"Since you have just become a monster and don't know the rules yet, as long as you hand over all the money on your body, I will let you go, and I may protect you when you are in trouble in the future, or I will get rid of you!" Lingmeng Seeing that Ye Kai didn't understand what she meant, he continued.

This is both soft and hard...

Feeling the integrity of Lingmeng falling to the ground, Ye Kai was a little confused.

This product is too strong, right?

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth. After talking so much, isn't it robbery?It is not good to rob anyone, but he must be robbed, the poorest.

He understood this time, no wonder he always felt that something was wrong in the morning, it turned out that he had brought money!

When I was sleeping before, I felt that the money was getting farther and farther away from me, and I thought it was because of the thief in the gap.

Yakumo Zi: "Ah Choo... Someone must have praised me for being young and beautiful again."

Sigh... Forget it, anyway, this witch is so cute, and she looks as malnourished as herself.

With a heartache on Ye Kai's face, he poured all his money into the money box under Lingmeng's supervision.

If it was an uglier one, or a boy, Ye Kai would definitely resist desperately, but who told him that the other party was a cute girl?

Ding, ding, ding...

Listening to this pleasant voice, Reimu's expression was very intoxicated, as if... um... anti-harmony.

When Ye Kai finished all this, Lingmeng took the coins and said with a smile: "I already know that you are a monster, now you can go to Renzhili to find Aqiu to record, if there is nothing (money), you can go gone."

That's the end of it?This report is too simple.

Ye Kai was sobbing at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't bother with this witch who had a more difficult life than himself.

When he becomes stronger in the future, he must take care of this little witch, let her live a life without worrying about food and clothing, at least let her have milk to drink every day.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something very impolite." Lingmeng looked at Ye Kai vigilantly, and then firmly protected her money box, as if it was her lifeblood.

"Well, you're thinking too much, haha! I'm leaving first, and I'll see you later."

With such a keen sense, Ye Kai quickly turned around and ran away like flying.

Seeing that Ye Kai had really gone far away, Lingmeng turned around and took out the copper coins stuffed into the cash box bit by bit, and after thinking about it, left some to encourage others to stuff money into it.

"Sigh... I don't know when I will meet such a monster who is good at stuffing money." Lingmeng looked regretful, but he didn't expect the other party to be so frightened.

She didn't know that Ye Kai was just pitying her, but he didn't show that expression, and pretending to be robbed would make her feel better.

She is simple-minded, consistent, very relaxed and laid-back, and hates troublesome things.

Since he lives alone at the Hakurei Shrine, far away from the human world, he has little contact with other people most of the time.

When he has nothing to do, he will sweep around with a broom, or sit in the corridor of the shrine drinking tea alone, which is why Ye Kai feels that the shrine is clean.

It seems that he treats humans and monsters equally, but in fact he is not interested in both, and it can even be said to be a little indifferent.

Because of this personality, powerful youkai will like her, while less capable youkai will be afraid of her.

And what about Ye Kai?Although not strong, but also like this unscrupulous red and white, at least simple enough.

He has now run into the People's House, and it's still as noisy as ever.

But why do people feel that people look at him a little strangely?Although he didn't have much contact with Renzhili after his grandfather passed away a month ago, everyone's relationship was very good before.

"Uncle Hirai, what's wrong with everyone?"

He looked at his left hand, well, the ghost hand is perfectly hidden in the sleeve and glove.

Uncle Hirai of the wine shop gave Ye Kai a thumbs up: "You... are really a tough guy!"

Ye Kai: "?"

Chapter 35 Ye Kai's History of Seeking News

The place of people, Barnyard Mansion.

This is one of the few stone-made mansions that are rare among people. It has the style of small villas of later generations. The largest room is not a residence, but a huge library.

Ye Kai is here now, sitting in front of him is a young girl who used to be his teacher, although this young girl is not as old as Ye Kai.

She wears a floral green top with yellow sleeves and a red skirt.Hair is purple, medium length, with flower ornaments.

As for looks...

Ye Kai found out, it seems that girls with special abilities in Gensokyo are either beautiful or cute, and there is no such thing as ugly.

Her name is Hida Aqiu, and she is known as Memories of Gensokyo.Because I have a good relationship with Bai Zehuiyin, I sometimes serve as a substitute teacher in Terakoya.

She has the ability to never forget, but because she has gone through countless reincarnations, her body can't afford it, so she can't live to be thirty years old each time.

As for Ye Kai, this time he came here to be recorded in the Historical Records of Quwen, and then recite it for the children to let them know that there is one more monster they need to guard against...

Name: Ye Kai.

Race: ghosts and gods.

Abilities: the ability to manipulate swordsmanship, the ability to manipulate ghosts and gods, the ability to manipulate fluctuations, the ability to manipulate blood energy.

Risk level: low.

Human friendliness: high.

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