The four heavenly kings of the ghost clan are still together at this time...

"This, no problem!" Da Nayan said with a smile on his face. Compared with the others, his work is indeed much simpler.

Those monster hunters, although they are not easy to hire, but there are not a few poor ghosts who are capable.

As long as you spend a lot of money, you can definitely get it!

"Ishigami Zhongnanyan, if you want, go to a place called Gensokyo, there is a sunflower field, as long as you can get a sunflower, the sunflower there is very special, that is, at least three meters high , can it be done?" Ye Kai smiled.

"This, yes!" Zhong Nayan glanced at the remaining people, and felt that his was the simplest one.

Sure enough, the old man's appearance is still passable!For such a simple task, let alone a single flower, so what if the entire sun flower field is moved?

There is indeed Gensokyo in this era, but there is no great barrier, and it is also a paradise for monsters. There is no big skill, and it is completely impossible to enter.

Even if you go in, you can't get out alive.

Da Nayan looked at Zhong Nayan sympathetically, is this sb really ignorant or fake?He only needs to catch one ghost, but he has to face countless monsters!

Of course, this is not an impossible task, as long as you are careful, it is still possible to succeed.

"The last one, Fujiwara can't wait, right? You have the same surname as my two friends." Ye Kai said with a smile.

At this time, he thought of Meihong and Zuowei, both of whom were also surnamed Fujiwara.

However, Ye Kai thought it was just a coincidence, so he didn't think about it at all.

Zuowei is from the Heian era, nearly a hundred years from now. As for Meihong, I haven't asked about it, so it should be about the same.

"Then, it really is destined." Fujiwara Bubi waited softly.

"Well, let's talk about fate. There is a Penglai mountain in the East China Sea. There is a tree on the mountain. The root is silver, the trunk is gold, and the tree bears white jade fruits. Just break a branch and send it here." Ye laughed.

Penglai, as long as you go, I will count you as amazing if you can come back...

As one of the blessed places in the cave, there should be many immortals living in seclusion there.

"Okay!" Fujiwara Bubi waited and nodded.

His thoughts are the same as those before. They haven't seen the real thing before, so it's over if they make a fake one?

"What he means is the concubine's body. Anyone who has achieved it can come to find the concubine's body." Hui Ye said softly behind the curtain.

These five guys, hearing Hui Ye's voice, they went back happily one by one.

Seeing that everyone had left, Ye Kai opened the curtain, walked in, sat next to Hui Ye, and drank a cup of tea in one gulp.

"It seems that some of the problems you have posed are not difficult." Hui Ye said softly.

"What question did you want to ask?" Ye Kai asked with a puzzled expression.

"Swallow's Zi Anbei, Penglai Jade Branch, Buddha's Imperial Stone Bowl, Fire Rat's Leather Clothes, Dragon Neck Jade." These five treasures suddenly appeared in Hui Ye's hands.

This was a gift from her teacher when she was in the lower realm, and each room had its own special function, mainly for her self-defense.

"Don't worry, the jade seal of Dongtu, the flowers of the Sun Flower Field, the gourd of Shuten Doji, these things, whoever smashes and who dies, they can't get them at all." Ye Kai shook his head and smiled.

"Kaguya, since these people have been sent away, I'll go and rest first." Taketori Ong said to Kaguya behind the curtain.

"Okay, father, tell mother not to work too hard, just cook for the three of us, this guy doesn't need to eat." Kaguya said softly.

"Well..." Taketori Ong turned and left.

In his opinion, Ye Kai is very magical, invulnerable, maybe he doesn't need to eat?

"By the way, if I don't eat, will I eat you?" Ye Kai asked with black lines all over his head.

"Even if you eat the body of the concubine, the body of the concubine will grow back." Hui Ye said with a smile.

"I'm not talking about eating." Ye Kai lifted Hui Ye's chin with his fingers.

Hui Ye looked at Ye Kai's eyes, and gradually became contemptuous, and said two words softly: "Virgin."

"Fuck, how do you know I'm a virgin?" Ye Kai took a step back in shock, and stopped flirting with Hui Ye.

"I heard from the teacher the way to identify a virgin, so that I won't be deceived when I come down." Hui Ye looked at Ye Kai with some amusement.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll make fun of you?" Ye Kai sneered.

"When the time comes, the lunar army will tear you apart and shut you up separately." Kaguya said contemptuously.

"You haven't heard of peony flowers dying, being a ghost is also romantic." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

Unexpectedly, Kaguya was so smart that he thought of the weakness of his immortal body so quickly.

"By the way, what Yu-Gi-Oh you're talking about, has the card been made yet?" Hui Ye didn't worry about it anymore, but instead asked Ye Kai about something she was interested in.

Ye Kai has given Hui Ye Amway these days, all kinds of chess games, but Hui Ye is not very interested.

But what Ye Kai said later about Monopoly, Yu-Gi-Oh, Hearthstone, and Three Kingdoms Killing made Kaguya very interesting.

Ye Kai didn't know yet, he accidentally opened a great door for Hui Ye.

"If we play, we can only use the simplest patterns. It must be very boring and not aesthetically pleasing. How about we go to Kyoto to find some painters and make a custom set?" Ye Kai suggested.

He is also a person who likes to play, in fact, he takes all these things with him.But seeing Hui Ye like this, he probably wants to hack his board games, so he won't be fooled.

When the time comes, find a painter and ask them to draw a set, won't it be over?It's a big deal to spend more money!

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