"Wow, I found a big news! Let the upright and honest Shemeimaru spread to the entire Gensokyo!"

She quickly wrote with a pen: Gensokyo Expansion Plan!

The enigmatic boy, the son of Fujiwara Meihong who is suspected to be from Penglai, has an affair with his mother.This boy can travel in countless worlds, and he has brought food from other worlds. It seems that Yakumo Zi, the monster sage, also knows his plan.

Is it the harem king, the scum, or the savior?Please pay attention to the follow-up "Wenwen.news"……

Chapter 33

This time, after sleeping for a day and a night, let alone building a house, the two of them basically slept in a circle.

"Hey, isn't this my house?"

Meihong sat up dazedly, and found that in a not-so-familiar environment, she looked at the ceiling, then at the quilt on her body, and at Ye Kai who was sleeping on the ground, she couldn't help being a little amused.

What a gentle child.

"Boss, are you awake?"

Ye Kai also rubbed his eyes and sat up, helplessly said: "I drank too much last night, even our resistance could not be supported."

Meihong stretched her waist, and said with a smile: "Yes, but depending on the time, we should not have slept for a long time, so let's go to work first! You have to go to the Hakurei Shrine to report, and then I will go to Ren Zhi Li to find you People build houses."

Ye Kai nodded, washed his face again, glanced at the table, and was stunned for a moment, they ate so clean, the plate looked like it had been licked by a dog, and there was not a drop of wine left.

Yuyuko: "Ah Choo..."

Ye Kai casually threw the plate into the sink, and washed it when he came back.

He took the purse and walked towards Hakurei Shrine.

Ye Kai and Meihong are already too familiar, and they don't need too much politeness.

He only visited Hakurei Shrine once when he was a child. It was on a hill and he had to go through a forest to get there.

On the way to Hakurei Shrine, you will pass by a grocery store called Korindo, where there are often things from the outside world. Ye Kai used to like an electric fan inside, but unfortunately most places in Gensokyo are not connected to electricity, only Yokai Mountain has electricity. He also gave up.

At this time, Xianglin Hall hadn't opened yet, so he didn't care about it, but went straight to Hakurei Shrine.


An unformed wolf demon appeared in front of Ye Kai.

bang, bang, bang...

Ye Kai continued to walk forward, leaving behind the wolf demon who was stunned by an electric cannon.

This road is dangerous and dangerous, and it is safe and safe.

There are monsters without avatars inside, and it is easy to reach as long as you go in a team.

After climbing countless steps, Ye Kai finally saw his destination: Hakurei Shrine.

There is a huge vertical sign on the torii, with a Tai Chi pattern on the sign, and the four characters of Hakurei Shrine below.

There are stone street lamps on both sides, and the words of Hakurei Shrine are also written on the lamp gauze.

The stone-paved road from the torii to the shrine looks clean and should be cleaned frequently.

On both sides are some cherry blossom trees, which are blooming all year round, and the innermost part is the main body of the shrine, but it is strange that there is no statue of the god enshrined?

At the entrance of the shrine, there is a huge cash box, made of sandalwood, and it can be seen that the owner expects it.

Ye Kai walked slowly inside, feeling the solemnity.

Looking at such a clean shrine, the witch living inside must be a very talkative, kind, and dignified person. Anyway, the previous generation of witches Ye Kai met when he was a child was like this. There is nothing wrong with it except that she likes to wear a strange mask. .

Where's Meihong?She has wobbled back to the place of people.

People in Kerenzhi looked at her a little strangely, and even pointed at her.

Meihong hadn't experienced this kind of treatment for sixteen years, so she couldn't help being a little curious.

"Sister Red!"

A gentle voice sounded.

Meihong turned her head to look, isn't this her good friend Shangbaize Huiyin?

She wears a bachelor's cap on her head and a blue dress. Like Meihong, she has long white hair. She is taller than Meihong, with a bust of about D. She has abused Meihong.

Although he is a monster, he likes humans very much. He usually lives in a human village and runs a private school.Although she is stubborn and unreasonable in some aspects, she is definitely not a bad person, so there is no need to panic about her too much.

Meihong walked over and said hello, "Hey, Huiyin, old... well, I'm going to find the engineering team, what happened in Renzhili? Why are you looking at me like that."

Huiyin looked at Meihong complicatedly, and handed her a newspaper.

Huiyin likes Meihong very much, and she has a sense of love.

Lily is infinitely good, but it can't give birth.

On the contrary, Meihong has a kind of liking for her as a friend, and all her complicated feelings are left to a woman named Huiye...

Meihong took the newspaper and muttered, "Did that nasty crow write anything?"

"Gensokyo Expansion Plan! "

This bloody headline...

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