No, with such a strong enemy coming, you must warn the lady!

Yaoji leaned on the Louguan sword, didn't care about life or death after entering, walked in step by step.

At this time, Ye Kai had just defeated Yakumo Lan.

Although the current Yakumo Lan is powerful, she has no form and lacks more than a thousand years of cultivation. It is normal to be an opponent who is not Ye Kai.

It can be said that Ye Kai came back with a large account, rather than slowly upgrading here.

My opponents were all a thousand years ago, and they lacked a thousand years of cultivation, which is not even a star.

Many monsters are big monsters who have been promoted in this millennium.

As long as Yakumo blue transforms successfully, he will be promoted to a big monster. At that time, it will be hard to say whether he will win or lose with Ye Kai.

Of course, it does not rule out that Ye Kai was at a higher level at that time.

" did it suddenly turn black?" Ye Kai just turned off the wave, and found that he couldn't see anything.

Only by using mana in his eyes can he see things in the dark clearly.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if he can't see it.

He closed his eyes and opened the wave again!

"This power... Brother Yuwen, run away!" Youyouzi shouted anxiously.

She never thought that there would be two monsters of this level here, which was beyond what she and Ye Kai could deal with.

But she can't go, and she can't go away.

She knew that those monsters were coming for her, as long as she was killed, no one would be able to stop the Xixing Monster from fully blooming!

"Oh, run? I'm not going to run. If I do, what will you do?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"What a delicious darkness, I want to eat you." A clear voice sounded.


When Ye Kai heard the voice, someone had already arrived in front of him and punched him!



click click...

Ye Kai was blasted out, and a deep dent was drawn on the ground.

So strong!

Why is this demon power fluctuation so familiar?It looks a bit like Rumia...

No, that little idiot Rumia doesn't have that much power.If Rumia is so powerful, can he still be a fool?

This level is almost the same as Yakumo Zi!

Could it be that this is Rumia's mother?By the way, is she giving birth to Rumia now?Is Tirumia useful?

I didn't see her after that, otherwise such a strong person wouldn't be famous.

Maybe later...she died?

Chapter 316 Demonization!

"Oh? It's still a big monster, it must be more delicious." Rumia licked her lips and rushed towards Ye Kai.

brush, brush...

The x-shaped sword light rushed towards Rumia.

Shura Evil Light Slash!

There were two deep dents on the ground. Ye Kai's Shura Evil Light Slash was no longer the skill of the past. It was so scary!


Rumia didn't care, but punched out, smashing the sword glow!

Those small hands, like ancient dragons, broke through the sky with power!Coupled with the black demon power attached to Lumia's hand, it's like nothing can stop her!

It was the first time Ye Chuan saw someone who could crack his skills like this, but he didn't stop.

The Ghost Seal Bead, Explosive Flame Wave Sword, and Ice Blade Wave Sword all seemed to be released towards Lumia without money.

bang, bang, bang...

Rumia is like a true berserker, she can break through any changes you make.

No matter it is the big fireball, the ice blade, or the ghost seal beads, none of them stopped her in her footsteps!

One step at a time, that is called a heavy!

"Run away, you will die here!" Yuyuko shouted to Ye Kai while fighting with Yakumo Zi.

"I'm fine, I can hold on! Sister, don't force me, okay, if I explode, I'm afraid!" Ye Kai roared.

What he said was obviously the truth. Judging by his posture, if he didn't use the ultimate move, no one would be able to get better!

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