Those candies were originally for her to eat, she ate some, and Ye Kai kicked the rest, not caring that there was a different one in it.

Hui Ye wanted to do an experiment, Ye Kai, an undead species, what would happen to the Penglai medicine.

Anyway, her ability is still there, and there are as many Penglai medicines as there are.

Unfortunately, Ye Kai accidentally gave it away.

But that doesn't matter, it's just a person on the ground, and at most one Penglai person can be created.

After Ye Kai sent out the medicine of Penglai, Hui Ye came up with a wonderful idea, which was specially used to defraud Ye Kai and the nobles.

That is to fool Ye Kai to hunt a phoenix. The inner alchemy of that thing looks similar to the Penglai medicine. No matter who takes it, it will burn all inside.

Kaguya hated those nobles very much, and when she left, she planned to give that thing to the person she hated the most. After a while, the phoenix would be reborn and burn the people who ate its inner alchemy.

At that time, she had already returned to the moon, and even if the noble family wanted revenge, they could only trouble Ye Kai.

Kill two birds with one stone, perfect!How can you lose this wave?

Ye Kai didn't know about Hui Ye's dark plans, if he knew, he would be very confused, she was so kind to Hui Ye, yet she still wanted to trick him.

This is a matter of knowledge, the future Kaguya will not reject the humans and monsters on the ground, it is because she is used to the life of flesh and blood on the ground, not the cold loneliness on the moon.

She definitely doesn't think so now, at least she hasn't been influenced yet.The people on the moon surface despise the creatures beyond the moon surface, and it has been deeply rooted in their bones.

But...Ye Kai can't be said to be losing money, after all, Hui Ye was the first beauty he saw.

Hmm... To Ye Kai, Elizabeth is not a beauty, and the eldest lady and the second lady can only be called children.

"Shall we go to visit Xixing Temple's house now? It's time to enjoy the cherry blossoms. It was not easy to appreciate the cherry blossoms last time." Ye Kai said with emotion.

In order to see the cherry blossoms, I fought with Reimu, is it easy for him...

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Hui Ye blushed and nodded, looking like a little wife.

She didn't even care about Ye Kai holding her hand, anyway, she had already set up a trap for Ye Kai.No matter how much Ye Kai has taken advantage of now, let him return nothing left.

"Hey, don't you want to be so cute." Ye Kai couldn't hold back, and patted Hui Ye's little head.

"I'm not those casual women. If you touch my head, there are two more things to do for me." Hui Ye said dissatisfied.

"Why two pieces?" Ye Kai found that Hui Ye's head felt really good.

"Because you still touched my concubine's hand." Hui Ye said softly with a nice curve on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 310 Ye Kai vs Demon Ji

There are two things that Ye Kai is asked to do, one of which is to kill a phoenix, and the other is that Kaguya hasn't figured it out yet.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll renege on your debt?" Ye Kai asked a little funny.

"Can you bear it?" Hui Ye turned into a pitiful look again.

Ye Kai shrugged, a little helpless.

To be honest, he really likes playing with Kaguya.Even if Kaguya's appearance is faking, he still thinks Kaguya is quite cute.

As the saying goes, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she can deceive, but so what if the other party is a liar?At least she is a beautiful woman, and she is willing to pretend to be your girlfriend!Much better than those beautiful women who are too lazy to cheat...

Well, Ye Kai seemed to be the type in his previous life who didn't have any beauties to lie to him...

The two walked for more than a day, and after leaving the city, they were running fast, and soon arrived at Xixing Temple's house.

The Xixing Temple house... how should I put it, the fluctuations inside are deserted, like Baiyulou, and there is only one guy standing meticulously at the door.

Ye Kai tried to figure it out with his heels, he was a soul monster, with that expression, that sword aura, that forgiving clothes, who else could it be?

"Who is coming?" Yaoji said in a deep voice.

The youth version of Yaoji is quite handsome, especially the companion spirit beside him, how funny it is no matter how you look at it.

"Under Yuwentuo, the cherry blossoms here are famous far and wide, so bring friends to enjoy the cherry blossoms." Ye Kai cupped his hands at Yaoji.

Yaoji looked Ye Kai up and down, looked at the Meteor Star Meteor Knife on his waist, and looked at Kaguya beside him, thoughtfully.

These two people are strong, this is the feeling that they give to the demon.

Especially Ye Kai's sharp sword energy, the whole person is like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Combined with the death of the old master, the remaining servants died and scattered...

Hmph, these two guys are here to mess things up!

"Want to enjoy the cherry blossoms? Yes, it's better than the sword in my hands."

Yaoji gently pulled out the dagger at his waist: Bailou Sword.

The home treasure of the soul family.

Although it is unknown, only soul masters can use it.It can cut off the confusion of the beheaded, and if it is used on ghosts, it will make them become Buddhas.

"Hey, don't you need to carry that one on your back?" Ye Kai asked with a playful face.

On his back is the Lou Guan Sword, there are very few things that can't be cut, but Ye Kai can be sure that his artifact above level [-], that weapon can't be cut.

"Since you want to die with all your heart, don't blame me." Yaoji's eyes narrowed, he originally wanted to use Lou Guanjian as his trump card, but he didn't expect Ye Kai to see through it.

From Ye Kai's appearance to now, he has been wary of that sword, so Yaoji thinks that Ye Kai must know this weapon!

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