
Yakumo Zi spat out another mouthful of blood, her eyes were a little distracted.

After more than ten seconds, the move was finally over, Yakumo Zi was blasted out.

Yuyuko withdrew from the battle state and quickly caught Yakumo Zi.

Although Zi Yakumo was seriously injured and fainted, she was still able to detect the situation outside.She wanted to see what Yuyuko wanted to do, because Yuyuko had no ill intentions towards her.

In this case, it is possible to forcefully evacuate through the gap, but it will cost a lot.

Where is Yuyuko?She didn't want anyone to get hurt, she just wanted to get rid of these monsters as before.

Unexpectedly, the subsequent battle situation was out of his control, Yakumo Zi was seriously injured by the three of them.

Cuixiang and Xingxiong Yuyi did not come back to rescue Yakumo Zi, in their impression, Yakumo Zi could escape even if she couldn't beat her, so they didn't need to worry about it at all.

Who would have thought that [-]% of the darkness on Ye Kai's body, and the angry blow of the four seasons, completely injured Yakumo Zi?

The two thought that although Ye Kai's attack was strong, it would not be fatal, which meant it was moderate.


They wanted to leave, but Ye Kai didn't want them to leave.

I saw Ye Kai's sword stuck on the ground, and a powerful sword light spread towards the two people's positions.

The speed of spreading is like the ripples of water.

As long as it passes by, it will be cut in half.

The two ghost races had obviously run far away, and the sword light was not fast, but this thing seemed to cut off the space and caught up with them!

bang, bang...


Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

The two of them took Ye Kai's attack hard, and bloodthirsty smiles appeared on the corners of their mouths at the same time.

This account will be settled later!

When that troublesome guy is gone, we must have a good fight!

"Where do you two want to go?"

Just when the two were about to leave, a creepy voice suddenly appeared behind them.

Click click.

The two turned their heads slowly, looked at Siji's cold face, and thought to themselves: It's over, this time the ears will suffer.

ps: Two-thirds of the next chapter is memory killing, if you don’t like it, you can jump, you must write it like this, don’t say that I cheated the starting point...

Chapter 320 I Seem In Love With You

Four Seasons felt that Yakumo Zi already knew what she meant and had been punished as she deserved, so she could not pursue it for now.

After all, Yakumo Zi is standing on the standpoint of a monster, so doing these things is justifiable.

The me just now was too irritable, and I shouldn't have hit it so hard.

If there is a real fight, she and Yakumo Zi may not be the winner, and if they don't continue to pursue this time, it can be considered as a way to save her face.

Wait until the next time you meet her, and then give her a good lecture.

On the contrary, these two ghosts went out to make trouble now that it is not the time for ghosts to travel at night?

The strength of the two ghost clans is also the powerhouse of the first echelon, but when facing the four seasons, no matter how strong you are, you can't help but shiver.

There is no way, the preaching of the four seasons is really terrifying!

Leaving aside what Siji said about Cuixiang and Yongyi, I turned my attention back to Xixingji's house.

Seeing that the enemies had all retreated, leaving only Yakumo Zi who was seriously injured, Yaoji couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and his whole body went limp.

But what he didn't expect was that the matter was not over yet.

Ye Kai, who ran away violently, fixed his cold eyes on Yaoji, and walked towards him step by step.

Yaoji was taken aback, Ye Kai wanted to kill himself?

He barely stood up, holding the Lou Guan sword in his hand.

Even if you die, you can't sit still.

"Brother Yuwen!"

Youyuko hugged Yakumo Zi, quickly stood in front of Yaoji, and shouted: "What are you doing? The battle is over, stop!"

"Ho...ho..." Ye Kai sprayed red mist from his mouth, without any intention of stopping.

It was as if he was having an ideological struggle in his heart, and the Meteor Star Meteor Knife was slowly lifted up by him.

He actually wanted to kill Youyouzi!

"Kill her, kill her and you will gain the most powerful power!"

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