Yakumo Zi and a young girl sat in a quiet courtyard, looking at Ye Kai and Mei Hong in the gap, they both laughed and said nothing.

The girl next to her has pink hair, pink pupils, and pale skin.He wears a blue hat and a sky crown on his head.The clothes are blue and white kimonos with lots of ruffles.

The girl's face feels very soft, the kind that makes people want to pinch it when they see it, and it's not inferior to Yakumo Zi in terms of beauty.

Height is a bit shorter than Yakumo Zi, about [-] meters, and the busts of both of them are very wide, no matter how you look at it, they are above D...

She is the owner of this Baiyulou, a good friend of Yakumo Zi who has known each other for a thousand years, Yuyuko Saigyouji.

She always has a high-spirited look, and few people know what she is thinking.

"Ala, they are asleep, we can start now." Yuyuko said excitedly.

Yakumozi listened thoughtfully to what Ye Kai said just now, but didn't disturb Youyuko's interest, and opened the gap casually, and then...

The untouched leftovers from Ye Kai and Meihong's meals just arrived at this table.

Even some of the wine that Meihong drank but didn't drink up were all placed here.

Beside them was a young girl who was sobbing at the corner of her mouth, witnessing this immoral scene.

Looking at Zi Yakumo's skillful posture, she knew that she often did this kind of thing.

That girl is called Hunpo Youmeng, with silver hair combed into her head, with a black ribbon, half-length long hair, a white shirt over a turquoise jacket and skirt, and a white mochi floating beside her... Bah, Companion Spirit, not tall, with a bigger loli body, looks a bit like a boy.

She is equipped with two knives, one is called Lou Guanjian, yes, although it is a knife, it is called Lou Guanjian.It's a long knife with a cherry blossom pattern on the handle and a ghostly tuft of fluffy white hair at the end.It is said that it can kill everything, even ghosts.

The other is called Bailou Sword, the treasure of the soul family.Although it is unknown, only soul masters can use it.Can cut off the confusion of the beheaded.If you use it on a ghost, it will make it a Buddha.Also, if Yan Luo abuses the Bailou Sword to make ghosts become Buddhas... no, Yan Mo will be angry.

She is the court teacher of Baiyulou, serious but immature, straightforward and simple, and often becomes the target of Yuyuko's teasing.

Seeing that the matter had already happened, she helplessly poured holy wine for the two of them, and made a gesture of please.

But when she looked up again, she found a horrifying scene.

The food that was brought over before has all disappeared now, leaving only a pile of empty plates.

Youyuko's mouth groaned, chewing up and down like a squirrel, and then made a swallowing movement, returning to normal again.

Youyouzi said with a satisfied smile: "It's delicious! It's so delicious! I really want to catch this boy back."

Yakumo Zi covered half of her face with a fan, and said with a smile: "No, Yuyuko, this person is the future of our Gensokyo. Think about it, if he connects to some interesting worlds and meets some powerful chefs... ..."

Youyouzi said with bright eyes: "That's really great! Master Youyouzi must catch some good chefs."

Youmu breathed a sigh of relief, if that were the case, wouldn't her work be a little easier?

But before she could relax for a long time, she felt a pair of green eyes staring at her companion spirit.

Youmu hurriedly hid the accompanying spirit behind her back, and said vigilantly: "Master Yuyuko, my accompanying spirit cannot be eaten."

Yuyuko pouted, and said dissatisfiedly: "Youmeng, come and cook for me, Master Youyuko is not full yet!"

Youmu bowed and went down, she was afraid that if she walked slowly, Yuyuko would hit her companion spirit again.

Bai Yulou's budget for this month is going to exceed the standard again, what should we do?

Originally, Baiyulou was very rich. After all, hundreds of years to thousands of years ago, countless exorcists came, and their assets all became Baiyulou's assets.

Although Yakumo Zi also often supports Bai Yulou, those things are completely useless to Yuyuko's stomach.

Even if Yakumo Zi controls Gensokyo's currency issuance, she cannot destroy the currency system she set by herself, causing inflation and other phenomena.

Just as Yakumo Zi was stunned, all the wine on the table was emptied by Youyuko.

Yakumo Zi had no choice but to put those wine bottles and empty plates back. She didn't want to burden Youmeng. As for Ye Kai's feelings?Who cares...

Fortunately, she snatched a sip of wine, which is really delicious. When can I find a reason for Ye to hold a banquet and provide food?

Let him integrate into this big family first, and sooner or later he will be squeezed dry.

Yakumo Zi reached into the gap again, this time feeling around Ye Kai's body, and found that she couldn't touch the source of the food, so she couldn't help being a little discouraged.

After stealing, change it to grabbing. This is Yakumo Zi's style.

As for morals?What is chastity, can it be eaten?

The last time I connected was a world belonging to pirates, which was really interesting, and I don’t know if I can go to the world where he is through the space channel.

It is very difficult, he is still too weak now, if he is tracked by himself, it is very likely that the power of tracking will crush him into powder.

Although his future is limitless, his resilience, vitality, and magic power have not reached the peak he should reach, and he doesn't even have the ability to withstand the realm.

However, that is only a matter of time.

And what about the other peeping outside Ye Kaipo's house?

It was still a young girl with short black hair, a red hexagonal hat, and red pupils.The clothes are shirts and skirts, the clothes are white, and the skirts are black.Wearing high-footed clogs exclusive to Tengu, the clogs are red.

Take Wenhuatie, camera and round fan with you.

She is a little shorter than Yakumo Zi, but a little taller than Yuyuko, or is it because of the shoes?Behind her are crow-like black wings, not much beyond her body, very cute.

Her name is Shemei Maruwen, she is the Yatengu reporter on Gensokyo Youkai Mountain, and she is also the one who is often attacked.

Her speed can be said to be the fastest in Gensokyo except for those super-standard existences, so although she is resented by people, almost no one can catch her.

As for why people are resentful?Just look at what she's doing now...

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