Then, what Ye Kai said to her about other planes before was written by Wen Wen: Gensokyo has begun to invade other worlds, and the extra sea in the south is the best proof!But because the place where the sea connects is the sun flower field, no one dares to find out.

Meihong curled her lips, there are some news like this every day, who would care?

Then look down: the enigmatic boy, the son of Fujiwara Meihong who is suspected to be from Penglai, has an affair with his mother.This boy can travel in countless worlds, and he has brought food from other worlds. It seems that Yakumo Zi, the monster sage, also knows his plan.

Is it the harem king, the scum, or the savior?Please pay attention to the follow-up ""……

Attached below is a photo of Ye Kai and Meihong eating and drinking, the food on it really does not exist in people.

Then there is another photo, which shows Ye Kai walking towards the bed with Mei Hong, who is already drowsy, in his arms.


A tic-tac-toe appeared on Mei Hong's head, of course she knew that she and Ye Kai had nothing to do, Ye Kai was sleeping on the ground, but this photo can be taken out of context!

Return Lao Tzu's son?I've been a servant for thirteen hundred years, where can I steal my son?


Black air appeared on Meihong's head, and the air in her whole body became a little hotter.

Meihong calmly returned the newspaper to Huiyin, turned around and left.

Seeing that Meihong was too calm, Huiyin couldn't help but nervously said, "Sister... Meihong, what are you going to do? Could it be that everything written on it is..."

Meihong turned her head and gave Huiyin a bright smile. Seeing that Huiyin's pretty face was slightly flushed, she was so masculine...

Meihong said indifferently: "We watched Ye Kai grow up. Don't you know what he looks like? As for what I'm going to do? Of course I went to the Monster Mountain to set fire to it. Aren't they always curious about the outside world?" Just how powerful is the nuclear bomb?"

After finishing speaking, we must continue to walk.


Huiyin hugged Meihong from behind and shouted, "No, you will burn yourself to death together!"

Mei Hong yelled while struggling: "Let go of me, let those celestial dogs taste my strength, how dare they insult me!"

Seeing that Meihong was struggling so hard, Huiyin had no choice but to turn Meihong around, and when Meihong didn't react, she gave her a headbutt.

My sister is blushing...

Chapter 34 Robbed

And what about Ye Kai?He still doesn't know anything.

"Reimu! Reimu!"

Ye Kai opened his mouth and shouted, this is the name of this generation of Hakurei witches, and it was also Meihong who told him.

I didn't expect to rush to nothing, which is really annoying.

But since you're here at the shrine, let's pay a visit.

Ye Kai took out a dozen copper coins from the money bag and threw them into the mouth of the money box.

dong dong dong...

ding ding ding...

A melodious voice came out. This money box should have been empty for a long time, and it still made a dull sound at the beginning.


A red and white figure flashed by, but Ye Kai didn't see it clearly, and was pushed to the back, he hasn't paid homage yet!

A sexy little butt wriggled in front of him, it belonged to a miko in a red and white miko costume.

I saw the witch lying on the money box, reaching out to feel around in the money box.

"Wow! Really rich! Thank God, I haven't forgotten you, a faithful believer, although I don't know who this God is..."

Only then did the witch stand up, and then turned to face Ye Kai.

She is the shrine maiden: Hakurei Reimu.

She is very cute, with long black hair, a huge red bow on her head, her temple hair is also tied up with a headband, and she wears a sleeveless priestess costume that exposes her shoulders and armpits, and she can even see The chest is wrapped in cloth, and there are half white sleeves on the arms.

The height is less than [-] meters, [-] meters by visual inspection?It's the bust of a young girl, not big, but stronger than Meihong...

Poor Meihong, she has been hacked many times.

She saluted Ye Kai and said with an impeccable smile: "Hello, my name is Hakurei Reimu, and I am the priestess of this shrine. And the order of the entire Gensokyo. You can also chat with believers, but there is an extra charge, do you need any help?"

This looks like formulaic rhetoric, right?

The front is still normal, but what the hell is the extra charge for accompanying believers in the back?Are you chatting with me?Can you sing with your arms around her while drinking?

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said with some embarrassment: "Well, I accidentally changed from a human to a monster, and I came here to file for the record."

"Monster? How dare you come to my shrine to act wildly?" Lingmeng's hands instantly appeared the imperial coin, staring at Ye Kai... the money bag at his waist.

Yakumo Zi came to inform her yesterday, asking her to take care of Ye Kai. After all, he is related to the future of Gensokyo.

Ye Kai said it before, he himself doesn't know when he will time travel, if he fails to complete the mission, he will stay in that world forever.

This also dispelled Yakumo Zi's idea of ​​kidnapping him and then forcing him to cross over to contribute to Gensokyo, and changed it to Huairou or free-range policy...

But who is her Reimu?If you don't stuff her with money, she has nothing to say, but since you stuffed it, you still want to leave?Although it can't hurt him, it's okay to scare him.

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