As for his trick, he can't hold it back!Yakumo Zi and the others would be fine if they knew themselves, and they could help them solve their mental problems.

But now, no one knows him except Yuyuko.

At that time, he won't be burned to death, right?

No, Yakumolan has already recovered, if you don't use all your strength, I'm afraid Yuyuko will die here before sealing the Westward Demon.

I agreed to protect her, so is that how I want to protect her?

"Oh? So what if I force you, hurry up, use all your strength, and be eaten by me honestly!" Rumia said coldly, showing her sharp teeth.

"Heh, heh... Since you want to die, don't blame me." Ye Kai's eyes suddenly turned red.

His left arm was several times thicker!

His skin slowly glowed red, and his muscle texture changed from well-proportioned to terrifying!

His hair, from a slightly bronzed color, had turned pale.

"Roar!" Ye Kai raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, with his hands thrown back, an ominous force rose from his body!

The blood is awakened!Vigorous!Violent blood!Blood Rage!Burning blood!


runaway!bloodthirsty!Madness surging!Memories of Blood!


Ye Kai's sword, which seemed to weigh a thousand jun, was slammed to the ground by him.

It is unknown whether the stones on the ground were burned by the Meteorite Knife, or were stained by Ye Kai's bright red blood!

The force he had been suppressing before had spread to his limbs and bones, and he couldn't control it at all!Ye Kai didn't know how strong he was now, because his mind was lost.

There are no berserkers yet, soaring directly from the first level to awakening, this is not a game, there is no activity to directly advance to level [-].

Ye Kai stared at Lumia with those scarlet eyes.

[The Awakening of Berserkers is On]

[Note: The host is starting to turn into a ghost, please be careful! 】

[Dangerous, dangerous! 】

[Ghost-deified host, all hidden powers are activated, and the level is temporarily raised to seventy! 】

Lumia's gaze suddenly became serious, Ye Kai is very strong now!Strong enough to threaten her!

But when have I ever been afraid?The stronger the enemy, the more interesting it is!

Obviously, there will not be only a few people here today.

Now the fluctuation of demon power here is beyond the scope of human thinking.

On the road, the corpses of countless mana monks and demon hunters paved a way.

A figure holding an umbrella is walking towards this side comfortably.

"I met a few unsightly people before, which aroused my interest. The demon power fluctuations here are so strong, can we have a good time today?" A bloodthirsty smile suddenly hung on the corner of her mouth.

She didn't know that it was Ye Kai's pot. That old man sent people to pick the sunflowers, and they had all turned into fertilizer.

The next operation will probably be a larger team.

Not only will she not be afraid, but she will also be excited!The blood of so many strong people can make the sunflower grow stronger, right?

Right and wrong hall.

Siji Yingji had just settled the reincarnation of a group of people, and suddenly frowned.

Her eyes drifted to the direction of the Xixing Temple family, and she said softly: "It seems that there are monsters who want to break the current balance between humans and monsters. No, if a large number of human beings die, it will have a bad effect.

Huh?Such a pure soul, after she dies, it seems that she can help me manage the underworld?Well, that's the decision. Judging by her lifespan, there shouldn't be much time left. "

Four Seasons stood up and flew towards this side. She planned to create an underworld to manage those undead who could not become Buddhas, so as not to cause chaos in the world.

Now that Gensokyo has not been closed, theoretically these undead can become Buddhas.

The problem is that too many people died here, and many people from other jurisdictions came here to die. They were all mana monks and exorcists, and they all had the qualifications to become Buddhas.

Then, you have to line up, and building an underworld has become the top priority.

Gensokyo, the lake of mist...

A young girl is sitting by the lake, thinking about something.

Her hair and eyes are blue, and there is a big bow tied behind her head. Her clothes are based on white and blue. There are three pairs of ice spirit wings on her back. The wings are colder than ice and as bright as ice. .

She is about the same height as Rumia, but her appearance is softer, not as fierce as Rumia.

The busts of the two are also similar, both of which are not too big or too small.

"Qirunuo-chan!" The big goblin suddenly flew near her, and said anxiously: "Qirunuo-chan, it's bad, the goblin at the border said that Rumia was going to eat the princess of the undead. If it is in full bloom, the weak goblin will die!"

"What? Didn't Rumia make an appointment with me, so she won't come near Gensokyo?" Cirno stood up.

She is the leader of the fairies in this lake of mist and even the entire Gensokyo, the king of fairies Cirno.

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