Now it's Remi comforting Ye Kai.

If it were someone else, Ye Kai would make him like this, it would be true love if he didn't kill him.

Where's Remy?Thanks to her rough nerves, she doesn't think too much.For Remi, as long as it's not dangerous and fun, she has nothing to say.


Chapter 303 Give out benefits as soon as you come up?

Gensokyo is located on the border of the Eastern countries, an area based on Tohoku and Shikoku in Japan.Various non-human creatures, such as monsters, live here.

Gensokyo at this time is not the peaceful Gensokyo of later generations. It is full of killing, betrayal, and blood everywhere.

Exorcists, mana monks, these people with special abilities are trying their best to fight against monsters, but they are outnumbered.

Fortunately, the growth of monsters is very long, killing one is less than one, and a human being can grow into a qualified demon extermination master at about twenty or thirty years old.

The current era is 705 AD, the first year of Tang (Wu Zhou) Shenlong, and the second year of Emperor Wenwu Qingyun in District 11.

As the political protector of Emperor Wenwu, Fujiwara Bubi waited as the chief minister of the new dynasty and almost became another middle minister of the Fujiwara family, Kamazu. Miyako married Emperor Wenwu and became the emperor's concubine.

This move made the status of the Fujiwara family more stable. In the end, Fujiwara, who had begun to become authoritarian, married a female official who had an important influence in the palace, Kenyo Michiyo, as his stepwife.

Fujiwara Meihong's status in the Fujiwara family is gradually declining, no one has expectations for her, and she is slowly being left out by her father Fujiwara Bubiwai.

Ye Kai has come to this era.

However, Ye Kai's current expression can be said to be embarrassing.

In front of him, a young girl just took off her clothes and stood in a daze opposite to Ye Kai, looking at the tub next to her, is she going to take a bath?

The girl as a whole has the image of Yamato Nadeko.The clothes that are taken off the ground are generally Japanese, but they are matched with dress-style elements such as ruffles and bows.Her hair is long, straight black hair below her waist, in a Ji hairstyle, and her bangs are long enough to cover her eyebrows.

The girl is about sixteen years old?The bust is three times that of Meihong, not to say how big it is, but... three times that of Meihong, which is only a B cup.

The details cannot be described, so as not to be blocked.

Her face is so beautiful that it makes people feel unreal. It feels like such a woman should not exist in this world.

As for height, it's about the same as Meihong.

If she grows up, she must be an alluring beauty.

This is an old Japanese-style house. The decoration of this house is very warm, and it can be seen that the family loves the girl.

This was the first time in Ye Kai's life that he saw a girl without clothes on, and couldn't help but blush.

Remi and Fran, they are children, they can't be counted...

"Well, I'm passing by, let's go now." Ye Kai waved his hand awkwardly, and rushed outside.


A ribbon tied Ye Kai, Ye Kai looked back, the girl had finished dressing and was staring at him coldly.

"After looking at the concubine's body, you just want to leave like this? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!" The girl said coldly.

"Please, I really didn't mean it." Ye Kai couldn't laugh or cry, this wave of benefits came too suddenly!I am not prepared at all.

It is said that time travel used to be in places where no one was around, why are you still in someone else's house now?

The system said to do as one pleases, could it be that he let himself sleep with the girl in front of him?No, I'm a man of principle...

It should be that there is a problem with the system, and the time travel is not good, can you time travel again?You can change your posture!

But the system obviously didn't want to talk to Ye Kai, as it said, Ye Kai had to figure out everything by himself.

The bodies of Remy and Fran were in her space backpack, and time seemed to stand still.

It takes a period of time for them to recharge and adapt before they can appear in this world, otherwise they will be rejected by the laws of the world.

Unlike Ye Kai who holds the Kunlun mirror, they can travel through time and space through the past and the present.

It can be said that for them now, it is a great opportunity. As long as they adapt to the ability of the Kunlun mirror, they can even awaken the supernatural power of space in the future.

As for the time, that is too complicated, not to mention them, even Tai Gongwang can't control it.

"Hmph, did you see all of it just now? A monster!" the girl said angrily.

After all, she was a princess, and it was such a shame that she was taken over by a dirty ground monster!

Don't talk about returning to the top now, even if you stay below, you can't stop.

No, he must be killed!

Don't many people want to propose to themselves?Well, let them dispose of this filthy monster!

"Hey, I'm not a monster!" Ye Kai looked at his left arm, there was no problem, the clothes covered his left arm, and he was wearing gloves.

"Why don't you look in the mirror and look at your face? Red and blue eyes, ghostly, what is it if it's not a monster?" the girl said coldly.

Ye Kai seemed to have just realized it, picked up the Kunlun mirror on his neck, and took a look at himself.

His face was much tougher than before, his eyes were red and blue, not the scarlet red of before, and his hair changed from pure black to bronze.

Because this era is too dangerous, Ye Kai didn't take out all the artifacts, but only brought the Meteorite Knife.

"I'm not a monster, I'm..." Ye Kai just wanted to talk about ghosts and gods, but after thinking about his real identity, he said casually, "I'm an apostle!"

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