Most importantly, Kaguya never goes out!What happened when Ye Kai brought the girl out?Maybe some noble wanted to please Ye Kai and sent him off.

This series of misunderstandings caused the two of them to be quiet.

"You already knew they would fake it?" Hui Ye asked curiously.

"Of course, this is human nature. What they covet is your elixir and appearance, not true love." Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"I'm very curious. If it were you, would you look for those things for me?" Hui Ye clasped his hands on his chest and said with a hopeful face, as if he really fell in love with Ye Kai.

"No, I'm just helping you to fend off the flies. After those guys give up, I have to do my own thing." Ye Kai said.

"What a ruthless man, he even looked at the concubine's body, and he didn't want to take responsibility when he lifted his pants." Hui Ye's face was sad.

"Hey, don't say it's the same as what I did to you. It was an accident, okay? By the way, how did you achieve this emotional change? I don't see any sense of disobedience at all. Pull up your pants or something, you The dignified princess of the moon, you shouldn't say these things, you should be elegant." Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"I really like you." Hui Ye's big eyes blinked, and Ye Kai's heart beat violently when he saw it.

Hui Ye's inner thoughts are: When you love me so much that I can't extricate myself, I will let those messengers catch you to the moon, torture you every night, and let you know what despair is!

Ye Kai didn't believe it, whether he was sincere, he didn't know, and the system didn't know?Anyway, I can't see any favorability from Kaguya...

Suddenly, Ye Kai saw a little girl squatting in a corner and crying, she was two or three years younger than Hui Ye's appearance.

Her face should be beautiful, but unfortunately it was covered by dust. Her short, jet-black hair did not reach the shoulders. It was a pity that it hadn't been maintained. There were many forks and it looked messy.

"Little sister, why are you squatting here and crying?" Ye Kai squatted in front of the little girl and asked curiously.

Chapter 309 Fate, Wonderful

"My father... woo woo... because I accidentally broke a plate... woo... beat me..." the little girl sobbed.

"What an unqualified father." Ye Kai frowned.

He was curious because although the little girl looked sloppy, the material of her clothes was not bad.

"It's okay...he's still my father..." the little girl said softly.

"Well, big brother will take you to play, okay?" Ye Kai stretched out his hand to the little girl.

The little girl shook her head hastily, like a rattle, it seems that she also understands the principle of being on guard against others.

Besides, if he went out without knowing why, he would still be beaten by his father when he came back.

Ye Kai sighed, the superiority and inferiority of the island country have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he can't change anything, except to kill all the people and establish a new order.

Ye Kai touched the little girl's head, then took out a handful of candies and a talisman, and said softly: "We are destined to meet each other, and these are for you. This talisman can protect your safety, as long as your When the blood is stained with the talisman, it will turn into a ball of fire to protect you."

The talisman was given to him by Meihong before, and it is a talisman made by Meihong herself, which can be used for self-defense.

The current Ye Kai is theoretically not weaker than the peak Meihong, and he is still an immortal, so he doesn't need this thing to protect himself.

The little girl's big eyes stared at Ye Kai, she didn't collect her things, and she didn't speak.

"It's really cute." Ye Kai shook his head with a smile, patted her little head, put the thing in front of her, and said softly: "My name is Yu Wentuo, whoever bullies you in the future, mention my name .In the future, this name will resound throughout Dongpu.”

Fortunately, Ye Kai didn't say his real name out of the blue, otherwise Hui Ye would have to go crazy.

He was curious now, what would happen if he really became famous?Will the future find his own records?

Huiyin's ability was subconsciously ignored by him...

Logically speaking, he is quite famous, if history is not eaten.

After finishing speaking, Ye Kai grabbed Hui Ye's hand and walked forward, ignoring it.

For Ye Kai, this was just a small episode.

The little girl stared at Ye Kai from beginning to end, and she didn't look at Hui Ye, let alone remember Hui Ye's appearance.

She wouldn't eat strangers' food before, because there are many perverts who like to poison food, to kill some strays and wild dogs.

But what she didn't understand was that Ye Kai gave her a very comfortable and familiar feeling.It's like, Ye Kai won't hurt her even if people all over the world hurt her.

By coincidence, she gently peeled off a candy and stuffed it into her mouth, then her eyes lit up.

She didn't keep any of the remaining candy, and stuffed it all into her mouth. She had never eaten such a delicious thing, even if it poisoned her to death, she would admit it.

Among them was a red candy that had no taste, let alone a skin, and she didn't even notice it.

Her mother died of dystocia when giving birth to her, and she didn't have many friends. After being neglected by her father, even the servants didn't want to talk to her anymore.

If these candies are left behind, they will be snatched away by others when they go back, so why not eat them together now.

As for the talisman, she put it next to her heart, because Ye Kai said that it would protect her.

"My name is Fujiwara Meihong, big brother, thank you..." Meihong looked at Ye Kai who was going away, and said softly. She didn't care whether Ye Kai heard or not, and ran back to her home. How far.

Now, her mood is much better than before, at least she has received a care, even though that care came from a stranger.

"So, you like such a tomboy." Hui Ye looked at Ye Kai's face and smiled lightly.

"Please, this is kindness, do you understand?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Are you kind? Let's talk about it after the ghost aura on your body is gone. I can feel that there is a powerful darkness in your left arm." Hui Ye said softly.

Hope, you won't regret it in the future.

Hui Ye watched helplessly just now, the candy Ye Kai took out contained the Penglai medicine she had mixed in.

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