As long as that guy comes, they are dead!

At this time, demons and taboos are also exhausted.

Because he followed Yuyuko's instructions before, he only retreated and cured those monsters, not killing them.

Now, there are dozens of times more monsters than before!

Yaoji, with Bailou Sword in one hand and Louguan Sword in the other, stood proudly at the gate of Xixing Temple's house.

Countless monsters are constantly attacking the demons!

Those monsters are extremely ugly, and they are all incomplete.

However, not being transformed doesn't mean you are weak!

"Soul Yaoji, as long as I eat you, I can transform into form, go to hell!" A cold voice sounded, and a werewolf-like guy grabbed Soul Soul Yaoji with his claws.


Soul Yaoji also knew that if he was soft at this time, he would definitely not be able to survive today.

Damn it, there used to be a few, at most dozens, but now there are more than a hundred?

As for why they didn't go over the wall, it was because it was too dangerous to go in at will.

In the Xixingji family, there is a bug-level monster who can't distinguish between enemies and friends, Xixing Yao.

As long as those monsters enter the field of vision of the Westbound Demon, there is absolutely no reason!


The werewolf's claws had been chopped off by Yaoji.

If it loses, other monsters will naturally follow.The two tiger monsters rushed towards Yaoji.

The remaining monsters also used their long-range attacks to attack Yaoji!

bang, bang, bang...

Yaoji has been hit by countless attacks, but he still sticks to his post, and no monster takes a step in front of him.

Dozens of monster corpses had piled up beside him.

If he hadn't used heavy hands to suppress the remaining monsters from the very beginning, so that they could work without any effort, Yaoji would probably be dead by now.

"This is it!" Yaoji's pupils narrowed slightly, and he saw boundless darkness covering the entire Xixing Temple family.

clap, clap, clap...

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a strong sense of oppression pressed towards Yaoji!

So strong!What kind of monster is this?

Intensity, no less than my eldest lady!

Those monsters stopped attacking now, but knelt on the ground one by one, trembling.

Yaoji found that he couldn't move. This kind of strength was definitely not something he could contend with.

It was even very difficult for him to speak.

He suddenly remembered a legend, the monster who controls darkness!Monster among monsters!

As long as she passes by, all human beings will disappear without a trace, not even bones will be left.

It is said that she cannibalize people without opening her mouth at all, as long as she releases the boundless darkness, she can corrupt human beings.

After being corrupted, human beings will leave behind the darkness in their hearts to serve as nourishment for that monster.

"Young night monster... Rumia!" Yaoji said in amazement.

"There is no half-spirit of darkness? I'm not interested in you. I heard that there is a guy who can suppress the Westbound Demon. He has suffered from loneliness since he was a child. The darkness on her must be very delicious. If there is only one, I think I will Eat clean one bite at a time."

bang, bang, bang...

Those attacking monsters slowly turned into crumbs.

I saw a figure appearing in the black mist, she had red eyes, blond hair, black clothes, a white shirt on her body, red leather shoes, two red beads and a tie around her neck.

Her height is about the same as Yakumo Zi, but she is more like a monster than Yakumo Zi!

She opened her mouth slightly, and the crumbs turned into powder by those monsters slowly entered her small cherry mouth.

A contented smile appeared on her face.

She not only kills, but also kills demons!As long as there is darkness in her heart, she will eat it!

Fortunately, Yaoji is half-human, half-spiritual, and there is no darkness, otherwise Yaoji would have been eaten by her.

The thick black mist is very ominous, as if everything can be corroded!

Rumia walked past Yaoji, walked in without even looking at Yaoji.


Yaoji sat on the ground, panting heavily.

The black mist just now had consumed all his monster power, and it was difficult for him to move now.

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