"I'm even worse, I'm dizzy!"

Seeing that Ye Kai was very resistant to sucking human blood, the group of vampires shouted for injustice.

They also noticed that Remy and Fran didn't seem to have given them a first hug!A vampire, how many vampires he has infected, can be seen more or less. This is a symbol of status.

What about Remy and Fran?How did they become vampires...

"Okay, okay, my eldest lady doesn't want weak people. I'm just a guard at most these two times. It's impossible for her to take you in. But you have given vampires so much bad reputation..." Ye Kai laughed Twice, looking at them strangely.

"Also ask the adults to point out the maze."

"I don't want to be able to follow the new Maharaja, but I just want to spend my old age in peace!"

"My lord, you can see that Yushu is graceful and suave..."

These vampires are not cowardly in the game, because they know that if they don't resist, they will die!

But here?The Birashus that Ye Kai summoned just now has also seen it. He doesn't look like a good person, at most he is a chaotic and good camp.

Now it can be said that it is a dispute between villains.

And Ye Kai didn't mean to kill them.

"Okay, okay, spend money to buy peace! Hand over all Ha Kong's treasures to me, or I will kill you!" Ye Kai said viciously.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

These vampires ran very fast, and within half an hour, they brought Ye Kai a lot of gold coins, all of which were sealed and packed.

You can't find it in the game, but they can find it.

Sure enough, the line of defense still had to be breached from the inside!

Adding so many gold coins, Ye Kai just got [-] gold, and there was more than [-] more, so the work has not been in vain for a while!

However, it seems that the level 60 can't be worn, so it's better to buy a lower level first, and then change it.

The uniform prices inherited are [-] sets of cloth armor, [-] sets of leather armor, [-] sets of light armor, [-] sets of heavy armor, and [-] sets of plate armor.This is based on defense, and has nothing to do with the rarity or the number of occupations in the game.

[Inheritance: The sacred silk robe of the Goddess of Soul Control: Set]

[Grade: Rare. 】

[Attribute bonus: strength +56, intelligence +56, physical strength +54, spirit +33, maximum hp +374, recovery of 30mp per minute, movement speed +3%, release speed +5%, ice attribute resistance +8 , physical crit rate +2%, magic crit rate +2%, [ghost flash] skill +1. 】

[Required level: 50. 】

Looking at the normal clothes in his hands, Ye Kai couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, he can be considered to be able to wear normal clothes, and he doesn't need to wear the queen's imperial suit anymore.

If it weren't for the crowd now, he really wanted to change on the spot!

This dress was completely tailor-made for him, it was very light, and the color was dark gold, giving it a very aristocratic atmosphere.

"Ye Kai, hurry up, take this keel bone!" Lei Mi yelled at Ye Kai.

Ye Kai replied and ran over.

Needless to say, the two of them are really talented, there is no trace of blood or flesh left, but the scene was a bit bloody, fortunately they used Levatin and cooked it...

Chapter 302 The Return

"You actually solved that nasty guy?" Remy looked at Ye Kai in disbelief and said.

"Um...a fluke..." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

If it wasn't for the fact that Buraxiu was too powerful, if he didn't run away, he wouldn't be sure that he would be able to defeat him.

"Not bad, I became a big monster so quickly, and now I have four big monsters in the Scarlet Devil Mansion." Remy said while counting.

She has forgotten until now why she wanted to fight that guy.

Fighting and fighting, it becomes her watching the battle, Ye Kai and Fulan are fighting.

If she casts Gungnir with all her strength while Ye Kai is casting Buraxiu, that guy will definitely not be able to escape!It's a pity that Remi is such a teammate, and I can't return the product even if I want to.

Ye Kai circled Alduin's bones a few times, and said with emotion: "I never thought that the strongest black dragon in the sky would die like this. In other words, it hasn't gone to Helgen yet, right? It's really aggrieved."

"It was Fran who dismantled it!"

Fran proudly puffed out her chest.

Ye Kai looked at the messy ground and didn't care, but put away Alduin's bones.

In the backpack, it can also occupy a grid position. With such a large keel, I don't know how to decorate it. In short, the Scarlet Devil Mansion is now settled.

【Please prepare for your comeback】

[Note: Time stop status of Gensokyo]

【Franremy can't return to Gensokyo】

Ye Kai's complexion changed, and he secretly said: System, what's going on?

Gensokyo Time Stop?Can't return to Gensokyo?The main world has been invaded?

[The birth of the host was disturbed, it was [-] years late, please ask the host to correct the world timeline]

Ye Kai: What about Remy and Fran?

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