He can do whatever he wants, but Fran and Remy can't. Although they are immortal species, they are definitely not immortal species!

[When the host returns to the world of Fantasy Township Owners, Fran Remy's time is in a static state and will be kept by the space backpack]

Ye Kai: Why didn't you say it earlier?

This system is too cheating, isn't it cheating yourself, but cheating your teammates?

[I have been reminded before]

[The host cannot return to Gensokyo with his real identity. 】

[Accelerate the growth of the host, the appearance of the host will grow to the peak, the appearance of twenty-five years old]

Ye Kai's face was cloudy and uncertain, what's going on?

Wait, why haven't I seen this news before?

Ye Kai: Will Fulan and Remi be in danger?

[No, the host can choose to bring Remy and Fran with them, but only the host can see them, and they can only wake up for one hour a day, and the rest of the time will enter the host space]

Ye Kai: Will I be able to return to Gensokyo in the future?

[After correcting the world timeline, the host can return]

[Note: It can be understood that Gensokyo in the past was the host's world of traversal, but there are no tasks. Please ask the host to do whatever he wants, and you can travel through when the conditions are met]

[Note: In the past, Gensokyo, in addition to providing host store functions and weak functions, will not help the host]

[Please don't put the character of the current Gensokyo characters into the past, otherwise you will die ugly]

This Ye Kai knew, Youyuzi had told him a lot about Yakumo Zi's dark history.

And You Xiang at that time was not as easy to talk to as now.

Entering the sun flower field now is a narrow escape, but in the past it was absolutely ten deaths and no lives!

Well, I wonder if I can see Meihong?

Wait, which came first, the chicken or the egg!If I corrected the past, they should have seen me after I was born.

That's not right, even before this time travel, I was not a big monster, nor would I look twenty-five years old.

So, what is the reason why they don't know themselves?

Ye Kai still doesn't know that there is half of his soul in the Kunlun Mirror, otherwise he wouldn't be born after [-] years.

Yakumo Zi and the others recognize magic power and soul.Only Fulan and Leimi recognized the smell of blood, and they didn't even notice Ye Kai's change.But Yuyuko, relying on intuition...

And Ye Kai's current weapon, soul, magic power, and appearance are all very different from before, and it's normal if he can't recognize him!

Ye Kai took a deep breath, he still decided to tell Remy and Fulan about this, but accidentally tricked them, damn it!

"Miss, there is something wrong with returning." Ye Kai said with a sullen face.

"What's going on?" Remy was stunned.

I won't be able to see Sakuya after that, Paqi?No way... Fate clearly told me that it would be good to come out, but it didn't say that I couldn't return!

"The timeline of Gensokyo is messed up, I want to travel back to the past and correct it." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"Such a fun thing? Wouldn't it be possible to see the old me?" Remy said with bright eyes.

"I'm afraid not. Only I will be able to appear at that time, and others will not be able to see you. Besides, if you haven't seen me before, we probably didn't go to your place." Ye Kai said.

"Time... timeline! I was born about [-] years ago. If you didn't go there at that time, you really can't find me." Remy suddenly said.

"Eh... don't you know where you went?" Ye Kai said with shame.

"I don't remember, I've been running around all the time, okay..." Remi glanced at Ye Kai disdainfully, as if she couldn't remember being very proud.

"Okay, then shall we leave now?" Ye Kai tentatively asked.

"By the way, can we go back?" Remy said.

She is still very concerned about Sakuya and Paqi. It is fate's choice for her to travel with Ye Kai, and she can't do anything about it.

After all, she was always following her destiny.

"Of course, as long as the timeline is corrected, we can go back. Moreover, Gensokyo is static during the time we travel through." Ye Kai said.

"That's good, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Remi breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Kai's ability is too mysterious, even more mysterious than her fate!

Although she was a big monster when she was ten years old, her cultivation has never stopped these years.

As for Ye Kai, how long has he only practiced?Lei Mi watched Ye Kai turn from a rookie that Qi Lunuo couldn't beat to a big monster now, it's really good luck.

The few months in this world, Remi felt like decades of hard work had been culminated.

It wasn't because of the battle, but because the energy of the vampires in this world entered her and Remy's bodies inexplicably.

It is estimated that it won't be long before Fran can become Gensokyo's real first-echelon powerhouse.

"Let's talk about it first, then you can only show up for one hour a day, and the rest of the time will be in this small mirror." Ye Kai pointed to the Kunlun mirror.

"Fate told me that there is no harm in it, and there will be no danger, so you can rest assured!"

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