down, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help sobbing.

That demon god now has [-]% of his power, if she suppresses it, it will be very uncomfortable, and she may not be able to suppress it.

But it was very easy for Fran to suppress his words.

The normal logic is that Remy kills Alduin, Fran entangles Auriel, and after Remy finishes Alduin, he helps Fran kill that guy.

Ke Fulan obviously doesn't play her cards according to common sense, she does things as she pleases.

If Ye Kai was still awake, he would definitely persuade Fulan to do the right thing.

The question is that Remy is in charge now, can Remy say that she can't suppress Auriel?Can?Obviously not, Remy loves to save face...

It's just an instinctive reaction to hold your head and squat to defend yourself.

Just when Remy was struggling, Ye started to move.

Brush, brush, brush...

The sword in Ye Kai's hand, along with the projection of some swords, covered Auriel!

Ye Kai stretched out his palm towards Auriel, and slowly opened his eyes.Those eyes are empty and lifeless, but there is a trace of violent power!


Twelve swords are stuck on the ground, and twelve swords are suspended in the air!

Auriel found a powerful binding force, but not as strong as Fran's!

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