A blue-purple swamp appeared below Auriel, and he found himself unable to move!

This swamp is not a dead thing, but a living thing, and there is a terrible monster in it.

What formed this swamp was nothing but the souls of countless strong men.

The seventh ghost - the evil god's fear Laxiu.

The vampires can easily feel the pure greed in this swamp, yes!It is emotion.

The originally calm swamp began to churn, and strong greed seeped out of it, affecting everyone's emotions all the time.

"Aww!!!" A huge roar of an abyssal beast came out of the swamp, shaking everyone's eardrums.

What kind of monster is this!Looking at the head with a huge mouth that wants to swallow everything, there is no other meaning except to see the swallowing from above.

Auriel couldn't do anything else now, he could only watch the huge monster helplessly.

When Balashu's huge mouth stretched to the extreme...

Chapter 301 Inheritance Set


A huge void remained in place, and the demon god had disappeared!

He was not completely eaten, but withdrew [-]% of his true spirit at a critical moment and returned to another phase.

Now Ye Kai felt that the magic power on his body was about to overflow, the magic power produced by the things that were swallowed by Birasiu was fed back to Ye Kai's body.

Fortunately, that guy was intimidated by Buraxiu's power, otherwise he would hardly be spared, and he would definitely be blown up!

Of course, it doesn't mean that Buraxiu is invincible, as long as the total amount of magic power exceeds Ye Kai by too much, he can explode Ye Kai.

If someone as strong as Remy could pass through the phantom of Buraxiu, at most he would be hurt by Buraxiu's impact and internal digestive system, rather than being completely eaten.

Buraxiu itself is a ghost and god. Whether it is the strength of the body, the viscosity of the swamp, or the lethality of the summoned one, it all changes according to Ye Kai's strength.

To put it another way: look at the level of damage.

Ye Kai also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that in the future, he should try to use it less, and it is best to use it when he is short of mana. Otherwise, what if he kills a bunch of miscellaneous fish in seconds, and he accidentally explodes?

[End of awakening]

[Awakening has not yet been fully completed]

[Remaining Occupation: Prison Blood Demon God]

[The host has never fully used the ability of the berserker, and cannot awaken, please mourn]

[Berserker awakening method: release the Berserk skill once, or sacrifice [-] gold coins to awaken directly]

[Without [-] gold coins, the awakening mission is cancelled]

【The task is completed, you can return at any time】

【Support System: Full Version】

[The number of people that can be carried: 1-3, depending on the world]

[Complete the hidden mission: Serana's Gratitude]

[Accomplishment condition: kill Harkon]

[Upgrade support system, can carry characters: 2-3]

In this way, there are basically two people. Isn't it like before, one of them goes out, and the other two can only be summoned temporarily?I didn't expect Serana to be so powerful. I knew that the follower system of The Elder Scrolls 5 was tricky.

As for the Berserker not awakening, Ye Kai is also expected, he has never used the real Berserker skills, how to talk about awakening?

It's very possible to lose your mind and become a killing beast at that time!

It's best to find a few guardians, or to awaken in Gensokyo, at least there are not a few people in Gensokyo who can suppress themselves, and they are not afraid of losing their minds completely.

Thinking of this, Ye Kai made up his mind and looked towards Remy.

Immediately, his head was covered with black lines.

Alduin is dead now, and Fran has already lifted the taboo's quadruple existence, and is burning it with Lewadin's fire, and it will be dealt with only the skeleton left.

It seems that Alduin is a special dragon that has not disappeared.

But it's useless for this thing to kill its body, its soul has already escaped.Maybe it will have to think about it the next time it invades the sky, right?

And Remy?She has been watching the fun!He didn't say to help Fulan, and he didn't say to help himself, but he directed Fulan to deboning.

Forget it, if the young lady is reliable, is he still the cute young lady?

Ye Kai shook his head, and walked towards the group of vampires kneeling on the ground trembling, these miscellaneous fishes should be handed over to the Dawn Guard to deal with.

"It's that you often suck human blood to discredit vampires? Tell me, do you want to die or live?" Ye Kai said carelessly, putting his choice on his shoulders.

"My lord, we are willing to pledge allegiance to the new king of vampires..."

"My lord, Ha Kong is not a human being, he abuses us every day!"

"We are kind vampires, we usually only eat grasshoppers!"

"Yes, yes, human blood or something. If it weren't for Ha Kong, I wouldn't drink it. I would feel like vomiting after drinking blood!"

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