Kaguya often fetches Weng gold for bamboo, and seems to be a good owner of money.

He is also very curious about how people in this era can draw those games.

"Okay! I haven't gone out for a stroll yet." Hui Ye said with bright eyes.

"Aren't you afraid of being taken away?" Ye Kai asked with a puzzled expression.

"None of them have seen the real appearance of the concubine, they all came here for the Penglai medicine, and they couldn't find it." Hui Ye said with a look of disgust.

"That's right, even if a bad guy comes, he's not my opponent, let's go!" Ye Kai stood up and said.

Chapter 308 Kaguya is going out...

"What? Are you going to the capital? No, it's too dangerous, my daughter, it's the lair of those nobles." Granny Taketori persuaded.

The four sat in the same room to eat, of course Ye Kai didn't have a share.

Ye Kai looked at their simple food with resentment, while he was eating a roast leg of lamb...

To be a guest at her house, you have to bring your own dry food, it's really cheating!But Ye Kai is really not used to those ordinary foods, his taste is a bit heavy.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect Hui Ye." Ye Kai shook the Meteor Star Meteor Knife at his waist, full of confidence.

Kyoto is not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, even if it is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, he is fully capable of breaking into it.

"Mother, I can't stay out forever." Hui Ye said softly.

"Oh... okay. But, can you really protect her well?" Taketori Weng said to Ye Kai.

If Ye Kai wasn't over a hundred years old, he really thought that Ye Kai and Hui Ye were a good match.

Ye Kai is good-looking, powerful, and looks quite rich.

I have to say that illusions kill people!Hui Ye's house attributes are slowly awakening, and Ye Kai is a person who can't sit still.

Moreover, the money in Ye Kai's pocket never belonged to him, and every time he saved some money, he just spent it all, which was ruthless.

As for age, even if Ye Kai was born, he was only 25 years old.Hmm... It can be said that he will always be eight years older than Yakumo Zi.

Hui Ye's age... Forget it, let's not talk about it, anyway, Yueren are all from ancient times, at least tens of thousands of years older than Ye Kai, or even hundreds of millions of years...

"Of course, in the capital, I can easily kill seven in and seven out." Ye Kai said proudly.

"Killing is not good, don't kill." Taketori said earnestly.

"Don't worry, father, we're just going for a stroll." Hui Ye said softly.

"By the way, these two days happen to be the Cherry Blossom Festival. It is said that the cherry blossoms of the Xigyouji House on the edge of Gensokyo are blooming well. We can go and visit." Ye Kai suddenly said to Hui Ye.

The Xixing Temple family is one of Ye Kai's goals. He is curious whether there is Yuyuko in this era.

The Xixingji family is a family of mages, and the singer's spells are very strong, which is close to that of the big monster.

Theoretically, the surname comes from Master Xixing, the original form of "Singer of Gensokyo", which should be about [-] years later than the current era.

But if there is a Xixing Temple family now, then maybe Master Xixing is the latter, based on the name thought up by the Xixing Temple family who will disappear in the future.

Ye Kai is half illiterate about the history of the island country, and only knows some particularly famous folklore.

Therefore, he didn't bother at all whether there was Master Xixing first, or the family of Xixing Temple first.

It's unscientific enough for him to go back to Gensokyo's past now.

"Oh...as long as Hui Ye is happy, I have no objection with the old lady." Seeing that Ye Kai and Hui Ye had decided to go, Taketori Weng didn't continue to stop him.

"Okay, I will send Hui Ye back properly when the time comes." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Afterwards, in order to avoid trouble, Kaguya changed into ordinary clothes instead of hers.And her own clothes were placed in Ye Kai's space backpack.

Even if Kaguya does not have the strength of a big monster, her real combat power is not weaker than some ordinary big monsters. Who makes her immortal?

If Ye Kai and Hui Ye are together, they are really not afraid of any danger.

After the five guys were sent away, I am afraid that no nobles would come to harass them for a long time. After all, the five of them teamed up, even the emperor had to think about it.

Unless, when all five of them fail.

Kyoto in this era is still very backward, even if the cherry blossom festival is coming, it is not so lively.After all, the monsters outside the city are not joking, they really exist.

Ye Kai walked Hui Ye down the street with a helpless expression on his face.

When those painters heard that Ye Kai was going to do such a complicated thing, they shook their heads like rattles, and there was nothing Ye Kai could do about it.

What's more, their painters' skills are too average, and Ye Kai, who is too good, can't afford to hire him, so he has become like he can't get up or down now.

Ye Kai was thinking, should he give his rich man to Hui Ye, lest she feel that this trip was for nothing.

"Hey, isn't this the Fujiwara family?" Kaguya pointed at a large mansion.

"Well, it's really his house, he should be acting like he wants to go to sea now?" Ye Kai said with a smile.

Even if Ye Kai walked on the street with a girl, no one thought of Hui Ye as the Princess of the Moon.

After all, no matter how beautiful Kaguya is, she is definitely not the perfect appearance in their own dreams.At least Fujiwara's unparalleled daughters and wives are not inferior to Kaguya.

In their opinion, Princess of the Moon must be what they dreamed of...

After they made Kaguya a myth, it doesn't really matter what Kaguya is like.

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