He was just about to fly away from the sword encirclement, but found that Ye Kai moved.

Brush, brush, brush...

Every time Ye Kai's figure flickered, a small wound would appear on his body.

In reality, there are as many swords as there are thrown out, not exactly twenty-four.

Except for Ye Kai's own six swords, the rest are just phantoms, unable to cause a lot of damage.

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai's figure finally came back in front of him, and he saw his Yilong sword stuck in the ground and pulled it out fiercely.


Auriel was blasted out by the berserk energy!

clap clap clap...

He barely stabilized his figure, took a deep breath, held a huge sword, and rushed towards Ye Kai.


The magic artifact collided with the decision, Ye Kai retreated more than ten steps, but Auriel only retreated half a step!

His power, magic power, level, and personality are all above Ye Kai.

Unless Ye Kai advances to the Sword God, a single class may not be able to overwhelm the opponent.

Or, Ye Kai is a wealthy player, but that is impossible.

"Miss, go help Fulan, I'll play with him." Ye Kai shouted.

He didn't need to think about it, and now the sword soul had successfully awakened.

This guy is very strong, he is a top monster, even Remy may not be able to beat him.

But he has a shortcoming, that is, he can't fly!

No matter if it's a demon god or something, as long as you don't have wings, you can't fly. This is the law of this world!

They can indeed fly, or help others to fly, but they cannot fly themselves!

Just because they can't fly doesn't mean they're afraid of flying creatures, because demon gods are not only fighters, but also mages, and they can use magic.

For Ye Kai, as long as it is a creature that can't fly, that's enough!

He believed that if he stalled for a while, Remy and Fran would be able to deal with the dragon in the sky.

If Fulan didn't want to play, I'm afraid Ye Kai wouldn't even have time to practice.

This poor demon god has become Ye Kai's target...

"Go to hell!" Auriel rushed towards Ye Kai quickly, and the giant sword in his hand turned around, wanting to chop off Ye Kai's head with one sword.

But what about Ye Kai?He did something that puzzled him.

That is, Ye Kai closed his eyes...

Auriel had the illusion that his world suddenly became pitch black!

Fortunately, this didn't affect him for too long, and he quickly broke free from the dark realm...

But what was waiting for him was not the immobile Ye Kai, but Ye Kai's attack!

Chapter 300

The earth is moving and the heart is not disturbed.

Although the eyes cannot see things, they can feel everything.Therefore, those who gain enlightenment only look at things with their own eyes are foolish.

Abandon the light, keep practicing, and the darkness will eventually be my friend.

Standing above the pitch-black sky and the shaking earth, searching for myself and my surroundings, the person my sword is pointing at is filled with panic.

Then, I saw the eyes I had abandoned.

The endless black sky is wide, and countless pupils float.

Behold all things from the beginning.

Come on, watch me, Pupil of Waves.

Unclosed pupils, comprehend my extreme fluctuations.

——Chapter of Darkness in the Esoteric Book of Waves.

Eyes protruding from the ground sprayed sword energy and stabbed at Ye Kai like ground thorns, causing non-attribute magic damage, and dragging Auriel to Ye Kai.

Ye Kai formed wings on his back and flew up for a short while, without entanglement with the opponent.

Ye Kai, he can finally fly. Although it won't last long, it is no longer a disgrace to Gensokyo...

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and countless guns appeared behind him and quickly moved forward, hitting Auriel's body without falling!

bang, bang, bang...

Auriel took a few steps back, a blue light appeared in his hand, and greeted Ye Kai.

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